Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 170 Military training? Rongdi Kingdom!

Ji Dan first praised Ye Xuan, then frowned and said: "Your millions of divine resources every week are not enough for you to squander?"

The idea is a good thing and deserves encouragement and praise, but the fact is too outrageous, right?

For a serious God of Creation, even if he wanted to spend one million divine sources a week, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the ability to spend it. After all, the Kingdom of God can grow by not just swallowing the divine sources infinitely, otherwise Ye Xuan He has already gone crazy to seek the divine source.

And now that Ye Xuan is still so eager for the divine source, it means that Ye Xuan's divine kingdom has great potential and is far from reaching its bottleneck, which means that there is a great demand for the divine source.

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, shook his head, and sighed: "Dean, you don't know that in order to strengthen the world, I need 200 million divine sources. How long will it take to wait for that million divine sources? …”

Ji Dan nodded and waved his hand, and there were one million more divine sources in Ye Xuan's account: "There are only one million divine sources in my account. This is the divine source that I have accumulated for a long time. Since you need it, Then use it first, the quantity is not large, so don’t be dissatisfied.”

Even though Ji Dan is one of the deans of the five major colleges in the Ancestral Star, his weekly salary is actually several million divine resources, but he also has to spend it on the Kingdom of God every month.

It can be said that after the Kingdom of God has developed to a certain level, the creatures in it are simply immeasurable. In other words, every time those creatures open their mouths and inhale, there is an unknown amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy.

And if the Kingdom of God has been rising, it will naturally not feel anything. After all, the world will be promoted every once in a while, which means that the upper limit will be raised again.

But the divine kingdoms of those creator gods who have long been stuck in one realm have become a big burden, because there are so many living beings accumulated over long years that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not enough to support them. .

Therefore, Shenyuan has become one of the supplements.

Unless they can be ruthless and slaughter a group of top-notch creatures, there will be no way to alleviate it.

"Ah...how can I be so embarrassed, Dean, I have cost you money..." Ye Xuan said he was embarrassed, while looking at his account, and sure enough, there were millions more divine resources.

Immediately, Ye Xuan stood up and said with a solemn salute: "Thank you very much, Dean, for the gift of the Divine Source today. However, it is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. I would also like to ask the Dean to point out a clear way. I will repay you when things get better in the future." Dean!"

"Well! There's no need to repay you, just think of it as a meeting gift I gave you." Ji Dan nodded, and then said this.

"As for the battlefield, forget about the Creation Continent. There won't be a battle there easily. Once it happens, your level 4 strength will not be able to survive. And the Western Front in the Eight Hundred Star Territory has always been full of enemies. Suffering from the war between Rong and Di, it has always been guarded by our students from Dazhou College. If you want to go, you can go to the Western Front, and there will be people there to take care of you. "

Ji Dan analyzed it for Ye Xuan and finally pointed him to the western front.

Battlefields like this are actually the practice of senior students. The so-called practice means using the opponent's creation gods as whetstones to train batches of troops.

In the 800 star field, no war can break out between the creation gods of the sixth level and above. In other words, at most, the creation gods of the sixth level will lead the war.

Generally speaking, they are all wars from the first to the third level. These are basically local wars. It is rare for fourth-level creation gods to participate, but it is not impossible. With a strong base, it is easy to encounter them.

As for the fifth-order creation gods, it is basically impossible to encounter them. Once a war breaks out between the fifth-order creation gods, the final result will either lead to the appearance of the sixth-order creation gods, or they will be defeated by the sixth-order creation gods. The gods stopped and each took their fifth-level men away from the place.

After all, the purpose of Daxia is to train troops. Of course, on the surface, it means that the Western Front was devastated by the Rong and Di, and they had no choice but to send troops to guard it. But in fact, it is because they want to train troops, otherwise there would be no need for the other countries to exist. .

"Western Front? What country is there?" Ye Xuan frowned. In fact, it didn't matter where he went. The reason why he came to Ji Dan was to seek a direction. In short, it was to take care of him.

This allowed him to have someone come to rescue him even if he encountered any crisis on the Western Front.

And these are all the vigilance he had after he went to the Kui Star Territory and encountered the dark world that day.

He originally thought that there was peace in the Three Thousand Star Territory and that all that was left behind were existences that did not pose much threat to the God of Creation. However, when he entered the dark world, his thoughts were overturned. .

It turns out that these places may contain a super world at any time, which is an existence similar to the dark world.

Ye Xuan did not report the dark world because he always felt that there was some kind of treasure in that place. After he reached the sixth level, he must go there and see it in person.

As for the spatial coordinates of that place, he naturally remembered them.

"It doesn't matter what the name of that country is. Anyway, Daxia Kingdom is called Rongdi Kingdom, and some people also call them Asan Kingdom. Well, among small countries, it can be considered a very strong country." Ji Dan introduced with a smile. For a moment, then he paused and then said:

"Of course, they are nothing in front of our country. They can be destroyed with a wave of the hand. They control eighty star regions and think they are invincible. They clamor all day to attack the Creation Continent and remove our Great Xia Kingdom. In fact, they are just dreaming."

The ambition of Rongdi Kingdom is well known in the Great Xia Kingdom, so this is not a big secret, so they told Ye Xuan directly.

"Oh? Are they so arrogant?" Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth. He likes to strike down the arrogance of others the most.

On the ancestral star, they are all fellow villagers, so they didn't really deal with each other. In the Great Xia Kingdom, they are all compatriots, so they didn't really destroy each other, otherwise it would just be a matter of Ye Xuan's thoughts.

But now, for those outsiders, they can finally have a good fight!

"Yes, they are very arrogant, so they need a genius like you to teach them a lesson! Go, go there!" Ji Dan nodded with a smile, and then urged Ye Xuan to go to the West Front as soon as possible.

It was not to harm Ye Xuan, but because if Ye Xuan went to the West Front, he would stay there in the future. In fact, he would be a member of their Da Zhou Academy, and most of his comrades around him were also from Da Zhou Academy.

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