Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 169 Is there anyone stronger than me? !

"This cave is really weird. I just went there, and I can't see the root cause. There are restrictions set by people with great supernatural powers behind it. When did such a powerful person exist in this vast world? Who?!" Tiandi Jun frowned and was shocked.

He had just gone to the cave and found that the cave was extremely strange. The space and time were extremely strange, as if there were infinite superpositions. Just when he wanted to get a glimpse of the origin, he found that he could not see through the infinity at all. What is behind space and time?

I just vaguely saw that there seemed to be some restrictions in those places, and what level had those restrictions reached?

In ancient times, shouldn't he be respected for his current strength? How could there be such a powerful existence again!

Could it be that there is a supreme power that has long existed in the chaotic world? !

For a moment, Di Jun's heart was in confusion, and then a green light flashed in his eyes, and he calmed down again.

There was endless time passing through his eyes, and countless possibilities began to be considered in his heart in an instant.

"Hiss!!" Di Jun was checking what was going on in the long flow of time and space, but when Ji Meng heard Di Jun's words, he let out a breath of shock and joy!

Is there really a being in this world who is stronger than a majestic being like Your Majesty? !

This is too unbelievable! This is simply unimaginable!

In the ancient times, all races and spirits knew that the Emperor of Heaven was unparalleled in the past and invincible in the world.

But now, the Emperor of Heaven told him personally that there was someone more powerful than him in the wild.

After a while, Di Jun withdrew his magical power and said calmly: "This is a variable. Although no trace of that person's existence can be found in infinite time and space, this cave should be fine."

"Order the eighteen demon kings who guard the eighteenth level of the heaven to divide the soldiers guarding the heaven that have reached the Daluo Jinxian into ten parts, and let one-tenth of the heavenly soldiers enter each time for a period of one hundred years, and then replace them with new ones. A round of heavenly soldiers enters it, and it rotates every hundred years. Remember, you must reach the level of Daluo Jinxian, otherwise you will perish if you enter!"

Di Jun quickly decided that he would continue to explore. Although the cave was extremely strange, the creatures in the cave were no different, they were just extremely low-level.

If he hadn't wanted to keep him for training, just a thought, countless lowly and dirty people would have died in an instant.

Although Di Jun's heart is extremely broad and can accommodate endless creatures from all over the world, for some reason, after seeing those monsters and creatures, he felt a strong feeling of disgust in his heart. It was not because of his lowliness or not.

After all, as the Emperor of Heaven, he should tolerate the world, so how could he not tolerate weak and shallow creatures!

"I obey! I retire!" Ji Meng agreed, then bowed and prepared to retire.

The Emperor of Heaven does not have any excessive etiquette. For example, courtiers can sit down when they go to court. On weekdays, they only need to stand up and salute when answering.

As for the ceremony of kneeling and worshiping, it has never been done. It is an insult to the dignity of living beings, so naturally it will not be done.

However, if there is a big event, like the establishment of the Heavenly Court and the Queen's wedding in the past, these courtiers will not have seats and can only stand.

But it doesn't matter, it's not a humiliation anyway, it's just a short period of time without sitting down.

Ji Meng left, taking the will of Emperor Jun of Heaven with him.

At the same time, the same is true for the Dragon Clan. Daluo has entered the Shura battlefield to train troops, because some treasures can be exploded in it, and those treasures also have wonderful uses.

Not to mention the Witch Clan, even if it is purely for fighting, they are extremely happy. Even if no treasure is revealed, they will still send large armies to suppress the situation.

"Will these divine sources actually go directly to the account? I almost thought they would be taken away by those primitive creatures..." Ye Xuan felt that the number of divine sources in his account was rising at a rapid speed, and he felt extremely happy.

"What are you laughing at?" Ji Dan, who was sitting opposite him, asked with a smile.

This is the dean's office of Dazhou College.

Ye Xuan came here not for anything else but how to participate in the battle. Since he had made up his mind to participate in the battlefield battle, naturally Ye Xuan came here to ask the dean immediately.

After the two were chatting, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed. Ji Dan couldn't help but ask after seeing it.

"Ah, it's nothing. Isn't this the creatures of the Kingdom of God harvesting the divine source in the Shura battlefield, so I feel a little happy." Ye Xuan did not hide anything, this matter is a normal thing.

After all, those students who did not receive the divine source of national rewards in the heavy snow could only rely on these ways to obtain the divine source.

However, with their strength, they can only proceed on the first level at most, because the lower limit of the first level is that a first-level creation god can enter, but the upper limit is a second-level creation god.

Of course, third- and fourth-level monsters are also possible, but the level of monsters is that the second-level monsters reach the top.

And if a first-level monster explodes, it will produce from one divine source to ten divine sources.

But the second-level monsters are different, that is, from ten to twenty divine sources.

A third-level monster has thirty to fifty divine sources, and a fourth-level monster has fifty to one hundred divine sources.

Of course, these are the explosion rates. Strictly speaking, there is no loss in entering the Shura battlefield, unless you challenge the high-level without knowing your own strength and lose your life.

The rest not only did not lose money, but made a lot of money, because even if the probability of exploding the God Source is small, once the base number becomes larger, there is a very high probability of exploding even if it is small.

"So, what are you doing here this time? Don't worry, as long as you want it, I will try my best to get it for you." Ji Dan nodded and asked.

For Ye Xuan, they are all very precious now. After all, this is the only time that Zuxing has the possibility of winning the first place in the Star Domain Competition after the Tongtian Ranking and Star Domain Competition.

If you miss this opportunity, Zuxing may not know how many years it will take for such a change.

So, this time it is a must.

"Dean, I feel that my God Source is a little insufficient, so I want to go to the battlefield to participate in the battle and exchange some God Source for use." After hearing Ji Dan's question, Ye Xuan said it.

Fighting on the battlefield is not something to be ashamed of, just say it directly.

Ji Dan nodded after hearing this, looked Ye Xuan up and down, and said slowly: "Yes, it's a good idea to have this idea."

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