Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 182 The Third Star Domain Competition

"Ye Xuan, it's really good to follow you. I can eat nine meals in three days, and every meal has fish and meat!" Liu Yong said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't lack these dozens of God Sources. He just had nothing to do and made a joke.

"Forget it, what can such a small amount of God Source do?" Huang Quji rolled his eyes at him. The ten or dozens of God Sources they shared were useless, but he got 300,000 God Sources at once, which was not a small amount.

This is the benefit of leading the army alone. He can lead the troops to plunder everywhere and develop? How long will it take to develop?

After the people of the Iron Fist Group come, Ye Xuan will evacuate this place. With just that little God Source, what can he do?

Forty thousand captives a day can only produce forty thousand God Sources, and he can't touch the rest. It's not like he will be sent to a military court for embezzling these God Sources.

So, take what you should take, and leave what you shouldn't take there.

"The Star Domain Competition is coming soon, right?" Suddenly, Shui Yan said something out of the blue.

Ye Xuan suddenly realized it and slapped his forehead and said, "Yeah, I almost forgot it!"

These days, he has been running around for the battlefield. It must be said that there is a famous saying in the previous life that killing people and setting fires will bring you a golden belt. Ye Xuan now feels it thoroughly.

If he wants to get these hundreds of thousands of God Sources, he must wait until next week, otherwise he can only rely on the whole day of monster hunting in the Shura battlefield.

In fact, this is exactly the case. He is not as good as the whole day of monster hunting in the Shura battlefield when he seeks God Source ore veins in the battlefield.

But fortunately, these two things can be carried out at the same time without conflicting with each other, so Ye Xuan actually kills two birds with one stone.


After a few days, the place where the previous God Source ore vein was located had long been taken over by the people of the Iron Fist Group. They suppressed it with all their strength and carried out the mining business.

With the captives, these people don't have to go out in person. Anyway, the creator gods who mined the captives have no power to obtain the divine source. Instead, they work hard all day and night without any rest time. They are completely reduced to coolies.

This is the advantage of the creator god. There is no need to eat or sleep, no loss at all, and they can keep mining, and there is no need to worry about sudden death.

It is simply the best labor force. Faced with such a hard life, these people did not think about escaping from prison. Although their strength is still there, they dare not act rashly with the suppression of the fourth-level creator god.

Being able to live to this day, they would not seek death in that way. As long as this place is captured by their own people again, they can get out of trouble.

Although the hope is not great, there is always hope.

And the fact is that after Ye Xuan led the second and third battalions to leave here, a group of more than 30,000 people came here again.

Faced with the loss of the Yangchun small galaxy, those people naturally would not choose to give up, but would choose to counterattack.

But this matter has nothing to do with Ye Xuan, because he has led his team to another place.

A few small galaxies away from the Yangchun small galaxy, there is a place called the Nuanyang small galaxy. Now, Ye Xuan leads these people to station on this planet.

"The third round of the star field competition is officially opened!"

As Ji Xian's divine thoughts from the Great Zhou Academy of the Huaxia Star Field came, a trace of Ye Xuan's divine thoughts entered the star field arena.

Huaxia Star Field, Huaxia Star.

"Good boy, Ye Xuan actually ran to Rongdi Country!" Ji Xian's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and his deep eyes seemed to penetrate infinite time and space.

In his eyes, what appeared was the place where Ye Xuan and his group were, which was Nuanyang Star.

This was something he discovered when he sent his thoughts.

But then he shook his head and put this matter behind him.

For him, this was just a small episode. If he didn't tamper with the final championship reward, then there would be nothing to worry about.

Star Domain Arena.

“No. 10 in the country?!” A student named Qingcha from the Huaxia Star Domain frowned and asked when he saw that his opponent was actually named Ye Xuan, which was exactly the same as the No. 10 in the country.

Ye Xuan was stunned at first. How could this person be different from the people from the Huaxia Star Domain before!

Then the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Sure enough, after he ranked high, everyone knew it. Those people before just thought they were just that good because they didn’t get the corresponding information.

But after he ranked No. 10 in the country, any student who paid attention to the Tongtian Ranking could know it. After all, his name was in the top of the list.

Ye Xuan nodded and said with a smile: “Why, do you want to admit defeat?”

Qingcha shook his head slightly and said: “How is it possible? I want to see how big the gap is between us!”

In fact, he was afraid that Ye Xuan was an imposter. After all, there were more than 70,000 people in total, and Ye Xuan’s name was not a very complicated and remote name. It was normal to have the same name.

He didn't want to meet a fake and ruin his ranking in the star field competition.

"Come on!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and a channel spread out from the kingdom of God and connected to the other party's kingdom of God.


In the interstellar kingdom of God.

This is a world that belongs to many races. There are a huge number of Zerg, high-tech human race, and God race that rules the universe with spirit.

The three major races each occupy an area. Zerg sounds like some bugs, but in fact they are composed of various creatures. These creatures are mixed together through high-tech means, making themselves extremely powerful killers.

In other words, this world is actually a world of half fantasy and half technology, referred to as a science fiction world.

Different from the completely technological kingdom of God, and also different from those fantasy worlds, this kind of world that combines the two has the characteristics of both worlds at the same time, and its development potential is also relatively large.

The triangle is conducive to stability, so Qingcha set up three major races in his kingdom of God to restrain each other.

Among them, the God race is the most powerful, using its huge mental power to control some war robots to launch wars. Although the population is the smallest among the three major groups, they are the most powerful race.

Not only those war robots, but also they are the strongest individually.

The Zerg relies on their huge human sea to fight against the other two races. Although their individual strength is the smallest, their numbers are extremely large. They can use human sea tactics to pile up and kill the opponents alive.

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