Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 166: Everything Will Fall After It Goes Up, the Soil of Creation

The marriage of heaven has been completed, and the Queen of Heaven has taken over. The luck of the Heavenly Court has increased again in an instant. The luck of the Heavenly Court, which was already extremely prosperous, has become even more prosperous.

This point made all the saints present feel that the strength of the luck of the Heavenly Court is a very beneficial thing for the saints in the entire Heavenly Court.

After all, the stronger the luck, the faster the cultivation speed will be, and there will be fewer disasters along the way. This is the benefit of relying on a powerful force with strong luck.

Otherwise, the dragon clan would not have suffered a heavy blow, and now it is the most powerful existence except for the Heavenly Court.

Looking back at the Phoenix and Qilin clans of the past, they were also one of the three clans at the beginning, but now they are almost extinct in the prehistoric world, as if they disappeared in the prehistoric world, disappearing without a trace, and it is difficult to find them again.

Phoenix can still be seen occasionally, but as for Qilin, it is really as if it has been extinct.

This is the role of luck. Even if a race is not strong at present, if it has strong luck, it will climb back to the top sooner or later.

The dragon race should have been like the phoenix and unicorn races, with low luck, and it would be difficult for the powerful dragons to break through, but Ye Xuan intervened and made the ancestor dragon of the dragon race enter the realm of the true self of the mixed origin.

This intervention brought a completely different ending to the dragon race. After all, the prosperity of luck can create powerful creatures, and similarly, powerful creatures can also create prosperous luck in turn.

This is the case with the dragon race. After the ancestor dragon entered the realm of the true self of the mixed origin, he isolated the four seas. Hongjun did not dare to do anything to the four seas. In addition, the ancestor dragon's powerful cultivation fed back the luck of the dragon race, making the dragon race increasingly prosperous.

The same is true for the demon race. Because of the existence of the two top people, Di Jun and Tai Yi, it has been able to become stronger step by step until now, and then established the heaven.

Of course, after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the luck of the demon race became the main body of the Heavenly Court's luck, and it obtained a great increase in the Heavenly Dao, and obtained the largest golden light of merit in history. While improving the strength of the Heavenly Court, it also fed back to the luck of the Heavenly Court.

Then, the luck of the Heavenly Court fed back to Emperor Jun, allowing Emperor Jun to step into the realm of Hunyuan Dao Fruit. This stepping into it symbolized that the luck of the Heavenly Court had reached a peak period, and it was invincible in the eternal years, which was what Emperor Jun was now.

Emperor Jun's powerful cultivation fed back to the luck of the Heavenly Court, and with the holding of the Heavenly Marriage and the return of the Queen of Heaven, the Heavenly Court was almost complete, and its luck soared wildly again, ushering in a new peak.

"The rise and fall is the fate that every dynasty in the previous life cannot escape, even the current dragon clan is the same. At the peak of its prosperity, it was beaten by the innate sacredness of all races. Fortunately, the dragon clan has overcome that hurdle and has now reached a new peak." Ye Xuan looked at the grand occasion in the Heavenly Court, shook his head helplessly and sighed.

He was lamenting that such a powerful Heavenly Court would also be washed away by the catastrophe, and he didn't know where Heavenly Court would go, whether it would rise again like the Dragon Clan, or decline like the Phoenix and the Kirin Clan.

But what he knew was that no matter what, the gods such as Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Xihe would not fall. After all, Emperor Jun was invincible for all eternity, and no one was his opponent. If you want to defeat Heavenly Court, Emperor Jun is an insurmountable peak.

Therefore, if you want to defeat Emperor Jun, there is only one way to say.

That is that everyone has entered the realm of Dao Fruit, but when that time comes, the gods such as Taiyi and Xihe who are only a little bit away will naturally enter the realm of Dao Fruit.

The Hunyuan people have great freedom, great freedom, and eternal calamity, so they have no worries about falling.

"Although I don't want to see such a powerful heaven decline, but if the prehistoric world wants to progress, fighting is inevitable. If it is allowed to remain so peaceful, the speed of prehistoric creatures will slow down again."

"What's more, there are human races that are about to step into the historical stage, perfect human races..."

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes. In his mind, the perfect human race must appear.

However, it is obviously impossible to do it with the existing materials in the prehistoric world, so he can only go to the reality to see if there is a treasure that can create a perfect human race.

According to legend, Nuwa created humans with the Nine Heavens Xiran, so the perfect human must be created with a more perfect treasure than this, otherwise it is impossible to achieve the effect that Ye Xuan wants.

And the key to Nuwa's enlightenment is whether she can create the human race.

"Well, the prehistoric world can also come to an end. Go out and see if there is any treasure that can help me realize the idea of ​​a perfect human race." Ye Xuan looked at the prehistoric world below, a scene of prosperity.

Although the cultivators in the prehistoric world are becoming stronger and stronger, and their cultivation speed is getting faster and faster, Ye Xuan knows that this is far from the real cultivation speed of the prehistoric world.

Whether it is a human or a spirit, it is the same. If you don't push yourself, you won't know your potential.

Between life and death, there is great terror, but also great opportunities.

This sentence is not a lie. Only constant struggle can continuously promote the progress of civilization in the prehistoric world.

If all living beings lie flat, then the prehistoric world will just be like this, and it will never be able to keep getting stronger.

"The soil of creation..." Ye Xuan looked at the mall, and as his mind moved, the thing that helped his idea floated out of the water.

And this thing is the soil of creation.

[Soil of Creation: A magical soil in the universe full of the power of the Great Dao of Creation, just like the Nine Heavens Xi Soil used by Nuwa to create humans in the legend. This soil of creation can make the acquired creatures created in your kingdom of God have the footsteps that are not inferior to the top creatures in the Kingdom of God who have entered the extraordinary.

Note: This effect will continue to weaken as the creatures multiply, and at the same time, the phenomenon of atavism may also occur. 】

"In other words, this soil of creation is actually something that becomes stronger when it encounters a strong and weaker when it encounters a weak. Can those creatures created after birth be comparable to the footsteps of the top creatures in the current Kingdom of God..." Ye Xuan frowned, seemingly thinking.

His current Kingdom of God creatures are undoubtedly the ones with the deepest footsteps of those who are Di Jun, Sanqing, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but the ones with the deepest footsteps in the past were Pangu and the Great Dao Gods and Demons.

Therefore, Ye Xuan has an idea, that is, to let this soil of creation create footsteps comparable to the Great Dao Gods and Demons.

But it was only a moment, and Ye Xuan shook his head. That was obviously impossible. It was just full of the power of the Dao of Creation. The Dao of Creation itself could not create creatures like the gods and demons of the Dao.

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