Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 173: The First Line, Wuchang Hou Bao Bei

Ye Xuan and his party came to the Wuchang Galaxy. The administrative center of the Wuchang Galaxy is Wuchang Star, located in the center of the Wuchang Galaxy.

In the center of the Wuchang Galaxy is a huge black hole. Nothing exists inside. Only the Wuchang Star is located in it. This is also a huge natural barrier that can naturally block the approach of some weak creatures.

As for the strong, there will naturally be strong ones to resist, so there are actually very few guards in Wuchang Star, and they are basically just people watching the show.

What's more, if someone can really hit the administrative center in the galaxy, it means that this galaxy has basically been breached.

The war between countries is not that fun. Although it is a local war on the surface, it is only a war between the Yiqu Star Region and several surrounding star regions against the Rong Di Kingdom. In fact, it is a super large scope.

It’s just that for high-level creation gods, it can only be regarded as a local war.

Of course, battles between several star regions are backed by reinforcements from other star regions, but the battlefield has always been maintained in several bordering star regions.

The Marquis of Wuchang in the Wuchang Galaxy is named Bao Bei, and he is currently receiving Ye Xuan, Liu Yong, and Shui Yan in the courtyard.

Compared with the extremely busy King Yiqu, Marquis Wuchang's affairs are undoubtedly much less.

And Bo is the lord of a small galaxy, much larger than the one in the solar system, Zi is the one similar to the solar system, and man is the lord of the planet.

Of course, in fact, Bo Hezi is not much different. They are all third-level creation gods. The reason why they are called Bo Hezi is actually because there are huge differences between the third level and the third level. The powerful third-level creation god's place is undoubtedly larger, so he is also called Bo.

In the same way, the weaker third-level creation god has a smaller jurisdiction, so it is called a son.

Men, on the other hand, are clearly one level lower than Bo and Kazuko, and are just nicknames for the Lords of one planet after another. In fact, there are many Planet Lords who are directly called such and such Star Lords, and are rarely called such and such Star Lords. For a certain man.

"The three juniors came with us, are you okay?" Bao Bei asked with a smile.

He is a fourth-level creation god, and he is now in the late stage of the fourth-level creation god, but this is what he has gained after a long time, no more than Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan is still a freshman and has reached the early stage of the fourth-level Creation God. As a senior, Bao Bei naturally knows what this means. It means that Ye Xuan is extremely powerful, talented and has great potential.

Although they are both fourth-level creation gods, the fact is that the younger they are, the stronger their combat power is.

He must look up to Ye Xuan sooner or later, so naturally he has to have a good relationship with Ye Xuan.

"Senior, we are okay. After meeting King Yiqu, we came here directly." Ye Xuan first looked at the senior with a smile. Since the other party is willing to call him a junior, it means that the other party is also from Dazhou College. People come out.

And this is where Bao Bei has lived for a long time, so there is actually no disadvantage in calling him senior.

"Well, that's good." Bao Bei nodded first, and then said: "I tell you, this is not an ordinary place. There will always be fighting here, although the battlefield of the large forces is in the opponent's star field. In the territory, but you also know that fighting is basically a matter of coming and going. "

"So, the other party will come to the Yiqu Star Territory from time to time, and the Yiqu Star Territory is bordered by the Martial Arts Department, and our Wuchang Department is the most bordering place among the Martial Arts Department. That is to say, we are truly on the front line here.”

"Of course, as the battle progresses, the actual front line has long been pushed to the front, but we will also be harassed by the enemy from time to time, so we cannot take it lightly."

Bao Bei informed the three of them some of the most basic things, and the three who listened nodded repeatedly.

"Senior, we want to go to the real front line." Ye Xuan looked into Bao Bei's eyes and said.

This was his goal here. He didn't want to stay at home and play defense. That was meaningless. Who knew when the other side would break in? It was better to take the initiative and take the initiative in the war.

"Okay! As expected of the students from Dazhou College. By the way, are you all freshmen in this class?" Bao Bei praised first, and then asked curiously.

He knew about Ye Xuan. King Yiqu had already spoken to him, saying that Ye Xuan was a freshman in this year and had reached the fourth level of Creation God, and told him to treat him well and not make any mistakes.

When he heard the news at that time, he was simply shocked. Whoever reaches the fourth level of Creation God is not in his junior or senior year, but this junior actually reached the fourth level of Creation God in his freshman year. .

It can be seen from this that this is a peerless genius among geniuses.

This is because they don't know where Ye Xuan is currently ranked on the Tongtian Ranking. If they knew that Ye Xuan was the tenth on the Tongtian Ranking, Bao Bei would be scared to death.

He ranked tenth among the nation's geniuses in his freshman year, but what about his sophomore year? Isn’t that the real number one? After all, the people in front of him are all outstanding geniuses in their senior years, and in another year, when those people graduate, the number one one will naturally be Ye Xuan.

"Yes, they are all freshmen." Liu Yong nodded and replied.

"Yes, we are all freshmen." Shui Yan, who was taciturn, also said with a smile. He was always indifferent to outsiders, but he was quite respectful to the senior in front of him. He didn't know why, but he was just like that.

"As expected, heroes emerge from youth! Haha! I am also from Da Zhou College. I have graduated for more than 3,000 years. When I graduated, I was a fourth-level Creator God. Now, after thousands of years, I am still a fourth-level Creator God. I am sorry to make you three juniors laugh!" Bao Bei said, and then he picked up a glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp with a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan, Liu Yong, and Shui Yan hurriedly picked up their own glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

This was the wine and food Bao Bei prepared for them to welcome them.

Although they had long cut off such worldly needs, in fact, for people who love to eat, this is still inevitable. After all, the flesh and blood of some monsters are very delicious.

"Senior, you are joking. If we can reach the fourth-level Creator God when we graduate, it will be a very happy thing!" Liu Yong said with a smile, without saying much.

These words were very official and polite.

"Haha, I dare not say much about other people, but just because you two dare to go out to fight in your freshman year, if you can survive, you will definitely break through to the fourth-level Creation God before graduating from your senior year!" Bao Bei laughed and said with some admiration.

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