Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 161: The National Treasure, the Heavenly Marriage is Coming

Just like this Star Domain Competition, only one of the national treasures or star domain treasures can be selected as the reward for the champion, and only the super star cluster treasure can be selected for the second and third place, and the rewards will decrease in sequence until the top 100 are over.

These so-called national treasures and star domain treasures are just code levels, used to describe the preciousness and practicality of these treasures.

The champion does not need to check the star domain treasure, and the treasures obtained by the following rankings do not need to be checked.

However, the national treasure needs to be reviewed by the deans of the five major colleges, and only after unanimous approval will the five of them personally issue it to the champion.

"You mean to use the national treasure?!" Liu Bi frowned.

Although he advocated not to give Ye Xuan too much reward, it does not mean that he should give the other party the national treasure!

There are different levels among the star domain treasures. Some good ones, such as the Emperor Haotian God Card, are naturally treasures that everyone wants to obtain, but there are also bad ones that are not star domain treasures.

What they were talking about before was the worst and useless Star Domain Treasures. Those Star Domain Treasures often have to be used in the appropriate Divine Kingdom to have top-level effects, which are better than the Heavenly Emperor Haotian Divine Card.

In other words, the dedicated ones are indeed considered top-level Star Domain Treasures, but if the Divine Kingdom cannot match them, then it’s all over. It’s really a treasure that can’t even compare to the Super Star Cluster Treasure.

They were deciding whether to give this kind of treasure to Ye Xuan as a reward.

“Yes, that’s right, I mean to use the national treasure!” Ji Xian nodded and said with certainty.

After all, although the Star Domain Treasures are of a huge level, there are not many that can suppress the Heavenly Emperor Haotian Divine Card, and they are just a little better, not to mention any higher and better treasures.

Only the national treasure can be worthy of this description.

“Hiss! Ji Xian, are you serious?” When these words came out, Li Yuanji was a little unbelievable.

He didn’t say much, but Ji Xian’s words shocked him.

This damn national treasure applied for power to give to a native? Is this a record-breaking situation?

This is really the first time, where can there be such a good person!

"Seriously, as the saying goes, do your best to be a good person, and send the Buddha to the west. Besides, we are going to give Ye Xuan good things anyway, so what's the problem with giving him better things? Anyway, we are not paying for it ourselves, but the country is paying for it, so why are you worried?"

"What if he is really the heir of that person, and we treat Ye Xuan like this, can he not think about our kindness?" Ji Xian smiled and nodded, explaining that the reason why he was unwilling to give Ye Xuan good things before was that he didn't want to give outsiders a bargain.

Now it's going to be cheap anyway, as the saying goes, the son sells the father's land without feeling bad, not to mention that it's not the father's land, it's a land that has nothing to do with oneself, and why not make a profit for oneself!

"It's really like that! Haha, I agree!" Li Yuanji came to think about it. Anyway, he has given the other party good things, so why is he afraid of giving him better things?




The remaining three deans, Liu Bi, Zhu Quan, and Hu Hai, also agreed.

"Well, let's discuss it next. Which of these national treasures should be given to him..." Ji Xian said with a smile after seeing everyone agree.


Honghuang World.

A figure in a dark yellow imperial robe appeared again in the sky above the endless Honghuang.

"Honghuang cannot be without an emperor for a day, nor can it be without an heir for a day. All races and spirits should have three marriages of heaven, earth, and man. I am the emperor of heaven. I should start the heavenly marriage, establish the family relationship, and save all people. After ten thousand years, please invite all races and spirits to enter the heavenly court to watch the heavenly wedding!"

The voice of Emperor Jun spread throughout the Honghuang. This is the real Hunyuan realm, transcending the infinite time and space, looking down on all living beings in the world.

If it weren't for Emperor Jun's broad mind, all races in the Honghuang would have long ceased to exist, leaving only the demon race.

What witch race and dragon race, in front of the Hunyuan Daoguo realm, are all false.

In the Heavenly Palace.

Xihe looked at Dijun with a shy face. This was her elder brother in the past, and he would become her husband in the future, and this would also be a heavenly marriage in the prehistoric world.

Although they were not the first Taoist couple, they were the most noble Taoist couple.

The so-called elder brother actually had no blood relationship. The elder brother, the second brother, and the younger sister were just born in the prehistoric world, from the same clan, and accompanied each other, so they became sworn brothers.

The reason why the two of them progressed so quickly, from the previous idea of ​​brother and sister to the current idea, was because Dijun saw the future of himself and Xihe in the infinite time and space.

And if you want to strengthen the Jinwu clan, you must also combine. In this life, there will be ten Jinwus coming out.

Of course, he also saw that Houyi, the great witch in the Wu clan, shot his ten sons to death, but he had sufficient confidence in this point, and the other party could not do this.

The Hunyuan, the great freedom, the great freedom, cannot be calculated at all. Even if the ancestor witch of the Wu clan gave birth to the Hunyuan Daoguo realm, it is impossible to block him.

Therefore, as long as he is there, it is impossible to happen.

The future in the infinite time and space is just a reflection, which does not mean that this thing will definitely happen in the future. Just like when Emperor Jun looked at the future of this time and space, the Jinwu did not fall, and there are also many Jinwu clans in many time and space that are still alive and well.

The sun is still across the sky, peerless and independent.

"Xihe, after ten thousand years, you will be the empress." Emperor Dijun looked at Xihe with a smile on his face, his eyes seeing through infinite time and space, as if he had seen the growth of the Jinwu clan.

Empress is also the queen of heaven, but different from the queen of heaven.

In a word, if Xihe's cultivation reaches the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo, the same as the emperor, then she can be called the queen of heaven. If not, she is just a vassal of the emperor and is called the empress.

Of course, both can be called, there is no difference in this point, it all depends on personal preference.

"Yeah!" Xihe nodded vigorously, obviously very happy, to be able to marry such an existence as the emperor, and also a brother who has taken care of her for many years, she has never thought of refusing.

"Well...so, how should I call Xihe in the future?" Taiyi, who has always been cold, ruthless and decisive, is also a little embarrassed at this time, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

At this time, Taiyi, looking at Dijun and Xihe, suddenly had a thought that he was redundant.

This was the first time he felt this way since he came here from the beginningless ages.

Hearing this, Di Jun smiled gently and said, "You can call me whatever you want, Xihe, little sister, or sister-in-law, it's up to you."

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