Soon, it was twelve o'clock noon.

Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he came to the door of Xingyou Company, which is the fastest place to travel in the star field.

They went to Kui Star Field through Xingyou Company last time, and this time the three of them also planned to go to Yiqu Star Field, which borders Rongdi Country, through Xingyou Company.

Yiqu Star Field is located on the west line of the eight hundred star fields of Daxia Country, bordering Rongdi Country in the three thousand star fields. Rongdi Country can be regarded as a big country in the three thousand star fields, and it controls eighty star fields.

You know, among the three thousand star fields, two thousand six hundred star fields were occupied by the five big countries, and only four hundred star fields were left for these small countries. But it is these four hundred star fields, Rongdi Country occupied one-fifth, which can fully bear the title of the leader of a small country.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The Indians are the strongest country besides the five big countries.

However, the five big countries are a devastating blow to countries other than the five big countries.

Especially among the five great countries, the Great Xia Kingdom, the Eagle United Nations, and the Rakshasa Kingdom are called the Upper Three Kingdoms. As a distinction from the Sun Never Sets Empire and the Holy Kingdom, the Upper Three Kingdoms directly crush all other countries except those that are also the Upper Three Kingdoms.

Star Travel Company.

Ye Xuan stood at the door, and his divine thoughts swept across, and he instantly found Liu Yong and Shui Yan.

With a thought, he came to the side of the two.

"Are you all ready?" Ye Xuan confirmed again.

"Ready!" Shui Yan and Liu Yong said in unison.

If they were not ready, they would not come at this time.

Ye Xuan nodded, and the space avenue wrapped around the two, and instantly called the divine source to the space channel for travel.


Yiqu Star Region, Ningxing.

Ningxing is the capital of Yiqu Star Region. Ye Xuan, Liu Yong, and Shui Yan also came here. This is also the first stop for the three, but not the last stop.

The three did not rush to the front line, but first went to pay homage to the star region master who guarded this place.

The star domain lord and the deans of the five academies are in the same realm, that is, the sixth-order founding god, and the star domain lord sitting in the Yiqu star domain is called Zhai Rang, also known as the King of Yiqu, etc. This is the fact. A star domain lord is the king of this star domain, otherwise he would not be called the star domain lord.

Yiqu King Zhai Rang also came from the Dazhou Academy and was on good terms with the Dazhou Academy. He was also responsible for guarding the Yiqu star domain.

The three of them had a smooth journey and soon came to a huge palace complex.

This is an ancient palace complex that imitates the ancient times, and it is also the bedroom of King Zhai Rang of Yiqu.

This is also very normal. Some people like modern styles, and naturally some people like ancient styles. Although this palace complex is already a product of ancient times, Zhai Rang has survived from ancient times to the present. In his era, he liked ancient things very much.

So now it has become an ancient palace complex.

Although these palaces are nominally antique, judging from the traces of time, they are actually super antiques, with at least tens of millions of years of time.

In a side hall.

"How long will we stay here?" Liu Yong said with some interest.

Rather than meeting some big shots here, he wanted to fight on the battlefield as soon as possible.

"It won't be long. The dean asked me to come here to find King Yiqu first, and then listen to his arrangements." Ye Xuan said uncertainly, because he didn't know when King Yiqu would come to see them.

Not all sixth-level creation gods are necessarily good to him. The reason why King Yiqu met him was because of Ji Dan, the dean of Dazhou Academy, who is also a sixth-level creation god, and not because of his ability.

Therefore, Ye Xuan has always been able to distinguish this point, and he will not really think that he is a genius, so he will be treated preferentially wherever he goes.

"Wait, what else can I do?" Shui Yan spread his hands and said.

Helplessly, the three had to continue waiting.

And so, another day passed.

Finally, King Yiqu came to see the three people. In fact, this was still fast. King Yiqu was the lord of a star field, and the Yiqu star field was a battle front. The number of people he needed to meet and deal with every day was a huge number.

Therefore, it was very fast to let Ye Xuan and his party wait for only one day.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time." Zhai Rang appeared in the center of the hall and said with a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan, Liu Yong, and Shui Yan hurriedly stood up and bowed, saying that they dared not.

"Well, I'm busy with affairs. To make a long story short, since you are the people arranged by Dean Ji, I will naturally take care of you. You should go to the Wuchang star system of the fighting system. There are a lot of battles there, and the enemies you encounter are not very strong. It is very suitable for you to go there." Zhai Rang's words left quickly. If Ji Dan hadn't specially sent him a divine thought, he would not have met these people in person.

Don't think about what he said about his extraordinary talent. Zhai Rang has seen many people with extraordinary talent, not just Ye Xuan, and those people may not have reached his level.

Moreover, to reach the level of the sixth-level Creation God, who knows how many years have passed, and he, Zhai Rang, may be able to go a step further and step into the seventh-level Creation God.

These are all unknown situations, so he is too lazy to go to great lengths to support him for a possibility, but this does not mean that he will not establish a good relationship with him.

"Okay, I will listen to King Yiqu's instructions." Ye Xuan nodded and agreed.

He didn't know how to call these Star Territory Lords, but since those people were commonly known as Star Territory names plus the king, he might as well just call them that.

Zhai Rang also nodded when he heard this, and then said: "I will arrange everything, you can just go there."

After saying that, Zhai Rang's figure disappeared, but he went on to handle business and meet another group of people.

Sometimes, when he is too busy, he will transform into tens of thousands of people and meet an unknown number of people at once.

The number of incarnations depends on how busy you are today.

"Let's go!"

Ye Xuan said and stepped outside.

Now that you know your final destination, you can just go there. There is no use in staying any longer.

Martial arts system, Wuchang Galaxy.

The martial arts system is a super galaxy cluster. The master of the super galaxy cluster is usually a fifth-level creation god. The master of the super galaxy cluster is also called So-and-so Lord, just like the master of the martial arts system is called It's called Wu Doujun.

Jun is one level below Wang, but one level above Hou.

Therefore, the Wuchang Galaxy is an existence similar to the Milky Way. The owner of the galaxy is also called So-and-so Hou, which is also the Hou of Wuchang.

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