Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 179 I have finished speaking. Who agrees? Who opposes?

The five-clawed golden dragon carried Ye Xuan to the place where the second and third battalions were supporting the three battalions of the Red Sun Regiment.

hold head high! ! !

The five-clawed golden dragon looked up to the sky and roared, causing the soldiers fighting on the scene to stop one after another.

The body of the five-clawed golden dragon seemed to be ten thousand feet in size. It spanned the entire void. It was very terrifying with its teeth and claws. And above the five-clawed golden dragon, there was a man in white standing on it.

The aura felt on that man's body was more terrifying and powerful than that of the five-clawed golden dragon.

With a cold face and a golden dragon, who in the world deserves white clothes?

"Ye Xuan!!!" Liu Yong shouted excitedly with blood all over his body. He knew what it meant for Ye Xuan to appear here at this time.

That means that Ye Xuan successfully took over the opponent's headquarters, and their battle was won.

Shui Yan also had a somewhat excited expression on his face. There was also blood on his body, most of which belonged to the other party, and rarely to his own.

This is a battlefield after all, and no one can guarantee that they will not be injured.

"Deputy Commander!!!" All the soldiers of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Iron Fist Regiment were also surprised. How long had it been since they joined the war? Why did their deputy commander solve this matter? Did the matter really end with the command center on the opposite side?

Wouldn't he just stroll around for a few times and then run over to intimidate the other party, thereby achieving the effect of a battalion and rescue army?

Many soldiers thought so, thinking that Ye Xuan might have wandered around for a while, and then came back to help them. For a moment, they were really touched. This was risking the whole world to save their lives. ah.

Windsor Regiment.

"The fourth level on the opposite side?!" Lao Gao, the commander of the third battalion, frowned. How could he meet the fourth level of the opposite team here? Could it be that he was really taken advantage of by the other party?

But that's impossible! After all, even if Huang Quji has reached that level, the regiment headquarters has three fourth-level creation gods, and there is also a deputy commander and chief of staff who are also fourth-level...

"I think 80% of the time we are really defeated. Surrender, otherwise we will all die here!" Qiyingzhang sighed. Although he did not want to encounter such an ending, in fact it was like this. They really just collided. It has come to such an ending.

"No! Impossible!"

"Yes! That's right! Our leader Windsor is the strongest!!!"

I don’t know how many people couldn’t believe this, but they were all looking at the aloof young man in white. They knew that no matter whether the leader was dead or not, their lives were not guaranteed at this moment, and everything was in their hands. In the hands of the boy in white.

"The three fourth-level creation gods, the Windsor regiment leader, deputy leader, and chief of staff, are all dead. They died in my hands." Ye Xuan said indifferently, as if he was not the one who killed those three people. , but just like everyone else.

Facing Ye Xuan's ruthlessness, no one thought there was anything wrong. In an era when strength was supreme, it didn't matter what you did, it all depended on your strength.

"So, surrender, don't struggle in vain, surrender without killing." Ye Xuan's cold words came again. He is not a murderer. These third-level creation gods have little impact on the war, and the opponent's After the death of the fourth-level Creation God, it was not easy for them to continue fighting against several times more enemies.

Because if Ye Xuan didn't take action, they would undoubtedly suffer heavy casualties, but if Ye Xuan took action, the opponent would have no chance to fight back, and they would simply die.

Therefore, either Ye Xuan forcibly controlled a group of people not to go and let his subordinates go to fight. But in that case, they would undoubtedly be full and full. It would be better to just recruit them directly. After all, there are a lot of wars in this place. , as long as you find a suitable place, you can practice again. There is no need to be so forced.

"Brothers, surrender!"

The third battalion commander shouted quickly, leading the people in his battalion to prepare to surrender.

What's more, there are other battalions that do not intend to surrender, but are preparing to die to serve the country. This also lets these people know that there are some people with backbone in Rong Di Kingdom.


Ye Xuan let out a long sigh, and then blew a gentle breath, but just that little bit was able to turn the warriors who were sprinting towards them into white bones, and then there were no bones at all. The rest, including the ashes, nothing fell, as if everything was in vain.

Those who resisted all died, completely.

After their death, the remaining members of the Windsor regiment naturally surrendered. This entire regiment had an unknown amount of technological equipment. Of course, these were the least important. Above them were these people, these absolutely Most of them are the cultivation level of the third-level creation gods. If they were transported back to the country and dug for them with free labor for a lifetime, how much divine source would be dug out? Moreover, these creation gods did not consume a single thing. .

It can be said that the reason why Daxia captured prisoners was also for this reason.

After all, these are free labor, and they work much harder than those in China. After all, if you don't get it right, you have to prepare for death, and prepare for future generations.

Seeing the Windsor regiment surrender, Lu Chunsheng, the seventh battalion commander of the Red Sun regiment, also ran over.

Lu Chunsheng bent over and solemnly thanked him: "Thank you, sir, for your rescue. Our Red Sun Regiment will definitely be unforgettable!!!"

He knew that if Ye Xuan hadn't brought people to rescue them, they might not even be able to pass today's level, and they would most likely die here.

At this time, Luna, the commander of the fifth battalion of the Red Sun Regiment, and Li Qing, the commander of the fourth battalion, also came over and thanked them one by one. They were not fools and would not judge people by their appearance, not to mention that the other party actually saved them, saying It’s not hard to say thank you.

"It's okay, it's just a little effort!" Ye Xuan waved his hand, looking unconcerned.

This was indeed the case. He really didn't take this matter seriously. In his mind, doing anything casually was not considered a help.

Of course, if he thinks this way, the other person will not think so. If he doesn't repay someone for saving his life, then this person is no better than an animal.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, you can go back with your people. I conquered this place, so it belongs to me." Ye Xuan waved his hand, and then glanced at the three battalion commanders. He said word by word with a serious face:

"After I finish speaking, who is in favor? Who is against?"

"This captain is joking, you saved us, we haven't had time to thank you, so how can we snatch this kind of resources..." Lu Chunsheng said with a smile on his face.

"I object!"

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