Windsor Regiment, Regiment Command.

"There is a fourth-level Creation God flying towards us, everyone, prepare to meet the enemy!" Windsor Mitchell, the leader of the Windsor Regiment, stood up and said with a serious face.

As soon as these words fell, the deputy leader Simmons Virgil and the chief of staff Robinson Andrew also stood up. Both of them were fourth-level Creation Gods.

The leader Windsor was a fourth-level Creation God in the late stage, and his strength was strong, so he was stationed here, while the deputy leader Simmons was a fourth-level Creation God in the middle stage, and his strength was not shallow, while the chief of staff Robinson was a fourth-level Creation God in the early stage, and his strength was relatively weak.

This regiment was a regiment of the third and fourth levels, and its strength was extremely strong.

Unlike the Great Xia Kingdom, which was for training, the high-level Creation Gods rarely intervened in the battles between low-level Creation Gods, and basically did not care unless there were too many casualties.

The Rongdi Kingdom was completely afraid. Yes, they didn't dare to take action personally, otherwise they would provoke the thunder and wrath of the Great Xia Kingdom. As long as they dared to take action at the fourth level to wipe out a large number of third levels, they would just wait for death.

As for the number of people, there was no limit, but the high-level was not allowed to take the initiative to attack the low-level. Of course, there was actually no explicit regulation on this point, but it was indeed taught by Rongdi through countless bloody lessons.

At the beginning of the Great Xia Kingdom's military training, all kinds of things always happened, including the sixth-level gods on the opposite side repeatedly taking action against low-level gods, which eventually angered the high-level creator god of the Great Xia Kingdom and directly wiped out the sixth-level creator god, which completely shocked Rongdi Kingdom and made it dare not take action again.

Boom! ! !

Ye Xuan did not take any quiet means and went directly to the command center of the Windsor Group.

"Are you the commanders of the Windsor Group?" Ye Xuan sneered, looking at the strange-looking Indians in front of him, and said.

"Yes, you are?" Windsor felt the aura of the opponent's fourth-order creation god in the early stage, but it seemed that the aura was very difficult to provoke, which made him full of doubts.

So, he asked deliberately.

"Deputy leader of the Iron Fist Group, Ye Xuan, remember my life, so that you don't even know who killed you." Ye Xuan said his name lightly.

"Arrogant!!!" Simmons shouted angrily and punched out. A fist containing infinite truth, with a breath of laws wrapped around it, hit Ye Xuan's face.

Ye Xuan snorted slowly.


A breath that suppressed the heavens, as if suppressing everything, appeared. It was the breath of Emperor Di Jun, the magical power of Emperor Jun.

Simmons was suppressed and fell to the ground in an instant. He wanted to move around, but he couldn't do anything. He was suppressed to the ground and couldn't move.

"Emperor of Heaven!!!"

As Ye Xuan shouted, a majestic figure appeared behind Ye Xuan, faintly showing up. It was the figure of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven is the Lord of Everything.

Boom! ! !

A vast expanse of true sun fire emerged from the void. Wherever Ye Xuan's eyes passed, it was covered by the true sun fire.


Simmons, who fell to the ground, screamed. At this time, Windsor, who had been standing, was also frightened by the power of the Emperor of Heaven and burned by the true sun fire. The chief of staff Robinson was directly burned to ashes by Ye Xuan's true sun fire. Nothing was left and he disappeared.

But he didn't really fall. He just fell in this time and space, and didn't erase all traces of his existence in the infinite time and space.

In other words, Robinson will return from the endless time and space sooner or later.

Ye Xuan had no way to deal with this. He would not chase Robinson in the endless time and space. Even if he wanted to, he would be powerless.

But even if he was killed now, it would be enough.

After all, after the regiment headquarters was destroyed, the rest of the so-called Windsor Group could only surrender, and there was no other way out. That also meant that all the resources here belonged to the Great Xia Kingdom. I wonder how many points this God Origin Mine can bring to Ye Xuan.

"Damn it!!!" Windsor's water breath was like thunder, completely extinguishing the sun's true fire on his body, and saving Simmons who fell to the ground.

Unlike Windsor who was basically unharmed, Simmons was seriously injured and his combat power limit dropped.

At this time, Windsor's eyes were surging with scarlet, and his originally white skin turned red, and so were his pupils.

On his body, there appeared divine fires, which were like divine thunders, with great power. A flood appeared in front of him, which lifted him high above the sky, and his body was like thunder.

Simmons raised his hands suddenly, and countless extremely inexplicable auras emerged. That was the wrath of thunder, the incarnation of Thor.

Boom! ! !

Thunder power continued to burst out from Simmons' body and went towards Ye Xuan.

There were also divine fires and divine waters summoned by Windsor coming towards Ye Xuan.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan was not in a hurry, and pointed out with one finger, which contained the Great Dao of Thunder and Lightning and the Great Dao of Five Elements, dissolving their magical powers one by one.

Simmons and Windsor showed a trace of disbelief in their eyes. They couldn't believe that there would be someone who was so powerful at the same level of the fourth level, and dissolve all their magical powers with one finger!

"Impossible!!! I am the most outstanding genius in Rongdi Country in a thousand years!!!"

"I am Simmons Virgil!!!"

"I have been an excellent student since I was a child. I practiced hard day and night and finally reached the fourth-order mid-stage realm!"

"I entered the Dao with the power of thunder. I am a peerless genius who can enter the Dao at the fourth order!!!"

"How could I lose to you!!!"

Simmons was like a madman, with his hair flying in all directions. He walked towards Ye Xuan step by step with great power.

Ye Xuan just stood there without any movement, just standing there quietly, waiting for Simmons to come.

But every time Simmons took a step, his body collapsed a little, and every time he got closer to Ye Xuan, his body was severely injured.

"No! Simmons!! Come back!!!" Windsor was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly shouted, trying to stop Simmons, but found that he couldn't move at all!

Simmons is the offspring of a big man above, otherwise he would not have come to the Windsor Group as the deputy leader. With his strength of the fourth-order mid-stage Creation God, he can completely serve as the leader of one side.

And this time, he came here just to gild himself.

But what Windsor didn't expect was that this kid was so desperate, even more ruthless than him.

"I have my own pride!!! I must kill you!!!" Simmons' eyes had long been bloodshot, and he couldn't listen to any words. He floated up step by step, and his breath became weaker step by step.

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