Unlike when Emperor Dijun became Hunyuan, Emperor Dijun made all the races and spirits kneel down out of respect from their hearts, and it was not like Kunpeng's coercion.

And although Kunpeng's coercion made all the races and spirits below the Golden Immortal kneel down, those creatures did not have any respect in their hearts, but instead had a strong sense of humiliation.

What is Kunpeng? Just a saint!

Although their cultivation is only the Golden Immortal, they have infinite possibilities!

And what about Kunpeng? That's it in this life! No matter how many years have passed, Kunpeng is just like that!!!

"Is this the realm of saints?" Kunpeng felt the tremendous power coming from his body, and his mind couldn't help but feel shaken.

He seemed to feel that he could defeat his previous self with one move. If he didn't become a saint, he would end up being an ant. Hongjun's words at the time were actually true.

I thought that the realm of the sage was just a false realm set by Hongjun in order to block the thought of Hunyuan. It was just a fruit position, a fruit position generated by relying on the immortal way and the way of heaven.

But now that he has entered the realm of the sage, he found that the strength of the sage realm is already the same as the realm of Hunyuan. He feels that at this time, he is not inferior to the former Hongjun and the current Emperor of Heaven!

"I am a demon master, I should teach all demons, and all the creatures of the demon race should regard me as a master!"

Kunpeng's words spread, and with the power of becoming a saint, they spread to the heavens.

In the endless prehistoric world, countless creatures changed their faces.

They did not change their colors because they regarded Kunpeng as their master. Among them, there were countless creatures who were not from the demon race, and they all sneered.

It was because the current Emperor of Heaven was a member of the demon race, and Kunpeng's words seemed to include the Emperor of Heaven, and did not exclude him at all. This means that Kunpeng wants to challenge the authority of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Saint? You have become a puppet, and you dare to challenge the Emperor of Heaven!"

Under Mount Buzhou, Yuanshi sneered, looking into the distance, and in his eyes was the figure of Kunpeng.

At this time, Yuanshi's aura was mysterious, and his Dao body seemed no longer as incomplete as before, as if it was about to be completed, and his aura became deeper and more powerful.

But his strength was still just standing still, not taking any steps forward. Not only that, he even cut off the quasi-saint cultivation, and now he is still in the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Although his cultivation strength was far behind countless innate saints, he was not depressed, but became more and more happy, because he saw a road of hope, a road that could eventually prove the Great Dao!

Even if he took countless detours in it, as long as he could finally step into the realm of Hunyuan, it would be enough!

Although his cultivation was not high, no one in the prehistoric world dared to provoke him, because the other two of the Three Pure Ones were not joking.

Yuanshi had seen the strength of the Emperor of Heaven. Yuanshi, who had seen the Emperor of Heaven many times, naturally admired the Emperor of Heaven very much and knew how terrifying his strength was.

It can be said that all the other cultivators in the prehistoric world combined could not beat Di Jun alone.

And now, Kunpeng dared to provoke the Emperor of Heaven and wanted to be the teacher of the Emperor of Heaven. It was simply arrogant!

"Kunpeng? I'm afraid it will no longer exist from now on..." Tongtian also shook his head and sighed beside him. He naturally knew about that existence.

The Emperor of Heaven was very generous and never blamed others for things that had not happened yet, but this did not mean that others would not fight back when they had shit on his head.

"It's just an ant, why bother with it." Taishang's indifferent words came out, and his eyes were even colder than what he said just now.

It was just Kunpeng, Taishang never took it into his eyes.



"Brother, wait for me to kill him. You are just a saint, and you dare to speak so arrogantly!" Taiyi's face was almost cold and frosty. He was originally manifested by the sun, but at this moment, people actually felt a little cold when they saw him.

Taiyi is the younger brother of the Emperor of Heaven, and the strongest existence in the Heavenly Court except the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven cannot be moved lightly. If he needs to take action personally in everything he encounters, it would be too embarrassing.

"Okay." Di Jun nodded and didn't say much.

He knew Taiyi's cultivation very well, and Kunpeng couldn't defeat him.

After getting the approval of his brother, Taiyi left the Heavenly Court and headed towards the north of the North Sea.

He did not hide his own breath. The domineering aura filled the heavens. As he left, countless creatures looked at him sideways.

Many saints between heaven and earth were also observing this. They all felt Taiyi's breath and knew what Taiyi was thinking.

The divine thoughts in the air communicated with each other, following Taiyi from a distance all the way, and Taiyi did not make a move to stop them, but let them watch. He did this to tell all the creatures in the prehistoric world that the Heavenly Court and the Emperor of Heaven cannot be insulted!

"Who will win in the battle between Taiyi and Kunpeng?!"

"Of course it's Taiyi! Taiyi's fighting power is superb. After countless years, he is still so invincible!"

Before Di Jun became the Emperor of Heaven, the demons had conflicts with others many times, and most of them were resolved by Taiyi. When Taiyi got angry, all the creatures in the world were shocked. This was a reputation that he had earned through hard work.

"That may not be the case! After all, Taiyi has not really entered the realm of Hunyuan, and Kunpeng has already achieved the status of a saint. No one knows how powerful a saint is!"

"So, this battle will let us know how strong a saint is!"

The divine thoughts of the giants intertwined with the sky, communicating and talking with each other.

Taiyi must be going to fight Kunpeng this time, and what they are discussing is nothing more than this matter.


North of the North Sea.

"Taiyi? Humph! Do you look down on me? I have achieved the status of a saint, and my strength may not be as good as that of the Emperor of Heaven, but how can Taiyi be my opponent!"

Kunpeng looked towards the east, and Taiyi's momentum was not concealed, so he naturally felt it.

He snorted coldly, not taking Taiyi seriously at all. Although Taiyi's reputation was loud, he might not be as powerful as he is now!

You know, he is the first person in the world to achieve the status of a saint, and the status of a saint is indeed much stronger than his previous self.

He was confident that he could kill his former self with one slap, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with Taiyi now.

Soon, Taiyi arrived above the Dark Sea.

"Hmph, why is it you who came instead of that kid Di Jun?!" Kunpeng cursed angrily, and he was no longer afraid of the Emperor of Heaven.

The sage's soul is placed in the Heavenly Dao. The Heavenly Dao is immortal, and the sage is immortal. Moreover, he can use the power of the Heavenly Dao to resist the enemy. This is his real confidence.

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