Suddenly, a loud shout was heard, and the person was saying that he was against it.

Ye Xuan's face darkened instantly, and he looked at the person who was speaking.

He said that just for fun, and no one took it seriously. He also told those people in advance that this place was taken down by him, so it naturally belonged to him.

Ye Xuan was right in this point. Whoever took down the place would be in charge of it.

Ye Xuan's eyes were extremely fierce, and a trace of blood was slightly flashing, looking at the other party.

Only then did he realize that this person was Li Qing, the commander of the fourth battalion of the Red Sun Regiment.

"You object? Here I risked my life to take down the entire Windsor Regiment headquarters. I asked the brothers of the second and third battalions of the Iron Fist Regiment to attack, otherwise you would have died long ago! You are telling me that you object now?"

Ye Xuan's face was frosty, as if he would explode at any time.

He didn't expect that something that was just a formality would actually be opposed by others.

"That's not what I meant. I don't want to monopolize these places. What I mean is that we should share some resources. After all, we have also contributed..." The person who spoke was Li Qing. Most of his men died in the battle, so he wanted to get some benefits.

After seeing that they were all allies, those people on weekdays would basically give some resources to comfort them, which was also something he succeeded in many times.

But he obviously didn't expect what kind of person Ye Xuan was. Ye Xuan didn't care about this face.

"Kneel down!" Ye Xuan didn't say much to him, and shouted angrily.

Buzz! ! !

An invisible aura appeared and went towards Li Qing.


Li Qing knelt down on the ground, his face pale, and he instantly understood that he had hit a wall this time. This young man wouldn't care about these.

"Who else objects?" Ye Xuan glanced at the whole audience, and no one dared to look directly at the place where his eyes went.

At this time, Li Qing was still overwhelmed by his power and couldn't move. Who else dared to run up and seek death now?

"I agree."

The remaining battalion commander shouted hurriedly. Seeing what happened to Li Qing, these people dared not say anything more. If they said anything more, Ye Xuan might just take them for granted.

"Then go ahead, drag the one kneeling away!"

Ye Xuan waved his hand, motioning them to leave.

After thanking them, the people from the Red Sun Group hurriedly took the immobile Li Qing away and headed to the headquarters to report.

After seeing these people leave one after another, Ye Xuan looked at the 40,000 captives. This was a whole regiment, and he had captured them directly. They should be good for mining.

"Baimao, go inform the regiment headquarters and ask them to send more people to guard here." Ye Xuan shouted to Baimao, the battalion commander of his second battalion.

After hearing this, Baimao quickly agreed and then sent people to set up communication devices.

These are all creations of the Kingdom of Science and Technology. Even if they are far away, they can instantly convey the message they want to convey.

In fact, it is similar to the enhanced version of the radio station in the universe, except that this one can directly manifest people and communicate face to face, that is, those videos, but it can be used in the universe regardless of distance.

"Rest on the spot and take over the defense measures."

Ye Xuan issued another order. There is a divine source vein here. He is not so stupid as to abandon this place.


The blockade law then appeared. It is the incidental law of the rule avenue, which temporarily blocks the connection between the kingdom of the more than 40,000 third-level creation gods and the creation gods.

The reason for doing so is just to prevent those people from taking the divine source as private property when mining the vein.

In the divine source vein, what is mined is directly the divine source, and there is no need to refine it. This also leads to the fact that the personnel who go down to mine must close their divine kingdoms. Otherwise, if they use it directly in the divine kingdom, the divine source will disappear.

Once the connection between the divine kingdoms is closed, the third-level creation god will only have strength and cannot communicate with the divine kingdom or develop the divine kingdom.

Not only that, even the Tongtian List cannot be opened, and the laws and the like cannot be used.

The Tongtian List cannot be opened and the laws cannot be used, which means that they cannot store the divine source separately.

To do this, the caster must be strong, otherwise it is impossible to block those people. To do this, it is not only necessary to use the blocking laws, but also some means of mastering prohibitions can achieve similar effects.

After Ye Xuan blocked the 40,000 captives, he directly let them go mining again.

He used the method of using the barbarians to control the barbarians, and let the battalion commanders of the Rongdi country serve as the chief statistician and the chief supervisor to supervise the people below. Each battalion has a target, and each company and platoon also have corresponding targets.

Strictly speaking, these people are not soldiers in the army. In fact, there are very few real soldiers. Most of them are similar to Ye Xuan, but they just use the military organization. In fact, they are not soldiers at all, just like mercenaries.

This was true for the Iron Fist Group that Ye Xuan belonged to, the Red Sun Group that he had rescued before, or the Windsor Group that he had captured.

The leader of the Red Sun Group was a guy who controlled the laws of light, as well as the laws of fire, so they were named the Red Sun Group.

The leader of the Iron Fist Regiment is just as his name suggests, with a pair of iron fists, and the Windsor Regiment is even simpler, using his own name as the name of the regiment.

After doing all this, the people of the second and third battalions of the Iron Fist Regiment began to rest on the spot.

Iron Fist Regiment Headquarters.

After receiving the video of Bai Mao, the commander of the second battalion led by Ye Xuan, Yu Li said excitedly: "Our deputy commander is really fierce! He fought three fourth-level warriors alone and killed them all, and rescued three battalions of the Red Sun Regiment, and captured 40,000 people, and occupied a divine source mine!"

These are all points! As a leader, you don’t need to really go to fight, as long as your subordinates get points, you can get a share.

For example, when a battle is completed, the bulk of the credits go to the soldiers who lead the troops, but those who sit in the command center will also get a share. Basically, those who fight on the front line get 90% of the points, while those in the command center get 10%.

Don't underestimate this 10%. This 10% is divided among these people, namely the regiment commander, deputy regiment commander, and chief of staff. Basically, there are only these three fourth-level people in a regiment, and only these four people get them.

Assuming that a regiment gets a total of 10,000 points, then the three of them can share 1,000 points, of which the regiment commander gets 4 points, and the deputy regiment commander and chief of staff get 3 points, which means that the regiment commander can get 400 points, and the deputy regiment commander and chief of staff can get 300 points.

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