Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 192 In the infinite space and time, Taiyi attained the status of the Eastern Emperor!

"There are also demon masters? When did there be demon masters in the ancient world?! Aren't the demon clan always composed of the Emperor of Heaven and Taiyi, as well as the four demon kings and the top ten demon commanders? How come there are demon masters?!" Zhu Zhu Jiuyin's eyes, which were usually full of wisdom, now became a little dull.

The words spoken by Father God undoubtedly completely impacted their three views, which made the Twelve Ancestral Witches puzzled and confused.

They really forgot, really forgot that Hongjun accepted six disciples, not five.

They all also forgot about the existence of Demon Master Kunpeng.

This is Di Jun's great magical power, and it is also a great magical power that can only be used by beings in the Hunyuan realm. It can obliterate all Kunpeng's locations in infinite time and space, and can even go to the end of Kunpeng in the long river of time and space and wipe it out from the source. Eliminate, deny the existence of Kunpeng, and erase the concept of Kunpeng.

As a result, all living beings in the world forgot about the existence of Kunpeng.

"That's because the Emperor of Heaven used his supreme magical power to erase the concept of Kunpeng from the source. From now on, there will be no more Kunpeng in the vast wilderness." Pangu shook his head slightly in obsession. Because he was too special, he could be said to be a living being. No, let's say he is not a living being, but again.

And because it was a special obsession, not a living being in the true sense, and was left behind by Pangu, Di Jun's magical power could not make him forget all this.


When the twelve ancestral witches heard this, they all took a breath of air.

This is too scary! There is such a terrifying existence in the ancient world, which can erase everything about a living being from the source, thereby erasing the existence of this living being.

This is not a simple fall, this is a true fall.

If this is not done, after the death, Kunpeng in other time and space will still have a chance to attain enlightenment. Once Kunpeng attains enlightenment, it will also affect the Kunpeng in other time and space, just like the Kunpeng in this time and space will be born again. Out of average.

In other words, as long as one Kunpeng attains enlightenment, the Kunpeng in other time and space will be resurrected and return, and step into the realm of Hunyuan.

But Di Jun erased the concept of Kunpeng from the source, and completely erased Kunpeng in endless time and space. This means that Kunpeng will never have a chance to make a comeback.

It was possible to achieve this level because the opponent's cultivation level was far higher than that of Di Jun, and he had no ability to resist at all. He was eliminated by Di Jun in an instant.

If Kunpeng and Kunpeng were both Hunyuan, it would be impossible for this trick to work on him, but there was no other way, who would let him just be in the realm of a saint.

"The Emperor of Heaven is so powerful, but our path to enlightenment is still far away. It's really..." Di Jiang shook his head and sighed.

Thinking back to the past, he thought that they were going to compete with the demon clan for hegemony, and there would be a battle sooner or later. He thought that the twelve brothers would definitely be able to defeat the demon clan.

But what followed was that the demon clan became stronger day by day. They stepped into the Hunyuan True Self one step before them, and Di Jun stepped into the Hunyuan Dao Fruit before them.

Establishing the Heavenly Palace, dominating the supreme divine realm, and shaking the world, no one dares to face the power of the Heavenly Emperor.

Oh, yes, that being is named Kunpeng, and then? Then there was nothing more to him...

This was the only time Di Jun made a move after he became the Emperor of Heaven, apart from attacking Hongjun.

The ending this time is completely different from last time. Last time, although I could crush the Hongjun hammer, I could also beat the opponent violently and seriously injured him. It can be said that I crushed the opponent, but I couldn't erase it in infinity. Get rid of the other party.

But this time, they have truly eradicated each other from infinity. This is the real terror. After this battle, all races and spirits will respect the Emperor of Heaven even more.

Fortunately, the Emperor of Heaven did not kill all other living beings, but treated everyone like a spring breeze, like the sun shining brightly on the world, with a broad mind.

This is enough for all races and spirits to respect Emperor Jun. Emperor Jun and Hongjun are almost completely contradictory beings. One attempted to exterminate the wilderness after attaining enlightenment, while the other did not interfere much after attaining enlightenment and only maintained a large area of ​​the wilderness. of peace.

"Alas! The road to the great road is long, when will we reach the realm of the Emperor of Heaven!" Zhu Jiuyin also said with some envy. He looked up at the sky, and his eyes spanned countless rivers of time, reaching directly into the Lingxiao Palace.

But he saw Emperor Jun of Heaven sitting on it. After smiling at Zhu Jiuyin, Zhu Jiuyin could no longer see anything inside.

In the Lingxiao Palace.

"Brother, I seem to have forgotten what I was going to do when I went to the Underworld Sea..." Taiyi asked with some confusion. He had obviously gone to the Underworld Sea before, but why couldn't he remember what he was going to do? .

Then, he suddenly thought that he seemed to be fighting with someone and lost, and then the eldest brother ended up in person, and he came back!

When he thought of this, he became even more confused, who could actually make him invincible!

After seeing the change in Taiyi's expression, Di Jun already knew it in his heart, and smiled slightly and said: "The person fighting with you is Kunpeng, one of the six disciples of Hongjun. He previously created the demon language and called himself the demon master. He falsely claims to be my master, insults the Emperor of Heaven, and is seeking his own death.”

After Di Jun's explanation, Taiyi seemed to understand something, but also seemed not to understand. There was no memory of Kunpeng and the Demon Master in his mind, as if someone had erased the records about Kunpeng from the source.

Thinking of this, Taiyi, who had always been indifferent, could no longer sit still. He looked at Dijun in surprise and asked, "Brother! Can you erase his existence from the source of time and space?!"

Dijun smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations, brother, your cultivation has improved further!"

Seeing this, Taiyi hurriedly congratulated him, and was also a little happy in his heart. Brother was so powerful, from now on, there was no need to worry about someone going to heaven to kill him and make everything he did go to waste.

"Haha! Second brother will also step into this realm in the future." Dijun laughed loudly, and he saw Taiyi's future in this time and space.

At that time, Taiyi also proved the way of Hunyuan, unified the East Desert, and was respected by the world as the East Emperor. Although his position was not as good as the Emperor of Heaven, he was already standing above the endless creatures.

In the prehistoric world, the East was respected, and the East Emperor was the most respected of all emperors, with a very high status.

However, Di Jun also knew that the future was always just the future, and there were countless possibilities in the future. Before it arrived, there was always a possibility of accidents, but he would definitely escort Taiyi and seize the opportunity to establish his great cause!

"Of course!" Taiyi said very confidently.

His face was filled with a trace of yearning. He had always been proud and unparalleled, and he believed that sooner or later he would be able to step into the realm of his elder brother.

The realm of Hunyuan Daoguo was within reach.

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