Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 188 The Emperor of Heaven has lost his virtue, I will take his place!

If Kunpeng hadn't known that he already had an immortal body, he would never dare to insult Di Jun.

Want to kill him? Unless Di Jun can break through the Heavenly Dao, find his Yuanshen, and then erase it, he can fall.

Although Di Jun is powerful, Kunpeng doesn't think that he can find his Yuanshen in the Heavenly Dao and erase it.

"Dare to insult my elder brother, you will die today!" Taiyi was furious when he heard it, and shouted angrily.

The Chaos Bell appeared from behind him, and Taiyi's expression gradually changed from anger to indifference.

A big sun slowly appeared behind Taiyi, which was manifested by his Dao rhyme. Unlike Di Jun who was always warm to others, Taiyi was extremely indifferent and ruthless.

Both are big suns, one is glorious, and the other is ruthless.

Taiyi is like this, as if he doesn't care about anything in the world. What he cares about is not the demon race, but the demon race founded by his elder brother.

The more he behaved like this, the more all the spirits in the world were afraid of him and dreaded him. Taiyi was the best description of him.

Among the demons, there were countless demons who pursued and worshipped Taiyi, even more than Emperor Jun.

Those who saw Taiyi should see the Supreme Sun.

"I am Kunpeng, who created the demon language and carried the destiny of the demons. I should be the master of all demons. Why should I not dare?!" Kunpeng laughed loudly, and a palace appeared in his hand as he turned around.

It was the acquired merit treasure bestowed by the Heavenly Dao, named the Demon Master Palace.

There were hundreds of millions of demon language carved in the Demon Master Palace, which was built to commemorate Kunpeng's contributions.

Although Kunpeng did not take Taiyi seriously in his words, the fear in his eyes betrayed him.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

If Emperor Jun took action, he might still have a chance to survive, but if Taiyi took action, if he was defeated, he would definitely die.

Taiyi is like the manifestation of the sun's true fire, and only wants to burn all living things, while Dijun is like the manifestation of the sun's light, including all living things and embracing all living things.

However, when he thought that he had become a saint and entered the infinite holy realm, he naturally did not have to worry about the danger of death.

Kunpeng's mouth showed a smile again, saying: "In the prehistoric times, the strong are the kings. Now that the emperor has lost his virtue, I, as a demon master, will replace him!"

"Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different species?"

Kunpeng's voice spread all around, and countless innate saints who were watching here changed their faces after hearing it.

It turned out that Kunpeng, this thief, was so bold that he wanted to take the position of the emperor of the peak Dijun!

Taiyi's face became even colder when he heard this, and he raised his mouth and smiled: "It seems that becoming a saint has given you a lot of confidence!"

Although he was laughing, no one felt that he was laughing, whether in his words or in the atmosphere.


Boom boom! ! !

The sun behind Taiyi completely appeared, hanging high above the nine heavens, like a second sun.

The sun ascended to the sky, and the Dao rhyme showed that the sun's true fire appeared in the world, exposing the land of the Nether Sea.

The Nether Sea was cold and dead, and there were very few living creatures. Those living creatures were also accustomed to the freezing cold sea water, but now under the sun, the sea water temperature rose wildly.

After a while, the sea water was boiled and began to boil.

Even Kunpeng, who was flying high, felt a little burning at this time.

Seeing this, Bingyi, the Dragon King of the North Sea, hurriedly took action to protect countless sea tribes. Those sea tribes were all tribes that surrendered to the dragon clan. As the Dragon King of the North Sea, he should protect them.

He also knew Taiyi's temper. Once this guy really got angry, it would be difficult to deal with.

And because he was afraid of Di Jun behind Taiyi, he did not come out to stop him.

If it were someone else who dared to come to the North Sea and act wildly like this, he would have slapped the other person in the face.

Boom! ! !

The terrifying Sun True Fire seemed to be using space as nourishment, constantly burning and raging.

Even space was burned in front of this Sun True Fire. The Sun True Fire is the most domineering and powerful fire in the world.


A breath with a cold ghost appeared, rising from the air, lowering the temperature of the scorching sun by a few degrees.

That was the breath emitted by Kunpeng himself, and it was also one of his saintly means.

Four more swords appeared and a formation diagram appeared, which were the four swords of Zhuxian and the formation diagram of the Zhuxian sword.

This is the real reliance of Kunpeng who does not take Taiyi seriously, and it is also one of the housekeeping skills that makes him confident in challenging Di Jun.

Hongjun once said that this formation cannot be broken without the four saints. Now he has laid it down to try whether it is really true.

Originally, Hongjun intended to pass the treasure to Tongtian, but now it was given to Kunpeng.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation was the first formation in the ancient times and one of the three major formations today. Although it is not known how it compares to the other two formations, it is also widely known.

At this moment, the Zhuxian Sword Formation slowly floated up, and in just a moment, the powerful sun was also wrapped by the formation along with Taiyi.

The invincible sun fire seemed to have turned into nothing in the space of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, disappearing, and it was impossible to burn in the chaos.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation simulated a chaos.

The sun fire can burn everything, except this chaos.

This battle was not an ordinary battle between Taiyi and Kunpeng, but a battle between the demon master and the heaven, a battle between the saint and Hunyuan, and a battle between Hongjun's disciple and the second brother of the emperor.

This involved a lot of things, so whether it was the high and mighty emperor Dijun, or Hongjun in the chaos outside the nine clouds, or the Taoist of the stars in the boundless starry sky, or the dragons of the dragon clan located in the battlefield...

At this moment, countless innate saints in the prehistoric world were paying attention to this battle.

In Pangu Hall, Pangu pointed out with his obsession, and a mirror flower and water moon appeared, and two figures appeared in it, which were the figures of Taiyi and Kunpeng.

The twelve witch ancestors stood up and watched, their eyes wide open, not daring to miss a single thing.

In Kunlun Mountain, the Yin-Yang Patriarch was indignant and hoped that Kunpeng would kill Taiyi, but it was because when he established the heaven, he and the ancestors of the time and the eyebrows were defeated by the emperors of the demon clan.

To this day, I still feel resentful.

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun and Luohou, half immortal and half demon, looked at the prehistoric world below. The immortal light in their left eyes flowed, and the demonic energy in their right eyes was surging. It was extremely strange, but also very reasonable.

Taiyi raised his head slightly, smiled disdainfully, and looked at this big formation without panic.

His face did not change, and a spark of fire was brewing in his eyes.

"Taiyi! Let's see what you can use to break my Zhuxian sword formation!"

"This sword formation can only be broken by the four saints!"

Kunpeng's voice came from outside the formation, and his arrogant aura made people want to beat him up.

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