Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 164: The Emperor of Heaven’s Wedding, All Spirits Pay Homage

Not to mention that it was Di Jun's wedding day, even if it wasn't, Di Jun wouldn't feel anything.

What he pursues is a prosperous and prosperous prehistoric era, without bringing about the past wars between all races. Everything should be regulated and orderly, without the endless attacks among all races in the past.

It is not a vain and superficial Emperor of Heaven. Otherwise, the Heavenly Court would have already wiped out all the wastelands and unified the endless wilderness.

"Thank you, Emperor Tian!" Zulong and the Dragon King of the Four Seas thanked each other, and then sat down on Yifang.

Zulong kept his eyes on the aloof Emperor of Heaven, secretly thinking in his heart that he was indeed the Emperor of Heaven, worthy of this status and responsibility.

His Ancestral Dragon has a selfish motive, which is to make the Dragon Clan the strongest, at least not to be severely damaged by the Phoenix and Qilin Clan like in the past, resulting in being picked up by those stupid innate saints and beaten to the doorstep.

If the Ancestral Dragon had not recovered in time and entered a higher realm, I am afraid that the Dragon Clan at this time would not know what it would have developed into. Anyway, it would not be as powerful as the Dragon Clan is today.

After the arrival of the Dragon Clan, all the great supernatural powers and representatives of major forces who had good relations with Heaven or whose relationship was not bad came to Heaven, and most of them came to pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven.

Among them, Zulong is the most powerful. He is only one step away from entering the realm of Hunyuan Dao Fruit. He has never been able to condense the Dao Fruit from the dragon clan's destiny.

Between heaven and earth, there was no Hunyuan Dao Fruit originally, but as Di Jun condensed and successfully entered it, the false became true, giving birth to infinite Dao Fruit.

It stands to reason that Ancestral Dragon can also follow the trend, condense the Hunyuan Dao Fruit from the dragon clan's destiny, and directly enter the realm of Hunyuan.

But the strange thing is that no matter how hard he condenses, he can never succeed.

Now, he finally found the answer in Di Jun.

It's not because the dragon clan's luck is not enough, but because there was no Hunyuan Dao Fruit originally, so Di Jun was able to condense the Hunyuan Dao Fruit from the heavenly luck, and now the Hunyuan Dao Fruit has appeared.

As the saying goes, Tao produces one, which produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

A nothingness has already been born in the ancient world, but it is impossible to condense a nothingness out of it again. We can only wait for the Hunyuan Dao Fruit to mature in the dark, and then it can naturally break into the chaos. The realm of Yuan.

After realizing this, Zu Long breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was a lot more wary in his heart.

This shows that when the Hunyuan Dao Fruit matures, it is unknown how many realms of Hunyuan Dao Fruit will be born in the ancient world.


Xihe, wearing a wedding robe, stood alone in the Demon Palace above the sun, waiting for the arrival of the Emperor's wedding chariot.

The Demon Palace is the only palace of the Demon Clan that is directly named after the Demon Emperor. It is also the residence of the Three-Legged Golden Crow, which is also the holy land of the Demon Clan. It symbolizes everything in the hearts of the Demon Clan.

I saw Emperor Jun of the Heavenly Emperor driving the Emperor's chariot along the way, breaking through the layers of clouds and mist. The whole body was filled with brilliance, the golden light was generous, and the auspicious auspicious clouds fell behind like silk threads as the chariot moved forward.

The warm light of the sun shone on the face of Emperor Jun, the Heavenly Emperor, and suddenly the whole world was eclipsed. Emperor Jun looked towards the sun with a smile on his face, and the chariot began to move slowly towards the sun.

It is as graceful as a startled dragon, and looks like a swimming dragon.

The Emperor's chariot drew a colorful trajectory, like a tail that had not dispersed for a long time, manifesting in the sky, making all beings in the world praise it.

Taiyi drove the chariot himself, and the four demon emperors Fuxi, Nuwa, Chang Xi, and Wangshu were also accompanying him, and then there were ten demon commanders, thirty-two demon kings, and three hundred and sixty-five demon kings. The demon gods lined up in order and followed closely behind the emperor's chariot, and the saints all over the sky also used their great supernatural powers to watch this scene in the Lingxiao Palace.

Emperor Jun came to the great sun in the Heavenly Emperor's chariot and went straight to the Demon Palace. When he arrived in front of the Demon Palace, he got up, got off the car, gathered his magic power, and said softly: "Xihe, I'm here."

There were not many words of love between the words, nor was there a loud voice, but under the operation of the magic power, the words full of affection reached the ears of Xi He who was waiting in the Demon Palace.

Xihe smiled sweetly in his heart and nodded.

Emperor Jun's eyes revealed infinite time and space, and the Demon Palace was naturally unable to block his sight, so he stepped forward and pushed open the door of the Demon Palace and headed towards the main hall inside.

When Taiyi saw this, he also followed, but the remaining saints stayed in place and did not step into it.

This is the Demon Palace, a place where no one can stand, and only the three-legged Golden Crow can enter it.

I saw two figures in fiery red robes walking into the Demon Palace to welcome the supreme and noble empress back to heaven.

Di Jun came to Xi He, bent down slightly, stretched out his hand to take Xi He's little hand, and slowly took it up. Then, the two turned and walked out of the hall. After Taiyi saw this, he followed Di Jun and Xi He Behind him, he walked towards the outside of the palace.

Soon, the group of people left the Demon Palace.

"Congratulations to your majesty for welcoming your empress. I also ask your majesty and your empress to drive back to the palace and complete the feat of heavenly marriage!"

Many courtiers in the heaven bowed down and congratulated.

The return to the palace mentioned here refers to the return to the heavenly palace, that is, the heaven.

Emperor Jun nodded when he heard this, looked at Xi He beside him and smiled, took Xi He's hand and sat on the imperial chariot. When Taiyi saw this, he also sat on the driving seat.

With Taiyi's status, he didn't need to drive the car himself, but since it was for his elder brother and younger sister's wedding, it would be more solemn to drive the car this time, and this was also Taiyi's initiative.

Otherwise, according to Dijun's idea, Taiyi would sit in another car and come to the sun, but Taiyi didn't want to steal Dijun's limelight, so he was willing to drive for him.

After the emperor and the queen got on the imperial chariot, the group went in the direction they came from.

After picking up the emperor and the queen, the scene was even more spectacular than when they came.

The whole wedding procession was shrouded in auspicious clouds. A rainbow that rose from the sun and fell from the Lingxiao Palace appeared on the horizon. The imperial chariot was traveling on the rainbow, and there was another layer of colorful colors wherever it passed, which made the rainbow more beautiful.

There are also auroras rising from the four poles of the prehistoric world. It is obviously the time when the sun is in the sky, and the whole prehistoric world is sunny, but auroras still rise from the four poles.

It is magnificent, beautiful, mysterious and exciting.

Wherever the emperor's chariot passes, all the tribes and spirits in the prehistoric world worship the emperor's chariot, praise the title of the emperor, and respect the supreme emperor.

This is because of the prosperity of the prehistoric world now, so all tribes and spirits respect the emperor. In the era without the emperor, all tribes and spirits fought endlessly, causing the prehistoric world to fall into endless wars. Although it is not a full-scale war, there are racial wars everywhere.

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