Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 176: Fighting, reinforcements arrive

Especially for low-level wars, but the main purpose of Daxia is to train soldiers and sharpen students, so it did not provide a large number of technological weapons. There are some, but very few.

And these laser weapons are the key to the low-level Creator God being able to kill the third-level Creator God. Otherwise, it is impossible to let the first- and second-level Creator God go to the battlefield, which is undoubtedly sending heads.

But even so, the first- and second-level Creator God can only be attacked once at most, and then they will lose their combat power. If they are unlucky, they will die on the spot.

Because they have not condensed their divine bodies, they do not have that kind of extremely powerful recovery and vitality.

"What can we do? There is nowhere to run, so we can only bite the bullet! Damn, this is the situation where the opponent's fourth-level Creator God has not taken action, otherwise we would have been gone long ago!" Luna, the battalion commander of the fifth battalion, sighed, she had no choice.

"Then prepare to charge, shooting at each other will be a dead end! It is better to rush in front of them and fight!" Li Qing, the battalion commander of the fourth battalion, also agreed very much.

At a distance, the opponent can naturally use the cover to shoot back without worry, but once close, the laser weapon is not very useful, although the laser fired by this weapon is extremely fast, so that many third-level creation gods cannot react.

But it takes a period of time to charge, and it is useless if you get close to the enemy. Not only that, if you get close to the enemy, the enemy's allies will not be able to shoot this laser weapon, because if you get too close, a large group of people may be pierced together...

Just like the Great Xia Kingdom wants to train soldiers, the Rongdi Kingdom also regards these places as training grounds and is not in a hurry to kill these people. Otherwise, once the fourth-level creation god takes action, these third-level creation gods will be gone.

"Yes, that's right, charge!" Lv Chunsheng, the battalion commander of the seventh battalion, also made a quick decision.

Soon, the battalion commanders of the three battalions encouraged their brothers in the battalion, but since everyone was planning to go out to participate in the battlefield, they naturally knew that there was a considerable risk.

So, one by one, they just put their lives on their belts.

The reason why they had to act in a group was because two fists could not beat four hands. One third-level Creation God could beat another, but could you beat ten or a hundred of them?

At this time, Ye Xuan led the second and third battalions to a place.

"Deputy commander, we can't go any further. That's where the Red Sun Group is responsible. If we intervene rashly, we will be considered to be stealing credit. We have our own place!" The second battalion commander Bai Mao said anxiously, trying to stop Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? I'm the leader, and I will naturally take the responsibility when the time comes. And don't you feel that there is a large group of third-level Creation Gods ahead? There are as many as 60,000 or 70,000 of them, and they are fighting fiercely. It is very likely that our people will be defeated!"

As a fourth-level Creation God, he naturally has a wide range of perception, otherwise he would not have found this place.

"Oh, forget it, listen to the deputy commander!" Bai Mao sighed, feeling relieved. With Ye Xuan's words, he felt relieved. This also proved that Ye Xuan took the lead and insisted on doing it.

At that time, even if the commander of the Red Sun Group blamed him, he could not be blamed.

Ye Xuan did not know that his second battalion commander was so cunning, but seeing that the other party did not say anything else, he continued to lead the personnel of the two battalions to that place.


The power of the Great Space Avenue emerged and wrapped the personnel of the two battalions.


A white light flashed, and the people of the two battalions disappeared from the spot.

That was Ye Xuan using the Great Space Avenue to teleport forward.

Although he had not been to the front, he could teleport to a fixed point within his own range of perception.


"Hiss!!! The deputy commander actually controlled the law of space!!!" The third battalion commander Wang Ke said in amazement.

He knew that Ye Xuan was a fourth-level God of Creation, but he didn't know that Ye Xuan actually controlled the laws of space and could teleport so many people at once.

What a great power this is, so he had to be shocked.

Although Bai Mao, who was standing by, didn't make a sound of surprise, he also showed a look of horror in his eyes. Now, all the tricks in his heart were dispelled, and he dared not disobey Ye Xuan's orders again.

"Haha, the deputy commander knows a lot of things!" Liu Yong, the deputy commander of the third battalion, patted Wang Ke on the shoulder and laughed.

He knew clearly that Ye Xuan had mastered an unknown amount of law power, and even used the law to transform, which was simply too terrifying to describe.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, charge!" Ye Xuan looked at the Gods of Creation of Rongdi who were close at hand, and didn't think much about it. Instead, he said it directly and took the lead in launching an attack.


The soldiers of the second and third battalions of the Iron Fist Regiment shouted and rushed towards him.

"Hiss! Where did the thieves come from? How did they rush over from behind us!!!" The enemy was horrified and quickly organized people to fight back.

In the encirclement.

"Great! Friendly troops are coming to rescue us!!!" Lu Chunsheng was overjoyed and shouted loudly, so that the whole army could hear it. When everyone looked over, they saw that there were indeed two battalions of soldiers outside the encirclement rushing towards here.

The enemy's formation was in chaos. The three battalions originally charged in a V-shaped formation, but now they all moved faster, and the second and third battalions of the Iron Fist Regiment launched a large encirclement of the middle part of the enemy.

In an instant, the power of various laws filled the air, and everyone abandoned technological weapons and turned to a fight of their own strength. Everyone hugged each other and continued to fight.

However, Ye Xuan did not attack the Creation Gods who were surrounding the Red Sun Group on the opposite side, but flashed and went to the regiment headquarters of the Rongdi Kingdom.

Because there were fourth-level Creation Gods there, when he came here, the other party also sensed his presence. If he killed the Creation Gods here in one fell swoop, there was no doubt that the other party would directly wipe out their Creation Gods without a care after reacting.

Although Ye Xuan was not afraid of the other party, it did not mean that he could face several fourth-level Creation Gods and control them all tightly to prevent them from killing his subordinates.

Ye Xuan couldn't afford to gamble, nor did he want to. If he missed a fourth-level warrior, it would be a disaster for his second and third battalions.

In addition, their original intention was to train the troops, and it was impossible for them to do such a thing. It would not have any effect on sharpening his men, and in this case, Shui Yan and Liu Yong would have come in vain.

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