Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 185: North of the North Sea, Kunpeng Misses the Saint

Moreover, they were just two goddesses in Ye Xuan's kingdom, completely different from the sun and dragon gods discussed in the forum.

In addition, Ye Xuan was a fourth-level creator god, which meant that there were fourth-level creatures in the kingdom, so this battle was doomed to fail from the beginning.

Qingcha never thought that he could beat Ye Xuan, he was just afraid that this Ye Xuan was not the extremely powerful Ye Xuan, so he had a little fluke.

However, after he recognized the reality, he surrendered immediately, which was also a timely stop loss. Except for the Guixu land that needed to be cleared, the remaining dead and injured creatures or creations could be replenished soon.

After winning, Ye Xuan left the Star Domain Arena. He didn't feel anything about winning this battle, and there was no joy of victory. This was because the opponent didn't mock him, so he naturally just regarded it as an ordinary battle.

Routine, leave after the fight, without hesitation.


In the Nuanyang Star.

"After this fight, there are still more than 30,000 people left, and there are still so many fights to be fought..." Ye Xuan was a little helpless. He now felt that none of the opponents could fight.

And as his reputation became more and more famous, no one dared to mock him anymore.

And that is to say, he did not get the pleasure of pretending to be cool and getting slapped in the face. It was meaningless, and the fight was no longer interesting.

After this fight, Ye Xuan set out from Nuanyang Star and swept towards other star fields again.


In the prehistoric world.

Dongji Land, Guixu.

"Sister, do you think there are other worlds outside the prehistoric world?" Madam Yuanqi's eyes flashed with a strange light. She and Madam Yuanmu had fought in the Interstellar Divine Kingdom, and then were instantly teleported back to the prehistoric world.

They didn't even react, and they went back to the prehistoric world.

This made the two Guixu goddesses stop fighting instantly and start thinking.

"Maybe, the world just now should be the new world." Madam Yuanmu nodded and looked up at the boundless sky.

She thought silently in her heart, is this world really not the only one...

But there is obviously a great way here, and it contains infinite worlds and caves. Why is there another world in such a huge world? !

If that world exists, is it really equal to the world of Honghuang?

But chaos is the only one, and the three thousand great ways of gods and demons are also the only one. Now that they have all manifested, there is still only the Honghuang world in chaos, and the remaining worlds are just dependent on Honghuang.

And there is no other "Honghuang" world in the chaotic world! Could it be that chaos is not the only one? ? !

For a while, Madam Yuanmu was full of doubts. If other creatures saw that peerless figure standing on Guixu, they would definitely love it.

"Forget it, this is not what I should think about. After I achieve the Dao Fruit and step out of the endless flow of time and space, I should be able to see a glimmer of the truth of this world..." Madam Yuanmu shook her head, her figure flashed away, and she left the land of Guixu.

She didn't want to see Madam Yuanqi again, and neither she nor Madam Yuanqi could eliminate each other.

Therefore, there was no point in fighting any more, it was just to vent years of resentment. With their fight in the interstellar kingdom, most of the resentment had already dissipated a lot.

After seeing Madam Yuanmu leave, Madam Yuanqi snorted coldly and disappeared, going somewhere else.

Neither of the two Guixu goddesses chose to stay in the land of Guixu. They all wanted to go out and see what the present Honghuang was like. They heard that there was a supreme emperor who pressured the entire Honghuang, and all races and spirits respected the emperor.

I heard that there were immortal ancestors who preached in the wild and led people into the way of saints. These things were all heard by the Guixu goddesses from the past, and some of them were experienced by themselves.


North Sea.

The demon master Kunpeng is located in the North Sea. The North Sea Dragon King Bingyi controls this entire sea area. As early as the Emperor of Heaven entered the realm of Dao Fruit, the blockade of the Four Seas disappeared.

This is to better convey the will of the Emperor of Heaven and enable the divine soldiers and generals of the Heavenly Court to reach the Four Seas.

Moreover, the ancestor dragon previously blocked the Four Seas only to prevent the immortal ancestor Hongjun's way of saints from harming the Four Seas. Now the idea of ​​blocking Hunyuan has disappeared, that is to say, there is no effect of blocking it again.

It is better to just let it go. It happened that the Emperor of Heaven entered the realm of Dao Fruit again, so he took the opportunity to lift the ban.

And Kunpeng was able to return to the place where he was born again because of this.

The north of the North Sea is also called the Nether Sea because it is extremely cold.

"Damn the Heavenly Emperor!!! Damn the Demon King!!!" Kunpeng's eyes revealed a trace of resentment. Why was it him who was tricked into entering the realm of the Saint, instead of the two Suns!

He had always been at odds with Di Jun and Tai Yi. Although he joined the demon clan, it was only to avoid joining the dragon clan.

Because in the demon clan, he could hold a high position, but if he was in the dragon clan, he would only be a middle-level at most.

Because the high-level must be controlled by the dragon clan. If he was not in the blood of a true dragon, how could he enter the high-level of the dragon clan?

Not to mention that with his cultivation, it was impossible for him to do this.

But the Monster Clan was different. As a new race, he originally thought that he would be reused if he joined the Monster Clan, but he didn't expect that Di Jun seemed to see through his inner thoughts at a glance and just threw him aside without reusing him.

But even so, he still worked hard to cultivate on his own, and finally ranked second only to the three brothers and sisters of Da Ri among the demon clan.

But now, even the Ten Demon Commanders in Heaven are stronger than him! Because the ten demon commanders have all entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self and condensed the only true self.

As for Kunpeng, he was only a quasi-sage. Although his combat power was much higher than that of Daluo Jinxian, he was actually as far away from the true self of Hunyuan as a chasm.

Insurmountable, insurmountable.

"Hongjun once said that I will definitely become a saint! I have Hongmeng Purple Qi, and I will definitely be able to step into the realm of a saint!" Kunpeng's eyes were flashing with strange lights.

Then, another purple light flashed across.

"Although that thief Hongjun mistook my path, now he can only enter the realm of a saint to protect himself, so that he can find a way to transcend in future generations!" Kunpeng's mind flashed, and he still wanted to enter the realm of a saint.

Although Luo Hu promised him that after he completed that thing, he would teach him the new method of enlightenment, but he would not believe those people's lies now. Luo Hu's words were all considered as a possibility. Just test it out, don't go too far. really.

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