Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 189: Destroy Zhu Xian with ease, and the power of heaven appears!

"Can it only be broken by the Four Saints?"

Taiyi's indifferent voice came from the formation.

"Then I will show you what the glory of the sun is!!!"

As the words fell, Taiyi held the bell in one hand and raised the other hand slightly.


The entire Zhuxian Sword Formation suddenly erupted with an extremely strong agitation, the sword formation was shaking continuously, and the four swords of Zhuxian wailed, as if begging for mercy from something.

"You should be extremely careful and don't fall at will!"

Taiyi's cold voice came out again in the sword formation, and then only three bells were heard.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The Chaos Bell automatically followed Taiyi's thoughts.

After three bells rang, the Zhuxian Sword Formation returned to calm again.

Not just calm, it was as if it was dead silent, and no sound came.


Suddenly, something like a sound wave quickly went around.

That was the magical power emitted by the Chaos Bell.


Suddenly, there was a sound of space breaking in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Crack! ! !

One break, and then all breaks!

The space in the Zhuxian Sword Formation was completely annihilated by Taiyi, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation collapsed without attack, and even the sword bodies of the Zhuxian Four Swords trembled slightly, as if they had encountered some great terror.

It is no accident that the spiritual treasure has spirits.

It must have encountered something terrifying, which made the Zhuxian Four Swords like this.

Kunpeng's eyes shrank suddenly, his body twitched violently, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.


That was the Zhuxian Four Swords being suppressed by Taiyi alive with the Chaos Bell, and then his mind was wiped out, becoming an ownerless treasure.

Taiyi waved his hand, and the Chaos Bell swallowed the Zhuxian Four Swords into his body to suppress them, and then suppressed and swallowed the Zhuxian Sword Diagram.

Kunpeng was so angry that his eyes were about to burst, but there was nothing he could do.

He didn't expect Taiyi to break his formation so easily, and also took away his treasure.

Could it be that his strength was really so different from Taiyi's...

For a moment, Kunpeng was horrified.

"How dare you be so rampant in front of me with just a sword formation!" Taiyi snorted disdainfully.

The formation was a joke in front of him. The Chaos Bell in Taiyi's hand could freeze the universe, how could it not even freeze such a formation!

The method he adopted to break the formation was to use the special characteristics of the Chaos Bell to directly break it by force, and then suppress and seize the treasure.

A set of operations, Taiyi had already understood it in his mind, and he played it to perfection.

So, when he saw that Kunpeng relied on a sword formation, he laughed out loud.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation did not play its due strength in Kunpeng's hands, and was directly taken away by Taiyi by force.

Taiyi stood proudly in the sky, with his left hand behind his back and the Chaos Bell held up by his right hand. There was no warmth on his face, and his ruthless and indifferent eyes swept around.

"Those who offend the Heavenly Court will be punished!"

As the indifferent words came, endless sun true fire rushed towards Kunpeng.

Boom! ! !

Endless sun true fire washed over the demon master Kunpeng, burning everything on his body, but it could not really burn Kunpeng to death. He was just constantly injured, but he did not die.

Kunpeng thought he was going to die, until the endless power came from his body, and then he showed joy on his face. He instantly understood that this was the power of heaven.

Boom! ! !

Kunpeng suddenly blocked the endless sun true fire outside, and his momentum soared wildly.

That was the power of heaven entering his body, causing the cultivation to soar.

Seeing this, Taiyi frowned and said, "The power of Heaven?"

He was a little bit unbelievable, but the thing in front of him seemed to be the power of Heaven.

So this is the benefit of becoming a saint, no wonder it is said that saints are immortal and can survive countless disasters, it turns out that it is all due to the addition of the power of Heaven.

"Hahahaha! That's right! This is the power of Heaven!!!" Kunpeng laughed loudly, no longer afraid.

He stood resolutely above the sea of ​​darkness, allowing the endless sun's true fire to burn him without any damage.

"The saint can actually borrow the power of Heaven! It's hard to say who will win or lose now!"

"The Heaven is so great and majestic. Even if there is a chance, I'm afraid Taiyi will not be its opponent!"

"What a powerful force. Although the saint is only at the fruit position, his strength seems to be not much inferior to Hunyuan! At least Daluo can't beat the saint!!!"

"Is this the power of Heaven? The power of Heaven can make Kunpeng and before different. If Kunpeng borrowed the power of Heaven from the beginning, Taiyi would never be able to break his Zhuxian sword formation so easily and even plunder the treasure!!!"

Between heaven and earth, countless sacred thoughts collided with each other, and they all sighed at the power of Kunpeng.

No, it's better to say that they are sighing at the power of Heaven rather than the power of Kunpeng!

And Hongjun is really terrifying. He has never really stepped into the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo, but he can use the immortal way to combine with the Heavenly Way to condense a so-called saint's Dao fruit!

The most terrifying thing is that the saint is actually recognized by heaven and earth and can use the power of heaven!

In Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun smiled with a slightly cold smile.

After this battle, those saints who cut themselves in the past will not hate him too much. After all, the saint's fighting power will definitely spread to the endless wilderness of the heavens with this battle.

And in this world, not everyone can step into the Primordial Chaos. Being able to become a saint is already a very good thing.

"Dapeng spreads its wings!!!"

Kunpeng's voice is full of characteristics. It is an extremely sinister and cunning voice that makes anyone feel uncomfortable after hearing it.

Not to mention Di Jun and Taiyi, who are the manifestations of the sun. This is one of the reasons why they have always been at odds with Kunpeng.


A little Hongmeng purple air appeared, revealing the figure of a Dapeng. It was a Dapeng constructed by the power of the Heavenly Dao. Once it was born, it went directly to Taiyi.

Kunpeng exuded an extremely powerful Dao rhyme at this time, and that extremely powerful Dao rhyme even faintly suppressed the sun hanging high in the sky!

Taiyi's face was extremely solemn, and he obviously felt threatened by this magical power.

"Dayang is in the sky!!!"


Taiyi walked above the heavens. With every step he took, the Dao rhyme of the sun became stronger and higher.

Finally, after ninety-nine and eighty-one steps, the Dao rhyme of the sun surpassed the heavens, becoming extremely majestic and profound.

Boom! ! !

At this time, Kunpeng's magical power also came in front of Taiyi, but the sun manifested by the Dao rhyme suddenly fell, instantly passing through countless spaces and falling in front of Taiyi.

Boom! ! !

When the two magical powers collided, Taiyi had already dodged, and the terrifying energy generated by the collision surged in all directions, causing the gods in the heavens to quickly flee their consciousness, fearing that they would be affected.

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