"Hongjun said that there are three ways to become a saint. The first is to prove the truth with force. This is almost impossible, so rule it out."

"The second is to kill the three corpses. Although this thief concealed the fact that he had opened up the sainthood in the Hunyuan realm and deceived many saints to cut themselves into the quasi-saint realm, it must be said that the way to kill the three corpses can indeed prove the sainthood."

"But this thief is too unkind! He didn't even explain the premise that the innate spiritual treasures needed to kill the three corpses are a complete set!!!"

Thinking of this, a trace of great hatred flashed in Kunpeng's eyes.

At this time, Kunpeng wanted to cut Hongjun into pieces, but he couldn't do it at all, because Hongjun had already proved the Hunyuan true self and his cultivation was far better than his.

"So, in fact, I only have this last way left, that is, to become a saint through merit..."

While Kunpeng muttered to himself, he ruled out the three ways one by one, and finally only one way to become a saint was left.

"The establishment of the Heavenly Court has great merits. If I combine it with the primordial purple qi, I will be a saint!" A trace of regret flashed in Kunpeng's eyes. If he had not fallen out with Di Jun and Tai Yi, he would have become a saint long ago.

"The establishment of the Heavenly Marriage has so many merits, which shows that the current demon race has a very high luck. Just planning something that is beneficial to the demon race can gain great merits!"

The mind was blessed, and Kunpeng understood in an instant that his chance to become a saint fell on the demon race!

After all, the main body of the Heavenly Court is the demon race. The fortune of the Heavenly Court is so strong, which means that the fortune of the demon race will also be very strong.

"I see that there are different languages ​​in the world. Although there are differences among the myriad races in the prehistoric times, they can understand each other's language under the transparency of the mind. In other words, the demon race does not have a unified language."

"If I can unify the myriad races with one language, I can gain a lot of merits!"

Once I understand, I will understand everything. Kunpeng understood it in an instant.

"What that person said is the language of Taoism, which is not suitable for the entire demon race. There are many low-level creatures who cannot understand it, so we have to choose a language that is more suitable for popularization."

"By the way, we can create something that all creatures can learn!"

When Kunpeng thought of this, the Great Dao of the Underworld appeared in his mind, which asked him to create a language belonging to the demon race.

"Words! Yes, it is words!"

"In ancient times, there were words of the Great Dao, and today, the words of the demon race should be created!!!"

"If you can successfully create the words of the demon race, you will definitely be able to obtain great merits, and you can become a teacher of the demon race. The position of the demon teacher is naturally supreme. Although it is not as good as the demon king, it is not much worse than those demon commanders!"

The flames in Kunpeng's eyes became stronger and stronger. He turned his body and turned into a Taoist in black, coming out from the depths of the dark sea.


Kunpeng stretched out his hand and began to write the words belonging to the demon race.


After the word "Tao" was completed, waves of golden light appeared over the entire Nether Sea, and wisps of golden light began to appear in the sky.

That was the golden cloud condensed by the golden light of merit. When the merit was sufficient, it would turn into golden light all over the sky. When the merit was completed, it was the time when the golden light of merit fell.

After seeing this scene, Kunpeng's face showed ecstasy, and he continued to create words belonging to the demon clan.

Every stroke was the meaning of the Tao. As one word after another appeared, the golden light in the sky became larger and larger.

In the heavenly court.

The Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun, looked down with his eyes. That was the north of the North Sea, where the Nether Sea was located. In front of him was the long river of time and space, and in the long river were all kinds of future scenes of Kunpeng.

Those were not just the future in this time and space, but the future in endless time and space.

"In countless futures, you can prove the position of a demon master..." Di Jun showed a hint of interest and looked at this scene with a smile.

He did not stop all this from happening, but watched these things quietly.

In countless time and space, Kunpeng was not a good thing. He betrayed the interests of the demon clan and even tried to plunder his treasure after his death, but all this obviously had nothing to do with Kunpeng in this time and space.

As the emperor of heaven, Di Jun would naturally not do this for something that had not happened yet.

Just like he knew that Nuwa would create the human race to replace the demon clan and become the protagonist of heaven and earth in the future, he did not stop it. On the contrary, he had confidence in himself that surpassed everything.

He believed that he could definitely avoid this from happening, because now he in this time and space has already proved the way of Hunyuan, not the demon emperor Di Jun in those time and space.

"Although the position of the demon master is noble, it is not irreplaceable. I hope you don't come to provoke me, otherwise, the demon clan may fall another great supernatural being." Di Jun shook his head slightly and sighed slightly.

Kunpeng in this life is far inferior to him. Not to mention him, even the ten demon generals are much stronger than Kunpeng, and this is not just the strength in front of him, but it will be so now and in the future.

Because Kunpeng cut himself with a knife, at most he is only at the level of a saint, and he can no longer glimpse the great way.

Without proving Hunyuan, it is difficult to imagine how powerful Hunyuan is.

Di Jun’s opponent is no longer anyone in this time and space. He has changed from a chess piece to a chess player.

Di Jun can detect everything in the eternity, and can walk in many time and space at will, but he does not have to worry about any cause and effect, and can also change the future in any time and space at will.

But that is meaningless, because it is not a matter of this time and space.

Just like the current Emperor Jun, with a wave of his hand, the long river of time and space appears, and he can check everything he wants to see.

The Hunyuan is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

North of the North Sea, the land of the Dark Sea.

"The demon clan's characters are complete! From today on, I, Kunpeng, will be the teacher of the demon clan and will be blessed by the demon clan's luck!" Kunpeng shouted, and golden lights fell from the sky.

Although those merit golden lights are not as big as the establishment of the Heavenly Court, they are almost the same as the Heavenly Marriage.

Seventy percent of the huge merit golden light fell on Kunpeng, and the remaining thirty percent fell on those demon clan characters.


A primordial purple air shot out from Kunpeng's eyebrows, absorbing all the merit golden lights that fell in front of Kunpeng. After that, the primordial purple air was dyed with golden light, and then it sank into Kunpeng's eyebrows again.

Om!! !

An extremely powerful pressure started from Kunpeng and spread in all directions.

Countless creatures with low cultivation were oppressed and fell to their knees, forced to respect the saint.


Suddenly, golden lotuses emerged from the ground and the sky fell.

This was the pressure and auspicious sign of Kunpeng's sainthood. It was also because he was the first to become a saint that this pressure spread throughout the prehistoric world.

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