Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 168 Battlefield Passage, Strange Cave

"Let me tell you, there are so many treasures in this universe. I don't know how many there are. How can I not find a treasure suitable for creating living beings?"

"The only problem is that these two things are too expensive! No matter which one they are, I can't get them in a short time..."

Ye Xuan looked at the price of the God's Heart. Good guy, that thing is also 100 million God's source.

Who is bidding for such an expensive price? He really doesn't believe how many people would buy this kind of thing. Who can afford such expensive resources except those young people?

"We have to make money!" Ye Xuan whispered.

Earning money means earning divine source.

There are only a few ways to get the source of the gods. One is to go to the Shura battlefield. With his current strength, he is enough to go to the third level, where the fourth-level monsters gather.

It's just that one person's efficiency is too low. Although there are many monsters there, and divine sources and better treasures may be revealed, the efficiency is undoubtedly low, so it is impossible for Ye Xuan to go there by himself.

However, it seems to be a good choice to let the forces in the Kingdom of God pass by.

Anyway, today's ancient world is full of thoughts of cave heaven and blessed land, and there are indeed many cave heaven and blessed land in the ancient world, so this plan is not impossible to implement.

"Well, then build four passages in the Four Seas Land and let the Dragon Clan train their troops. There is no point in spending the whole day attacking those shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the Four Seas Land."

After Ye Xuan made up his mind, he immediately started thinking about where to build a passage.

"And in the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court is now at its peak, and there is no war in the ancient world. Even with the Emperor Jun sitting in the Heavenly Court, no one without a good eye dares to attack the Heavenly Court. If this continues, the soldiers and generals will be just like decorations, and they have to be allowed to practice practice!"

"Then let's arrange a passage from the first heaven to the eighteenth heaven! Also let the soldiers in heaven move their muscles!"

"The same is true among the Wu clan. We have to establish that among the three clans, the Wu clan is the most warlike! If this is the case, then open up thirty passages in the ancient continent, which will be enough for these Wu clan to train their troops. !”

After Ye Xuan thought about it, he came to the ancient world.


Passages began to appear all over the prehistoric times, and each of those passages led to the second level of the Shura battlefield, which corresponded to the strength of the third-level creation god.

Because it is a large-scale use of troops, many creatures cannot actually reach the fourth level of strength, so entering rashly will be a dead end. Not only will it not be able to harvest the source of the gods, but it will lead to the death of a large number of creatures in the ancient world. .

Therefore, instead of letting them go to the third level to kill the fourth-level monsters, it is better to let them go to the second level to kill the third-level monsters. The third-level monsters correspond to the Great Luo Jinxian in the ancient world.

And there are countless creatures at this level, which means there is nothing to worry about.

Entering the Shura battlefield on the second level is nothing more than spending a hundred divine sources to enter it. For Ye Xuan, it is just a drop in the bucket.

"In addition to the Shura battlefield, what's left is to hunt the wandering monsters in the star field and earn military merits to redeem the divine source before going to the battlefield..." Ye Xuan frowned and began to analyze.

There is no doubt that he can only choose one of these two points to carry out. Although there are many so-called wandering monsters, in fact, they are difficult to find in the infinite universe. Even if he has now reached the fourth level of creation god, he can travel faster than time and space. The opponent's traces were found in the jumping point, but the efficiency was too low. It would be better to go to the battlefield to redeem military merit.

In the prehistoric world, in the heaven.

"Your Majesty, there is a passage from the first to the eighteenth heaven. According to the soldiers who explored it and returned, they found that the other side of the passage was a cave filled with lowly creatures, and the creatures in the cave were insignificant. It seemed that There is a possibility that a treasure will be revealed. Your Majesty, do you need to mobilize a large number of troops to go there?" Ji Meng, one of the top ten demon commanders, bowed and bowed.

After exploring those caves, he finally reported that the final one was in his hands, so he came over to report it to Di Jun.

The Emperor of Heaven sits high on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven in the Lingxiao Palace. There is no one else around except Ji Meng.

This is also the real purpose of the Lingxiao Palace. Except for large-scale court gatherings or when the sacrificial hall is similar to the establishment of the Heavenly Court and the celestial marriage, it generally does not really gather all the ministers in the sky.

On weekdays, the office work is not in the Lingxiao Palace, but in the Chaohui Hall in front of the Lingxiao Palace.

The Chao Hui Hall is where the busy affairs of daily life are really handled, and the person in charge here is Bai Ze, one of the top ten demon commanders, and Ying Zhao, Fei Dan, and Shang Yang, among the top ten demon commanders. As a daily assistant.

Therefore, most of the affairs in Heaven are actually carried out by these four demon commanders, and this does not mean that these four demon commanders are stronger than the other six. In fact, the original emperor's plan was to let the top ten demon commanders The other six people who were in charge together couldn't stand this kind of life, so they all declined.

As for the remaining four demon commanders, they actually just left their Dharma bodies to deal with matters. They were actually still practicing. After all, no one dared to go to heaven, so it didn't matter whether their true bodies were there or not.

If you want to see the Emperor of Heaven, you must first pass the review of the four demon commanders of the Chao Hui Hall. After all four demon commanders agree, you can enter the Lingxiao Palace to meet the Emperor of Heaven and explain the matter.

As for the four demon kings, Wa Huang, Xi Huang, Shu Huang, and Xi Huang, although they can nominally have the power to handle the affairs of the demon clan, these four demon emperors actually conduct their own affairs in their own palaces. He was practicing cultivation and didn't pay much attention to these common things.

After all, in the long world, only the great road is the pursuit of all living beings, whether emperor or emperor, everything is just for the great road.

"How strong is Dongtian?" Di Jun asked without changing his expression.

Even though his face was peaceful and he was not angry, the Emperor of Heaven faced him majestically, so Ji Meng still felt a little pressure.

Ji Meng lowered his head and replied again: "Reporting to your majesty, this cave is extremely weird, the creatures are countless, and all of them are in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. There is no higher realm, and there is no lower realm. Among them, cultivation It’s uneven and uneven.”

Emperor Jun nodded when he heard the words, and his figure disappeared in a blink of an eye. In less than a blink of an eye, he sat back on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven again. This scene made Ji Meng's eyes suddenly open when he saw it. He already understood Nothing ordinary.

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