Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 165: Heavenly marriage, dragon and phoenix happily cut

After the birth of the Heavenly Court and the Emperor of Heaven, all the tribes in the prehistoric world, except for a few powerful ones, entered the Heavenly Court, so that the weak would no longer be bullied and the powerful would not dare to abuse the weak.

Emperor Jun protected all the tribes and spirits in the prehistoric world, so all the spirits in the prehistoric world should respect the Emperor of Heaven.

It is not the position of the Emperor of Heaven that is respected, but Emperor Jun as the Emperor of Heaven. However, the Hunyuan people should not think lightly, and in order to show their respect for Emperor Jun, they all say the title of Emperor of Heaven.

The wedding of the Emperor of Heaven is also a happy event for all the tribes in the prehistoric world.

Beside the wedding procession, there are countless fairies scattering flowers on both sides. The flowers that fall and scatter are not other things, but spiritual flowers that have been nurtured in the flower garden of the Heavenly Court for countless tens of thousands of years. They can be called treasures. They can be used in elixirs to increase cultivation, and can also be transformed into things for refining tools. They are indeed infinitely useful.

And this is just an ordinary fairy flower scattered on the wedding day of the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven, and this is also a gift from Emperor Jun to all spirits.

There are also fairy cranes flying up and down in it, celebrating the wedding of the Emperor and the Empress.

Soon, the group returned to the Heavenly Palace, outside the Lingxiao Palace, under the witness of all the gods.

At this time, Nuwa, holding the innate spiritual treasure red hydrangea, recited: "In the prehistoric times, there will be a triple marriage of heaven, earth and man, and the heavenly principles and ethics will be established. Today, the heavenly marriage will take place, and please witness it from all the gods of heaven!"

After speaking, the Heavenly Dao felt it, and a series of golden lights of merit appeared from the sky and condensed out, but they did not fall down, because the wedding was not completed at this time.

Bai Ze stood up, holding a divine edict of the Emperor of Heaven in his hand, and shouted loudly under the operation of his magic power:

"I believe that the virtues of heaven and earth are united, and the merits of transformation and nurturing are great. The internal and external governance is complete, and the purpose of peace and harmony is great. The ceremonies are prepared here. Education is flourishing. I ask you, Xihe, you are the incarnation of the goddess of the sun. The virtues of the world are auspicious. You are respected and enlightened. You are gentle and kind, and you should teach women in the six palaces. You are chaste and quiet, and you should be a correct mother in the four seas and eight wildernesses. I now follow the manifestation of the way of heaven and establish you as the Queen of Heaven with the imperial seal. You should continue to be filial and diligent. You should be respectful and diligent. You should prosper your roots and branches and prosper your descendants. You should help the ancestral temples and maintain the worship of the fragrance. I respect you."

When Bai Ze finished reading this paragraph, the golden light of morality in the sky shone again, and it became stronger, but it did not fall completely.

Then, a red ball appeared out of thin air, and red lines came out from Emperor Jun invisibly, and another red line came out from Xihe. The two red lines were entangled and entangled in the dark, but they were inseparable.

After finishing this last one, in the Lingxiao Palace, the Taoist of Stars, the Dragon Ancestors, the Three Pure Ones, the Four Dragon Kings, the Twelve Ancestral Witches and other gods and demons all congratulated: "Congratulations to the Emperor of Heaven on his wedding, congratulations to the Emperor of Heaven, congratulations to the Queen of Heaven!"

These shouts, accompanied by their blessings, spread to all the heavens, and endless creatures also bowed and congratulated the Emperor of Heaven.

Rumble! ! !

With the congratulations of these gods and the creatures of heaven, the golden light of merit that had been brewing in the nine heavens and had never fallen, also fell at this time.

The marriage of heaven made the first step for the ethics of heaven and made a great contribution to the prehistoric world, so the merits of heaven were bestowed.

However, the merits this time could not be compared with the last time the Heavenly Court was established. The amount of merits this time was not even one ten-thousandth of the last time, but even so, it was a very huge amount of merits, almost the same as the amount of merits that were bestowed after the end of the three tribes in the past.

Among these merits, 60% were divided into two parts and flew into the bodies of Di Jun and Xihe, and the remaining 40%. 30% fell into the Heavenly Court's luck and turned into merit luck to enhance the Heavenly Court's luck. The last 10% was divided into different amounts and fell on Nuwa, Taiyi and other sacred bodies who were busy for them.

After the golden light of merit fell, another merit treasure appeared. It was a treasure that was sent down by the Heavenly Dao because of the heavenly marriage, and it was also a symbol to commemorate the first marriage.

And that merit treasure was nothing else but a pair of scissors, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it, one side was a dragon and the other side was a phoenix. It was called Dragon and Phoenix Happy Scissors, which was an acquired merit treasure.

Although the power of the Dragon and Phoenix Happy Scissors is not as strong as many innate spiritual treasures, it has a very special function. It can be used to cut off the red thread of marriage between the two parties and sever the relationship between husband and wife.

It is the pair of scissors that Yue Lao can use to control the marriage of mortals in later legends. The only difference is that if the user of this Dragon and Phoenix Happy Scissors is powerful, it can control not only the marriage of mortals, but also the marriage of Daluo Jinxian.

"Queen of Heaven, I will leave this thing with you, so that you can also use it as a self-defense item." Emperor Jun stretched out his hand and waved, and the Dragon and Phoenix Happy Scissors fell into Xihe's hands.

In his words, Emperor Jun was full of respect for Xihe. This was an outsider's place, so he called her the Queen of Heaven.

This Dragon and Phoenix Happy Scissors not only has the ability to sever the relationship between husband and wife, but it is also an offensive treasure. Xihe only has such an innate spiritual treasure, unlike Emperor Jun, who has several innate spiritual treasures.

It is not like Taiyi. Although Taiyi also has only one treasure, it is the Chaos Bell, one of the three great innate treasures of the prehistoric world. Its power is infinite. In a sense, the Chaos Bell is the top of the three innate treasures. After all, it can fight, defend and suppress.

Xihe did not refuse. Since Dijun gave it to her, she would take it. Anyway, she was also involved in one of the heavenly marriages.

Dijun has already entered the realm of Hunyuan. The merit golden light given by the heaven is actually useless. In his realm, what he needs to do is to improve his understanding of the Great Dao in order to enter a higher realm, rather than the merit golden light that can improve his cultivation.

Emperor Jun looked at Taiyi and nodded. Taiyi's cultivation level was only a little away from breaking through to the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo. After the Hunyuan Daoguo was conceived in the heaven and earth, he would be able to naturally condense the Daoguo and enter the realm of Hunyuan.

Emperor Jun looked at Xihe again. Although the merit golden light bestowed by the Heavenly Dao had improved Xihe's cultivation a lot, it was still a little away from being able to condense the Daoguo.

So, a huge golden light flashed out of Emperor Jun's body and went towards Xihe.

"This is the merit golden light, which is no longer useful to me. The Queen of Heaven will then transform it into cultivation." Emperor Jun's words reached Xihe's ears.

Xihe nodded and let the merit golden light enter her body.

As soon as the merit golden light entered her body, she could instantly feel the surge in her cultivation.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Xihe bowed. At this time, her cultivation level was already the same as Taiyi's, and she was only one step away from reaching the Daoguo realm.

This made the surrounding innate saints stare with their eyes wide open, and they all wanted to obtain merit. This golden light of merit was indeed a good thing, which could make Xihe, who was originally far behind Taiyi, almost the same after absorbing it.

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