Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 184 Guixu Avenue, Devouring and Assimilation

Boom boom! ! !

The two Guixu magical powers collided with each other, making a huge sound and shaking. Infinite power spread in all directions, turning the surrounding space into Guixu. Space did not exist, only Guixu remained.

At this time, a passage opened up, and figures appeared in it. However, before those figures entered the prehistoric world, they were annihilated along the space by the aftermath of the battle between the two Guixu goddesses who were fighting.

At this time, Madam Yuanqi and Madam Yuanmu fought again, and all kinds of magical powers bloomed everywhere like incredible things.

In the sky above the Dongji Guixu land, bursts of powerful and strange magical powers broke out.

These magical powers constantly annihilated the armies of those interstellar kingdoms who tried to step into the prehistoric world.

Qingcha was only a third-level creation god, and had not entered the fourth-level creation god. Even the two that Ye Xuan had fought before were somewhat inferior. In his interstellar kingdom, there were only a large number of second-level and third-level combat forces.

They did not have the fourth-order combat power, and although the two Guixu goddesses were not of the fourth-order strength, they were not far from the fourth-order, and they had stepped half a foot into the fourth-order. The combat power they burst out now was naturally extremely terrifying.

In addition, the foundation of the innate sacredness of Honghuang was extremely deep, far beyond the reach of those technological creations.

So, the creatures and creations in the large number of interstellar kingdoms were annihilated one by one in the battle between the two Guixu goddesses, annihilated, disappeared, and destroyed.

"Hey, there is a space channel here, and there are many interesting creations!" Madam Yuanmu suddenly stopped and looked to the other side.

She found something strange there. There were no creatures here, only her and her sister Madam Yuanqi.

After all, it is extremely difficult to comprehend other great ways in the Guixu land without practicing the Guixu avenue.


Madam Yuanqi also snorted coldly and stopped.

"You bitch, do you still want to fight?!" Madam Yuanmu was so angry that she cursed when she saw that the other party dared to sneer.

The other party was the first to attack, and she was the first to stop, but the other party dared to sneer at her. How could the Goddess of Guixu, who had always been against her, be willing to endure it? She cursed immediately.

"You bitch, watch me smash your bitch mouth!" Madam Yuanqi was even more unwilling to tolerate the other party and sneered.

"This place is the place where we were born. It is against the harmony of heaven and earth to stay here. Why don't we go to that space and decide the outcome?!" Madam Yuanmu was afraid of her and said it immediately.

If she didn't think it was not good to fight in the place where she was born, how could she stop because of a mere space channel.

There is no reason for someone to fight with her sister in her own home. If she wants to fight, she has to go out and do it.

"Are you afraid?!" Madam Yuanqi snorted coldly, and then her body flashed and came to that space.

After a break between the two, the empty space channel was filled with technological creations again.

"Vile things!"

After seeing those, Madam Yuanqi waved her hand, and those technological creations disappeared again.

Madam Yuanmu followed closely behind, and the two came to the interstellar kingdom through the space channel.

"How can there be so many lowly things?!" Madam Yuanmu also frowned, looking at those technological creations and the Zerg, Human, and Gods. She raised her beautiful hand lightly, and the Guixu magical power appeared, spreading from under her feet and expanding into the endless void.

After the Guixu land appeared under her feet, all kinds of Guixu power burst out wherever it passed, strangling and destroying them one by one.

As the goddess of Guixu, she was naturally able to turn the Guixu land into infinite thoughts and spread them across the heavens.

"Kill them!"

At this time, the high-level commanders of the three tribes immediately gave orders.

Firepower shot out from the boundless starry sky, and the sky was full of artillery, lasers, and many technological weapons coming towards Madam Yuanqi and Madam Yuanmu.

However, none of those things could really hit the two Guixu goddesses. The Guixu goddesses stood there, but those weapons could never cross the Guixu land and really touch their bodies.

"Too noisy! Kill them first, and then decide the winner!" Madam Yuanqi's originally beautiful and calm face faintly showed a trace of distortion.

Guixu is a fusion of creation and destruction, which naturally contains a hint of destruction.

When Guixu gets angry, the world changes.

This sentence is the most appropriate to describe the current interstellar kingdom of God. I saw that those places turned into the land of Guixu one by one.

The Guixu Avenue seemed to have descended from the dark to the world, turning all the living and non-living creatures in the heavens into Guixu, and all of them were Guixu nutrients.

Whether it was the Protoss with immense spiritual power, the numerous Zerg, or the humans who mastered technology, they could not escape death in the end.

Even the spiritual power that was confirmed in the dark void was ruthlessly swallowed by the Guixu Land.

The Guixu Land of the former Guixu gods and demons was a place that could swallow the chaotic aura in the chaos and thus manifest. Although it is not as good as before in the hands of the Guixu Goddess, it is still a simple matter to swallow the void.

"Run away!!!"

The creatures with thoughts collapsed instantly and began to flee from this place on various fast starships.

Faced with all this, the two Guixu goddesses did not stop them, because their goal was not to turn this world into Guixu, but to clear out these dirty and lowly existences. They did not care whether they died or fled.

Living beings would flee, but those programmed robots would not flee, even if they were intelligent enough, but they were just robots.

In the Star Domain Arena.

“I surrender!”

Qingcha chose to surrender without hesitation. His most powerful group of creatures did not even step into the other side’s door. They were killed by the aftermath of the two goddesses fighting each other after just a glimpse.

And then the two goddesses counterattacked into the kingdom of God, slaughtering his creatures wantonly. Those technological creations were swallowed up and annihilated by Guixu as soon as they arrived at the front line. Even the kingdom of God was assimilated by the Guixu magical powers of the two goddesses.

Faced with all this, how could Qingcha dare to fight on? If he really continued to fight, his kingdom of God would probably turn into a piece of Guixu land, and it was unknown how long it would take to recover.

At this time, he also knew that the Ye Xuan in front of him was the Ye Xuan who ranked tenth in the country and was also the terrifying existence.

He was destroyed by the two goddesses in the other party's kingdom before he even stepped into the other party's kingdom of God.

They were both third-level creatures, but the gap was so big. His technological creations were no match for the three major races, and he didn't even have the qualifications to hurt the other party.

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