Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 162 All spirits praise the Emperor of Heaven, the Ancestral Dragon intends to go to Heaven

Taiyi was not too harsh on Dijun, and he could call her whatever he wanted.

Although Xihe was his empress, Taiyi was his right-hand man, and she had never betrayed him once in the endless time and space.

Even Xihe had betrayed him in many times in the endless time and space.

Therefore, compared with Xihe, Dijun actually valued Taiyi more.

"Then I'll call Xihe. I've called her my little sister for so many years, but I can't call her sister-in-law suddenly. Calling her my little sister is not appropriate either." Taiyi had a strange look on his face, especially when he said sister-in-law, he felt it was very awkward.

This was a psychological problem. The sister for many years suddenly became the sister-in-law. Even Taiyi, a ruthless supreme, found it difficult to accept it for a while.

Although Dijun and Xihe had some inexplicable feelings for a long time, who was Taiyi? How could he detect these things?

"If you want to call me little sister, then go ahead. Xihe will always be little sister." Xihe was also very generous. She knew her second brother's temperament. Although he was overbearing and strong, he was very confused about such tender things. It was normal for him to be like this for a while.

Taiyi nodded and looked at Dijun with great joy.

Dijun smiled and nodded, saying: "Taiyi, who was feared by all the races and spirits in the prehistoric world, did not expect that he would even care about these trivial matters. If they knew, I don't know how many teeth they would laugh."

"Hmph! Who dares?!" Taiyi snorted coldly, his face as hard as iron.

Dijun laughed when he saw this. Sure enough, Taiyi was still the same Taiyi.

In the void.

"Marriage in heaven? Not bad!" Ye Xuan looked at the scene below and nodded.

If a powerful race like the Three-legged Golden Crow gave birth to a new tribe member, it is unknown how powerful it would be.

Especially if Xihe also entered the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo, how powerful would Houyi, the offspring born from the two Hunyuans, be!


Pangu Temple.

The twelve witch ancestors had already entered the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo.

"Brother, the Emperor of Heaven is getting married, and we, the witch clan, should also congratulate him!" Zhu Rong, who always had a hot temper, laughed and said.

Originally, he looked down on everyone except the witch clan.

Even after Di Jun became the Emperor of Heaven, it was still the same. However, after Di Jun entered the legendary realm, he could have killed them in one fell swoop, but he did not do it. Instead, he did not have any conflict with them as before.

Although they had the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Formation, which could summon Pangu's true body to fight against Di Jun, after all, there were still many witch ancestors who had not broken through to the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo at that time, and it was impossible for them to really resist Di Jun.

In this way, the Wu Clan, which has always been generous, was convinced by the Emperor Di Jun, and the relationship between the Wu and Lich clans also rose rapidly.

Zhu Rong was also an expert in controlling fire, and he also went to Tai Yi to discuss a few things. Although he was completely defeated, he did not hate Tai Yi, but admired Tai Yi very much.

"The Emperor of Heaven's wedding should be offered a blessing!" Di Jiang also said with a big laugh.

All the races and spirits were impressed by Di Jun's demeanor. It seemed that under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court, the prehistoric world was in good order and friendship.

Whether it was the Wu Clan that controlled the earth, or the Dragon Clan that dominated the four seas, they all gave face to the Heavenly Court and did not make trouble. The prehistoric world was in a prosperous development.

All the creatures and spirits praised the Emperor of Heaven.


Four seas, Dragon Palace.

"The Emperor of Heaven's wedding should be congratulated! I will go to the Heavenly Court in person this time!" Zulong floated his huge body slightly, and the light in his eyes burst out and flashed by.

This is his shrunken appearance, but still so majestic and magnificent.

He did not use the innate Dao body, for any living being, it is not as comfortable as his own body.

Although the Dragon Emperor Palace was built very large, enough to accommodate the tens of thousands of feet of the Zulong's true body, it still chose to shrink, and then the entire dragon throne was also shrunk, and various buildings also shrank as they wished.

"It should be so!" Zhulong opened his eyes, and the entire East China Sea was instantly shrouded in infinite light, even at the bottom of the abyss of billions of feet.

This is the god of Zhongshan in the South China Sea. When he opens his eyes, it is daytime, and when he closes his eyes, it is night.

With his Hunyuan true self, he can directly affect the entire East China Sea. This influence is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.


In the Zixiao Palace.

"Hehe, Emperor of Heaven, you still want to achieve the heavenly marriage and further enhance your own luck and the luck of the demon race. It's really a good plan!" Hongjun sneered and thought silently in his heart.

He dared not say the name of Emperor Jun. For those who have attained the Dao Fruit of the Primordial Dao, what they say is what they know. When ordinary people think of Emperor Jun, Emperor Jun will naturally not think much, but if it is a person with great magical powers like Hongjun, Emperor Jun will naturally be more cautious.

As long as he dares to say it, even if it is what he thinks in his heart, it will be known to Emperor Jun immediately.

But if he changes the way and does not say his name directly, it will not be a problem. Of course, if he refers to it in any way, as long as he has the intention of hurting the other party, he will be alerted by the other party in an instant.

This is why it is said that the Primordial Ones are free and carefree, truly immortal and indestructible, and are not subject to calculations.

This is because as long as there are creatures who want to murder Hunyuan, they will be known by this Hunyuan, and Hunyuan itself is extremely difficult to kill, so Hunyuan is almost an eternal existence.

"Hahaha, Hongjun, the current Emperor of Heaven is in his prime, how can you shake him!"

A trace of evil thoughts emerged from Hongjun's heart, and then burst out, instantly controlling half of Hongjun's body. This trace of evil thoughts appeared in the form of Luohou.

Hongjun was able to suppress Luohou by force before, but since the two of them joined forces to fight against Emperor Dijun, they could no longer suppress Luohou.

In other words, Luohou either escapes or occupies Hongjun's body and competes with him for the same body.

No matter which possibility it is, this period of time will not come too late.

"So what? You will eventually leave my body, and I will eventually truly step into the Primordial Chaos." Hongjun said calmly, with half of his face filled with fairy spirit.

At this point, he had already seen through it. He could not suppress Luohou, so he could only let Luohou leave. He could not drag such a body to step into the Primordial Chaos.

Luohou was right. With Luohou in Hongjun's body, Hongjun would never be able to step into the Primordial Chaos in this life.

As for Luohou, he was even more arrogant and could not really stay in Hongjun's body and coexist with him.

Regarding the update, I will be on a business trip from 16th to 18th, and I will take 4,000 yuan off for these three days, and I will resume my salary on 19th.

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