Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 167 One Hundred Million Divine Sources, the Heart of the Gods

Each of the Great Dao gods and demons is unique and a symbol of the Three Thousand Great Daos. The manifestation of the Great Dao cannot be copied, not even its footsteps.

"However, being able to copy the footsteps of these top-level innate saints is already very good. It should be possible to copy them. After all, the footsteps of these innate saints are just the thoughts of the Great Dao gods and demons, which are much simpler than the Great Dao itself!" Ye Xuan nodded secretly. It should be possible to copy the footsteps of the innate saints.

And if it is really copied, it undoubtedly means that the human race is very likely to reach the realm reached by those innate saints.

Of course, this is only a possibility. How deep the footsteps are represents only the potential and the speed of cultivation. It is only a possibility, not a guarantee that you can enter that realm.

Just like now, among so many innate saints, only Di Jun has entered the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo, and the rest have not entered it.

And the depth of their footsteps is almost the same, and there is not much difference.

Strictly speaking, Di Jun's footsteps are not as deep as Taiyi's.

Taiyi is deeply loved by the Heavenly Dao. He was born with the Chaos Bell as his companion treasure. He lived up to everyone's expectations and continued to grow stronger.

"Damn, everything is good, but this thing actually requires 100 million God Sources. It's too expensive!" Ye Xuan complained helplessly. Looking at the series of zeros in the mall, he felt a little powerless.

He only has 1 million God Sources a week. Even if he doesn't use them all in the world, doesn't increase the world's foundation, doesn't strengthen the strength of the world's creatures, and just saves them, he only has 4 million a month, 40 million in 10 months, and 80 million in 20 months.

It takes 25 months to save 100 million God Sources, and 25 months is two years and one month!

Spending two years doing nothing and saving these resources to create a perfect human race will undoubtedly greatly hinder the progress of the prehistoric world.

If these 100 million divine sources were thrown into the prehistoric world, Ye Xuan would not say that everyone in the prehistoric world would be Hunyuan, but at least everyone would be Daluo, and the number of Hunyuan realms would be countless, just like the number of carp crossing the river.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to buy it, which is too much of a waste of time.

You know, the four years in college is the fastest period of cultivation in life. Even the president of the university is extremely jealous. After all, relying on oneself to get divine sources is much less than being directly cultivated by the country in college.

Not to mention, to compare the number of divine sources with those top students.

And the later the cultivation of the God of Creation is, the more it cannot be achieved by infinitely stacking divine sources. It requires the foundation of the world, the potential of the world, the number of laws, and the number of great ways.

There are many restrictions. Otherwise, if only the divine source is needed, the gods of creation will not train the next generation. They only need to throw all the resources on one god of creation. Then this god of creation will be invincible and unify the entire continent of creation.

There is no need to specially come up with a Tongtian list, and also come up with five major colleges to train students, just to help those geniuses grow further, so that they can always contribute to the motherland.

Yes, after accepting the training of the motherland, it is natural to contribute to the motherland.

Ye Xuan has never felt wrong about this, even if he is a time traveler.

He has always believed that as long as a person accepts the training of the country, then after learning, helping the country and serving the country is the most basic principle of being a human being, which cannot be avoided or resisted.

For those who accept the training of the country and turn around to join other countries or work for other countries, Ye Xuan will treat them as traitors and kill them without mercy.

And the Great Xia Kingdom in this world is the same.

When the era of the Creator God came, all the rules became a joke, only strength was eternal, and those who stood at the top also understood at all times that this world was not invincible, so they needed power.

The evolution of power is the country, not to mention that there is a ready-made country, everyone is of the same lineage, has the same culture, is a compatriot, so naturally they stick together and use the previous country name.

The cohesion of the Chinese people is also unprecedentedly united, the war is about to break out, the whole world is fighting for the God Source Mine, and all the forces on the entire planet are instantly in a mess.

Fortunately, they are all rational, and they did not fight on their own planets, but started a melee in outer space. Finally, in the continuous battles, a group of increasingly powerful Creator Gods were slowly born.

Finally, in the current era, the Creation Continent is divided into five parts, and Daxia occupies one of them. There are three thousand star fields, and Daxia occupies eight hundred star fields.

No matter from which angle, Daxia is undoubtedly standing at the top, and this is the fact.

What got them to where they are today is not the strength of a single Creator God, because the other side also has a Creator God of the same strength. What got them to where they are today is the culture of cohesion and unity, a culture that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Therefore, whoever dares to betray the country, according to the Daxia law, is a capital crime, and after verification, they will be killed without mercy.

For the Creator God, verification is very simple, and there are high-level beings who can expose him through various magical powers.

Sir, the times have changed. We no longer rely on surveillance and soul searching. For the God of Creation who controls the truth, one sentence can make him speak the truth.

"Having a foothold is not enough. Human beings rely on willpower, courage to overcome nature, and the spirit of self-improvement to reach the peak. Therefore, we also need an invincible heart in the world!" Ye Xuan's mind moved, and then a treasure immediately appeared in the mall.

[Heart of God: Top-level living creature resources, which can allow the created race to have an invincible heart in the world, allowing it to have strong will and courage.

Note: Although the invincible heart will weaken as the race is passed down from generation to generation, no matter how many generations it is passed down, the races of later generations still have the heart of God, but they just need to activate the return to their ancestors. 】

"That is to say, the creatures of the previous generations are the ones who truly possess the Heart of God. That's right. The Heart of God combined with the Soil of Creation will make the perfect human race!"

"After all, if the human race has a foundation that is not inferior to the innate sacredness, and a Heart of God, then it will be the perfect human race!"

After Ye Xuan read the introduction of the Heart of God, he further perfected the concept of creating a perfect human race.

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