Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 171 Everyone's Choice, 300,000 per Day

Although Da Zhou College has 800 branches, it seems that these students are not close, but in fact, because they are comrades on the same front, they will naturally take care of each other.

In addition, they are all from Da Zhou College, so they are natural allies.

Ye Xuan left the dean's office.

Now that he has decided where to go, it is time to say goodbye to his old friends.

So, Ye Xuan's mind moved, and the divine mind was transmitted to the minds of the students he knew from Jiangnan Province.


In Ye Xuan's villa.

"It's rare to enter your villa once, it's really rare!" Someone began to tease.

This person is not someone else, but Lin Lan.

"Haha, if you want to come, you can come anytime and anywhere!" Ye Xuan laughed and said.

"Forget it..." Hearing this, Lin Lan hurriedly shook her head and said.

"By the way, Ye Xuan, you said you are going to the western battlefield?" Liu Yong said bluntly, staring at Ye Xuan closely.

Ye Xuan summoned them here for this reason.

As soon as these words came out, many people including Lin Lan, Shui Yan, Xin Ke, Gao Long, Zhang Bin, Ji Zhen, Yao Hai, etc. also turned their eyes to Ye Xuan.

After feeling the gazes of the crowd, Ye Xuan nodded and confirmed: "Yes! That's right, I plan to say goodbye to you and go to the western battlefield."

After that, without waiting for everyone to reply, he stood up and said again: "The ancestral star is too small, too small to be a stage for performance. There is no fierce competition like other star fields here. I have long felt invincible here, even in other star fields."

"So, there is not much use for me to stay. It is better to join the battlefield. On the one hand, I can sharpen myself, and on the other hand, I can obtain a large amount of divine source. This is very good."

Ye Xuan is leaving, which does not mean that the millions of divine sources he can obtain every week will disappear. The two are not in conflict.

At this time, his main job is still a student, and going to the battlefield is just a part-time job.

"I want to go too. You're right. Zuxing is too small. If I want to become stronger, there are only a few ways. Joining the army is indeed the best choice!" Shui Yan also stood up at this time.

He didn't want to indulge in this. He wanted to join the army. He had to either hone himself between life and death or die on the battlefield!

If he continued to stay in Zuxing, he would inevitably end up being lost in the crowd.

"I want to go too. I want to reach the sixth level of the Creation God and come back to be the dean! Hahahaha!!!" Liu Yong said at the end, and he couldn't help laughing.

This dream is really big, but it takes a very long time to realize it. But now they are all very young people. When they are in their prime, they are in their prime, full of vigor and vitality. It is normal to have lofty ideals.

"I'll go too, but I don't want to go to the west line. I want to go to the south line. Following Ye Xuan's ass, he will definitely take care of me. This is not good for my Tao." Lin Lan stood up and said firmly.

Her Tao is the real need to be honed between life and death, so it is impossible for her to stay by Ye Xuan's side.

"All of you defeated generals have gone, so I will go too!" Yao Hai stood up slowly and grinned.

His words made some people around him change their faces, but they didn't say much.

His so-called defeated generals were completely fictitious. It was just that Yao Hai advanced to two rounds, and they either lost in the first round or the second round.

"Then I'll go to the north line!" Zhang Bin stood up and said.

It didn't matter where he went, as long as he didn't stay with Ye Xuan. It would be difficult to really hone himself if he followed Ye Xuan.

After all, if he really followed, he would definitely stick together and not separate, but it would be difficult to hone himself.

"I'll go to the north line too!" Gao Long also stood up and said.

The two had been together since childhood, so it was natural for them to go to the same place this time.

Soon, some people said they would go out for a walk, but some decided to stay in Zuxing to practice.

Ye Xuan did not force this. After all, everyone has their own aspirations, and it is better to forget each other than to help each other.

As for those who want to go to the west with him, he will naturally take care of them.

Everyone knows each other, and they will definitely be assigned together. There is no need to say more about this.

After deciding the final direction, everyone exchanged greetings for a while, and then everyone left here one after another.

In the end, only Ye Xuan, Liu Yong, and Shui Yan were left in the villa.

Liu Yong and Shui Yan were also the people who had the closest relationship with Ye Xuan.

"When do you plan to leave?" Ye Xuan asked.

"Wait for us for a while, one day later, we want to go back home, how about it?" Shui Yan looked at Ye Xuan and asked.

Ye Xuan nodded and said, "Of course, go, I will wait for you at the gate of Xingyou Company at 12 o'clock tomorrow noon."


Liu Yong and Shui Yan agreed and disappeared.

They both rushed home. After all, their parents were still at home. If they were traveling far away, they would naturally tell them.

As for the fact that they chose to go to the battlefield, Ye Xuan was not surprised. After all, among the ways to earn divine energy, the one that was most suitable for the God of Creation to work alone was going to the battlefield, which was the most profitable.

Although it is also the most dangerous, as a young man in the new era, how could he be afraid of this?

Death is like the wind, always with me.

Ye Xuan looked at the empty room and sighed. The space that was bustling just now was now the only one left.

Although I have long been used to being alone, I still can't help but sigh at this powerful sense of gap.

He has been a human for two lifetimes, but he is still a human after all. Humans are social animals, but after all, he has already become a god and can endure loneliness. If he is left alone in one place for tens of millions of years, it will not be a problem, because he is already used to it.

But this feeling of being sometimes lively and sometimes lonely is even more disturbing, and the sense of gap is too much.

The next day.

"Does Shenyuan already have more than 1.3 million..." Ye Xuan looked at his Shenyuan number and found that there were already more than 300,000 in the account, which means that it exploded to more than 300,000 in one day yesterday. The divine source.

It can be seen from this that the prehistoric war potential is just a training exercise.

If those big forces really send troops crazy to enter one by one, it would be terrible. Who knows how many divine sources they can bring out.

Of course, this is what some of the creatures in the Kingdom of God can achieve because they are extremely lush and powerful. It would be difficult for others to have such a level of divine origin, unless it is the dimensionality reduction strike of a high-level god...

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