Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 158: You are so lonely and arrogant, and you have a high taste

Although Liu Yong recovered, Shui Yan was still in a very low mood.

Although there is only one word difference between the fifth-level Creation God and the sixth-level Creation God, in fact, there is a huge difference in strength and status.

How many fifth-level Creation Gods are there? Daxia Kingdom has a lot of them. Although they are scattered in the 800 star fields directly under Daxia Kingdom and are not everywhere, they are also very numerous.

Sixth-level Creation Gods are different. There are no more than 10,000 in Daxia Kingdom. Most of them are deans of the five major colleges or masters of star fields.

Zuxing Star Chief is also a sixth-level Creation God, and the high-ranking officials in the Creation Continent are also of this strength.

But the total number of so many sixth-level Creation Gods in Daxia Kingdom does not exceed 10,000, scattered in the 800 star fields belonging to Daxia Kingdom, and there are only a few people in each star field.

They can be called frontier officials. Except for the affairs of the college, each star field master has almost all the final say, just like a local overlord.

Although the three thousand star regions have their own divisions, in fact, so many star regions are also connected to each other, and people from other countries live in them, just like there are Daxia people living in the star regions of other countries.

However, in the Creation Continent, there is a clear distinction, and no one can step into the other country, otherwise it will be regarded as a war.

In addition to the Creation Continent, the ancestral stars of various countries are also like this.

In addition to these two places, there are many hybrids in those star regions.

Otherwise, the number of people on the National Tongtian List would not be over 30 million, but it is because many Daxia people live in other star regions, but the five major colleges are not in those places, but there are still other universities, so the educational resources are also backward.

"Shui Yan?" Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows and found that Shui Yan still looked dead, so he called him.

"Huh?" Shui Yan looked up at Ye Xuan in confusion, a little confused.

"Didn't you listen to what I said?" Ye Xuan asked softly.

Shui Yan nodded first, then shook his head and said, "I understand what you said, but I am not satisfied. I have been a genius with high hopes since I was a child. It was not until I experienced the Star Domain Competition that I realized that I was just so-so in this world."

Everyone understands the truth, and no one is a fool, but if you really encounter it, it will be another matter.

As the saying goes, it is easy to talk when you are standing. You can have a good attitude just because you have not encountered it. Otherwise, maybe your attitude is not as good as mine.

Of course, Shui Yan did not say this, because he knew that Ye Xuan was comforting him. If he really said it, it would really hurt his feelings.

Some words and some things can be thought of, but it is completely different if you really say or do them.

As the saying goes, talk about things instead of hearts, and there is no saint in the world when it comes to hearts.

"I understand. Then think about it more. I hope to see the arrogant Shui Yan again!" Ye Xuan smiled, very happily. Shui Yan's words meant that he was not really trapped in the quagmire of inferiority and despair, but just couldn't get out of it because of the huge gap at the moment.

This state will be fine after some time.

"Of course!" Shui Yan also smiled, also very happily.

The most important thing for a person is to accept his mediocrity, but you can't really be content with mediocrity.

The former is to recognize yourself, and the latter is to make efforts to move forward and strive to get rid of mediocrity after recognizing yourself.

Although they are called the God of Creation, they are still human beings after all. The so-called God of Creation is just a group of humans with special powers, just like immortals who have cultivated to become immortals.

It can only be said that they are not ordinary humans. After all, they have endless lifespans and terrifying powers that can destroy the world.

The three of them sat together and had a good chat for a while. In the end, Ye Xuan left 100,000 God Sources for each of them. Although the two of them resolutely refused and insisted on their own struggle, it was just a drop in the ocean for Ye Xuan.

In the middle, the three of them almost broke out into a big fight, and the villa was instantly crushed by the momentum of Shui Yan and Liu Yong.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan's cultivation was far superior to the two of them. With just a glance and a great way, the two of them knelt directly. Well, not in the real sense of kneeling, but directly defeated.

This also made them feel what the strength of the tenth place in the Tongtian Ranking is.

Just a little bit of the great way manifested, Shui Yan and Liu Yong were directly suppressed.

Afterwards, Ye Xuan used the time magic to restore the villa, left the God Source again, and disappeared.

For him, these 200,000 God Sources were nothing, but for Liu Yong and Shui Yan, it was a completely astronomical figure, which was equivalent to the resources of the first in a star field for one week.

Although the Kingdom of God requires a lot of knowledge and ideas to construct and guide, the most important thing is actually the God Source!

The God Source is the root of everything and the most important material for strengthening the Kingdom of God.

As the saying goes, a good cook cannot cook without rice, and the God Source is the rice of the God of Creation! It is an indispensable existence!

The reason why Ye Xuan helped the two of them was also very simple. It was completely out of consideration. Since Liu Yong had made a good relationship with him at the beginning, he didn't mind helping the other party in times of crisis. Maybe there would be an unexpected gain in the future.

Of course, even if there is no, it doesn't matter, because he didn't intend to let them repay him.

If these two people can really reach their upper limit, as a friend, he will undoubtedly be very happy.

However, this method of directly giving the divine source is not too good. He naturally knows that gratitude is rewarded and hatred is vengeful, so this is also the last time he plans to give them the divine source.


Jiangnan University.

"Good guy, it's worthy of the Ye Xuan I know, I'm convinced!"

Yao Hai lay down, hugged a beautiful woman, and exclaimed sincerely.

With his current ranking and strength, it is too easy to find a girlfriend. Just wave your hand. Coincidentally, he is a person who has not gotten rid of low-level interests.

Oh, no, this is high-level interest.

Obviously, he also saw that forum, otherwise he would not have said so suddenly.

"Ye Xuan? Do you know him?" The female creator god next to him said in surprise.

She is a second-level God of Creation, a sophomore at Jiangnan University. After wasting a year, she still hasn't been able to advance from the second level to the third level.

So, she came to Yao Hai. After all, the stronger the person, the more resources he has, and maybe he can share some of them with her.

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