Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 191: One thought wipes out Kunpeng, and all spirits are puzzled

Once the uneasiness arose, it was hard to get rid of it.

As Di Jun stepped forward, Kun Peng became more and more frightened. The uneasiness in his heart surged wildly. He wanted to escape, but he found that he could not move!

"No! No! Saints are immortal! This is an illusion! It's an illusion!!!"

Kun Peng screamed in his heart! Because he was horrified to find that not only was his body unable to move, but he couldn't even speak or convey his divine thoughts!

His entire body and Dao rhyme were blocked by Di Jun!!!

At this moment, Kun Peng, except for his thoughts, everything was out of his control!!!

And the reason why Di Jun did not control his thoughts was that he wanted him to bear what was complete despair!

In the end, countless Di Juns in the endless worlds came to Kun Peng in all the worlds.

In the countless worlds and infinite time and space, Di Jun spoke to Kun Peng in front of him.

"What are you afraid of?" Di Jun said this sentence carelessly.

But it contains supreme power!

After Di Jun in all time and space said this, the breath of Kunpeng in the infinite world gradually became ethereal. In just a moment, Kunpeng disappeared and fell into the infinite time and space.


In this time and space, the only Kunpeng who possessed the primordial purple qi and became a saint, the primordial purple qi collapsed and dissipated instantly.

Kunpeng's heart turned pale in an instant, and his breath instantly fell from the realm of saints. At this moment, he completely understood the difference between himself and Di Jun!

But he was unwilling! He was not convinced!

Clearly, Hongjun said that saints are immortal, their souls are placed in the way of heaven, eternal and immortal, and can survive countless disasters, but why is he now in front of Di Jun, unable to resist at all, and can only be kneaded by him like a chicken egg!

"Kunpeng, it should be a good thing that you have achieved the status of a saint in this time and space. It is also a good thing that you have achieved the status of a demon master in infinite time and space."

"You have made great contributions to the demon race, so the golden light of merit has descended from the sky and made you a demon master. A demon master should not have fallen between heaven and earth!"

As soon as these words came out, Kunpeng begged for mercy in his heart, but he could not send out any divine thoughts!

No one knew his begging for mercy!

He was like a person in another time and space, unable to make any reaction.

But to outsiders, he was as scared as a puppet without any reaction.

Those saints knew in their hearts that this could not be the posture that Kunpeng should have. Naturally, he was controlled by Di Jun with great magic power. For a time, their awe of Di Jun deepened a little.

"But you don't know how to live or die, and you want to become my teacher in this time and space, and want to seize my position as the Emperor of Heaven."

"Therefore, Demon Master Kunpeng should completely perish in the infinite time and space, and eliminate all your existence. In the infinite time and space, there has never been a Demon Master Kunpeng!!!"

As Di Jun's words fell, the figure of Kunpeng in front of him began to blur, gradually turned into a transparent color, and then dissipated between heaven and earth, no longer existing!

Not only that, even the traces of Kunpeng's existence were not left.

In the long ages, it seemed that there had never been such a figure as Demon Master Kunpeng!

All the races and spirits felt as if they had forgotten something. No one knew what they had forgotten, but they knew what they had forgotten.

Especially the saints in front of them, they looked at each other blankly, they knew that they were here to watch Taiyi fight with someone, and then Taiyi was defeated and retreated, and Di Jun came.

Suddenly, they all showed a look of extreme horror in their eyes!

They understood something instantly! It must be Di Jun! It must be Di Jun who made a move to completely erase the existence that was hostile to him from the eternal years! Even the concept of the other party was erased!

Only in this way can all memories be eliminated! ! !

Di Jun raised his head slightly and looked beyond the clouds in the sky. His eyes penetrated the infinite space and reached the Purple Sky Palace.

In the Purple Sky Palace.

"How is this possible?!!"

"He actually possesses such great power!!!" Hongjun roared wildly with bloodshot eyes!

Along with the roar, there was more worry about himself! Di Jun was able to erase the concept of the demon master Kunpeng in the endless time and space, making all the creatures in the sky completely forget the existence of Kunpeng! That means that Di Jun is very likely to erase them as well! ! !

And this undoubtedly caused Hongjun great worry and fear.

After all, Hongjun had achieved most of the Dao fruit, so Di Jun's magical power did not make Hongjun and Luohou forget the existence of Kunpeng.

It can be said that in the vast prehistoric world, only Hongjun and Luohou know who the existence that Dijun erased is!

"Don't provoke, don't figure it out, there is such a genius in the future!!!" Luohou was obviously shocked. They haven't entered the Dao fruit yet, and Dijun has already deepened the Dao fruit realm a little bit, and can erase the existence of a living being in infinite time and space!

What a terrifying thing!

Even Luohou was amazed by Dijun's power.


The land of the underworld.

After the Emperor Dijun erased Kunpeng, he went to the heaven.

This is the real reason why he said just now that it is meaningless to watch from the side. The reason why it is meaningless is that even if you watch it, you will forget who he is fighting against.

"How powerful is Emperor Jun?!"

At this time, the remaining saints had such a crazy thought in their hearts.

In Pangu Palace.

"Father God, we seem to have forgotten something!" Emperor Jiang looked at the light curtain, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Why did he look here? It seems that he wanted to see who Emperor Jun was fighting with?

Oh, right! Who was he fighting with? !

Why did he suddenly forget this! ! !

But Emperor Jiang knew that he would never suddenly forget something, so something extremely strange must have happened!

"Among the myriad spirits in the prehistoric world, there was a demon clan who became a saint for the first time. He was one of the six disciples of Hongjun. He called himself a demon master and tried to challenge the position of the Emperor of Heaven. He repeatedly insulted the Emperor of Heaven, and finally attracted the Emperor of Heaven to take action and wiped him out in the infinite time and space. From then on, there was no such demon master in the endless prehistoric world of the heavens." Pangu's obsessive eyes saw everything clearly, and his voice was a little sighing.

He saw everything, but he couldn't do anything to stop it from happening.

"Becoming a saint?! Someone became a saint?!"

Di Jiang's mind was full of questions.

"Right?! Who became a saint? And didn't Hongjun always have five disciples?!"

Zhu Rong also asked in confusion. They had all entered the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, so naturally they were no longer shy about Hongjun.

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