While the 90% may seem like a lot, in fact, there is not much left for the frontline combatants.

At the end of a battle, there will be someone who is responsible for calculating the real situation, and then reporting it layer by layer, and finally the brigade headquarters will conduct verification. If it is true, the corresponding points will be given to the lower level first, but it must also be reported to the division headquarters...

And so on, until the upper level uses big means to conduct a thorough investigation, everything will be consistent. If it is roughly consistent, the corresponding points will be issued to the military region, and then the military region will be decentralized layer by layer. If it is inconsistent, the consequences will be much more serious.

The worst is to go to the military court, and directly prepare to go mining like those prisoners for the rest of your life.

"The new deputy commander is so strong?!" Deputy commander Hai Ke was shocked when he heard this. He knew that Ye Xuan was sent by the upper level, but even if he was sent by the upper level, he would not be so strong, this is one against three!

The fourth-level creator god, one step to the world, the early and middle stages are completely two realms! Those who can cross the level are all true geniuses, but now Ye Xuan can actually fight three alone.

They have also heard of the Windsor Group. Although they have never met it, they also know that there is a group called the Windsor Group in the nearby galaxy. The leader of the Windsor Group is a late-stage fourth-order Creation God, which is why it is so famous.

But Ye Xuan killed him calmly, along with the other two fourth-order Creation Gods...

"As expected, heroes emerge from youth! If he is here, we will have a lot of points!" Chen Hai's eyes lit up. What is the purpose of everyone coming here?

Isn't it just for points! Points have infinite uses. They can be exchanged for divine sources or some items allowed by the military. Among those items, there are high-tech products and treasures useful to the Kingdom of God.

"I think it's difficult. The higher-ups sent him down directly to let him train, and then directly transferred him to the new leader. That's basically it." Yu Li shook his head. Obviously, he saw it more clearly than Chen Hai.

Not all fourth-level creator gods can serve as group leaders. Many of them can only serve as deputy group leaders and chief of staff, and there is still a long way to go before they can become group leaders.

But Ye Xuan is so strong that he will become the new group leader in a while.

"Then we can earn as much as we can. We have earned some now, haven't we!" Chen Hai said with a smile.

Yu Li nodded and said with a smile: "That's right! Chen Hai, take your people over there. Don't keep anyone in the command center. Some third-level ones don't dare to attack us. The fourth-level ones are coming. There is not much use for the first battalion. Let's take them all over. This is a big cash cow!"

"Notify the higher-ups and have them come directly to open the God Source Transportation Channel."

The God Source Transportation Channel is a kind of God Source that can be directly sent to the place where the God Source is stored after mining. These properties belong to the country.

But for this kind of God Source vein that a group has taken down, this group can obtain 1% of the God Source of this God Source vein.

Don't underestimate this one percent. One hundred out of ten thousand can be reserved for the regiment, and the 40,000 captives can dig out about one hundred pieces of God Source per day, that is to say, a total of about four million God Sources can be dug out per day.

With four million God Sources, a regiment can obtain 40,000 God Sources per day. A regiment is about 30,000 to 40,000 people, and each person can get one more God Source per day.

Of course, the distribution is definitely not so evenly divided, but these God Sources are reserved as group fees, and those who contribute more and have more merits will be rewarded with these God Sources.

It is not that you can get the God Source by lying aside.

If that were the case, who would go to find the God Source mine veins to attack!

The second and third battalions currently led by Ye Xuan have made great contributions, and they will definitely be rewarded with a large amount of God Source.

Not everyone is like Ye Xuan, who can get a million God Sources as a reward in a week. There are only so many such people in the country. Even if Ye Xuan comes out in the future, it will be extremely difficult to obtain such a huge resource again.

Zhengyang Galaxy, Yangchun Small Galaxy, Yangchun Star.

Ye Xuan's second and third battalions are resting on this planet, which is also the location of the Windsor Regiment's regimental headquarters.

The reason why the second and third battalions are resting is not a real rest, but to move and liquidate the property left by the Windsor Regiment.

Another advantage of being a mercenary is that it is stipulated that whoever wins the spoils will distribute it and belong to whom.

You can divide it however you want, and these resources are naturally won by Ye Xuan. Although those soldiers have also made efforts, they will definitely depend on Ye Xuan in the end. Without Ye Xuan, they can't win here, and even if they are gone, Ye Xuan can still win here.

So, this resource library is Ye Xuan's.

Of course, Ye Xuan will not really take it all for himself, and some benefits should be given.

But you don't have to give too much, just a little bit will be enough. Besides, this treasure house itself can only be won by Ye Xuan, so how to distribute it is naturally his business.

Soon, the entire Windsor Group's treasure house was counted.

There was nothing in the Windsor Group's treasure house, just some divine sources. In fact, most of them were just some divine sources. After all, the most useful things for the Creator Gods were divine sources and materials and treasures that were helpful to the world's kingdom of God. But how could the leader keep those things to share with others? He had already used them himself.

There are 400,000 God Sources in total, which is a considerable amount of money. These people collected them from the God Source Mine.

The Windsor Group has a total of 50,000 people. They can collect about 5 million God Sources every day. If they keep 1%, that is 50,000, which means that these God Sources are eight days of inventory.

It is very reasonable. Generally, they divide it every ten days or half a month, and there are also divisions once a week or a month.

For their team guarding the God Source Mine, they don’t need to fight other battles, just keep mining.

These are just extra gains that can be obtained. The real big head is the God Sources that are handed in. Those are real points!

After the amount of God Sources mined reaches a certain amount, everyone in the group will get corresponding points, which are much more than the God Source of one piece a day.

"Take 100,000 God Sources and divide them. You divide them equally, and I will take the rest. Is that okay?" Ye Xuan looked at the two battalion commanders and two deputy battalion commanders and asked.

He said he was asking, but he actually said it.

He was very generous. Each person could obtain ten divine sources, and the battalion commander, deputy battalion commander, company commander, and platoon commander could obtain more. After all, some people died in the battle before. Although not many, dozens of people died.

I was too sleepy after typing last night, so I went to sleep directly and forgot to set the timer. I just found it now, but it’s not a big problem...

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