Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 159 How powerful is he? The Five Deans of Huaxia

"Nonsense, I'm from Lintian No. 1 Middle School, Ye Xuan is also from Lintian No. 1 Middle School, I don't just know him, we're also close friends in the same class!" Yao Hai rolled his eyes and let go of his arm.

He was wearing a white bathrobe, his chest was exposed, his expression was exaggerated, he spread his hands, pretended to be surprised, and said: "Do you know what the four words 'close friends' mean? He and I are real buddies! I tell you, I've known him since elementary school!"

"Wow, you're so great, I didn't know it before!" The woman exclaimed in amazement.

Yao Hai smiled obscenely and said: "Hehe, don't you know? Then come again! I want to see if you know it or not!"

After that, he untied the white bathrobe directly and threw it into the sky.

The woman showed a hint of charm on her face, and she leaned back, saying seductively: "Oh~ Really~ Then I want to see how capable my junior is!"

The big word was pronounced very clearly and with emphasis, which instantly made Yao Hai excited.


Huaxia Star Region, Huaxia Emperor Star, Da Zhou Academy.

"Who is this Ye Xuan?" Ji Xian frowned, looking at Ye Xuan who suddenly broke into the top ten on the Tongtian Ranking, feeling extremely confused.

How come such a person suddenly appeared?

Before, Ye Xuan didn't even make it into the top ten thousand!

But now? He jumped from who knows how many places to tenth place!

Well, he didn't even look at the ones below the top ten thousand on the national total ranking. There was not much point in scanning it. He couldn't even get into the top ten thousand, so it was useless. Normally, he only looked at the top one hundred.

"No. 1 in Zuxing, No. 10 in the country! Isn't it written on the Tongtian Ranking?" Hu Hai rolled his eyes and said. In his opinion, it is stupid to ask who this person is.

He is the dean of Daqin College in Huaxia Star Domain. Now the deans of the five major colleges have gathered together just for this sudden appearance of Ye Xuan.

As soon as Hu Hai said this, the four people present were silent. They looked at each other and ignored Hu Hai. They were too lazy to argue with him to save themselves from being angry.

"Ahem, why did such a person suddenly appear in Zuxing? And even a few of us don't have the authority to see his information. Could it be that the offspring of a big man above was left on Zuxing?" Liu Bi hurriedly said to smooth things over.

He is the dean of Dahan College. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit silent, he came out to liven up the atmosphere.

And what he said is not unreasonable. After all, there is really a big man named Ye above.

"You mean his old man?" Zhu Quan wrinkled his nose and said in disbelief, then instantly said with relief: "Impossible, definitely impossible, he is not such a person, and even if he is the other party's person, so what?"

"None of us have the authority to see it, how could it be possible that it is not the offspring of that person?" Liu Bi retorted.

"It may be that the five old guys from Zuxing did it together! This is not impossible!" Zhu Quan replied instantly.

He was right. If the deans of the five major colleges were combined, they would really have the power to prevent the five of them from seeing the file.

"Ahem, let's not argue about this for now. Let's change the topic to one that concerns our interests. If it is really the offspring of that person, the final reward we prepared must be in accordance with the original plan or even higher. Otherwise, it will be difficult for that person to vent his anger in the future. Although he may not really take action against the five of us, he can forget about becoming the principal of our college." Ji Xian coughed, attracting everyone's attention, and then slowly said.

Yes, if it is really that person, although he will not really do anything to them, when the deans of the five colleges of this academy retire for various reasons, if none of them give birth to a seventh-level Creation God, a sixth-level Creation God who has the hope of breaking through to the seventh level will temporarily take over.

And these people undoubtedly have the hope of breaking through to the seventh level, otherwise they cannot serve as the deans of the five colleges of the Huaxia Star Region.

"But if Ye Xuan is not the offspring of that person, if we follow the original plan or the reward is higher, it will undoubtedly be a big bleeding. The things that we have worked hard to prepare are given to the guys of the ancestral star. No matter how you think about it, it is not reconciled."

"So, we should discuss how to choose the final reward!" Ji Xian once again raised a difficult question. This is the real intention of calling the rest of the people here.

As for whether Ye Xuan can win the championship, no one doubts it. If he can't even win the championship of a star field competition when he ranks tenth in the national overall list, it can only be said that the Huaxia Star Region is too awesome. It is so awesome that the tenth in the country is not the first in the freshman year of the star field.

Oh, there must be a player with a higher ranking, right? Where is he?

Hey, let alone freshmen, none of the students in the entire university are ranked in the top ten!

Well, there was one before, who happened to be ranked tenth, and then was squeezed out by Ye Xuan.

However, although the top players in Huaxia Star Region are not ranked particularly high, and are only tenth before Ye Xuan, there are eight players in Huaxia Star Region from eleventh to one hundredth!

There are one hundred and eight players in Huaxia Star Region from one hundred and one to one thousand!

This is Huaxia Star Region. Although the top players are not at the top, the top group of students are the best in all star regions, and can be said to be the leader of the star region.

Not only did everyone tacitly not mention whether or not he won the championship, but no one even mentioned whether Ye Xuan was the descendant of that existence, because as long as this situation cannot be completely ruled out, at least the originally set reward must be taken out.

"Ah? I think the current situation is very clear. Ye Xuan will definitely win the championship. In other words, we only need to investigate this person's background to know what to choose." Hu Hai was very confused. He didn't understand why these four people would unanimously entangled in the issue of prizes here. Wouldn't it be clear if they just investigated?

With their magical powers of the sixth-level creation gods, is it difficult to do it?

The other four people looked at each other again. They also didn't understand why such a fool could cultivate to the sixth-level creation god?

"I found out that he is not the descendant of that existence. He was too mediocre in his life until he created the world. He also had parents. Although they died early, they still existed, which did not match that person." Hu Hai saw that no one spoke, thinking that they all thought what they said was right, so he continued.

For a sixth-level creator god, this is nothing more than a matter of thought. He can investigate Ye Xuan's life clearly in an instant.

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