Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 193: Hongyun leaves, the West thinks of the saint

Wuzhuang Temple.

"Strange, why do I seem to have forgotten something?" Hongyun took out the red gourd, poured a glass of wine into his mouth, and smacked it twice.

This red gourd is the Jiujiu Hongyun Sanhun Gourd, which contains infinite red sand and specializes in the human mind. It is really powerful and a magical weapon of the innate spiritual treasure level.

This red gourd is a gourd vine he saw at Buzhou Mountain before. The gourd vine is extremely strange and is one of the ten innate spiritual roots. It breeds seven gourds, and the smallest gourd is not too mature.

Finally, many gods came. The first to mature was the purple-red gourd, which was obtained by Taishang. Taishang added some merit and golden light to it and refined it into a purple-gold red gourd, which is also at the innate spiritual treasure level.

However, he did not use this thing for much, but used it to hold the elixir he refined on weekdays.

The purple-gold red gourd can be transformed into tens of millions, each storing different elixirs.

This purple-gold red gourd can actually be used to trap and kill people. Just call out the other person's name, and after the other person agrees, he will be put into the gourd, and it will turn into sewage in a short time.

The second mature gourd is the red gourd in Hongyun's hand now. It can spray red sand mist. If you are stained with sand mist, your soul will dissipate. It is extremely powerful.

The third mature gourd is an orange-yellow gourd, which was obtained by Tongtian. It contains two water and fire unicorns and is refined into a water and fire gourd with great power.

The fourth mature gourd is a turquoise gourd, which was obtained by Nuwa and later refined into a demon-summoning gourd, which is the predecessor of the demon-summoning flag in later generations.

The fifth mature gourd is a silver-white gourd, which was obtained by Taiyi. There is a very strong resentment in it. It was refined into a beheading gourd by Taiyi. Just shout "Please turn around, baby", and you can send the other person into reincarnation.

The sixth mature gourd is a blue gourd, which was obtained by Yuanshi. It has not been refined into a treasure yet.

These six gourds are all at the level of innate spiritual treasures, and the last immature gourd withered and degenerated because Nuwa took away the gourd vine, and turned into a gourd seed and was planted by Nuwa in the Nine Heavens Xirang.

"I seem to have forgotten something..." Zhen Yuanzi shook his head, a little confused.

He was the incarnation of the ginseng fruit tree, one of the ten innate spiritual roots, and was the same as Zhunti, who was transformed from the Bodhi tree.

But compared with him, Zhunti's vision and opportunities are much worse.

Now, Zhen Yuanzi has successfully entered the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, while Zhunti is still struggling to pursue the so-called saint.

"No matter, no matter, Brother Dao has now entered this realm of cultivation, which makes me envious!" Hongyun said with a big laugh.

The two of them did not go to watch the battle between the Emperor of Heaven and Kunpeng, because they knew that Kunpeng could not beat the Emperor of Heaven.

So, they completely forgot about this matter.

Hongyun was such a carefree person, he just forgot about it, and didn't take it to heart at all.

"Alas! It's just a pity that I couldn't pull you out of the palace that day, which hurt you!" Zhen Yuanzi sighed to the sky, he felt that this was the most wrong thing he had done in his life.

He was born with the Book of Earth, and his roots and veins were connected for countless miles, so his defense was unparalleled, his magic power was magnificent, and he was originally a top-level innate sacred.

Although Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi were both innate sacred, they were undoubtedly a little inferior in terms of footwork.

"No problem! I have made a decision. Since there is no so-called saint realm in the world, it is just a fruit position. It doesn't matter whether I can achieve that fruit position or not. Then I will do what I want, preach the heavens, and practice the saintly reality!"

"So, I came here to say goodbye to my Taoist brother!"

Hongyun stood up and performed a Taoist salute.

"In that case, then go ahead. The gate of Wuzhuang Temple is always open to you." Zhen Yuanzi knew what Hongyun meant, so he naturally did not stop him. Every saint has his own avenue.

As a good friend of Hongyun, he only needed to support him silently behind his back. This was not like listening to the false Tao in the Zixiao Palace in the past, so he did not need to stop him.

Since he himself had no ability to achieve the Tao, he would become a person who preached the Tao in the heavens and lead all races and spirits on the journey of seeking the Tao!


In the west, in Mount Xumi.

"Brother, how can we become saints!" Zhunti said with a sad face.

Both of them had killed the three corpses long ago, and they were only one step away from becoming saints.

"I think the three corpses' Tao should not be able to be unified, so we can only rely on the power of great merit!" Jie Yin also had a sad face and sighed.

The two brothers had a miserable life. Fate played tricks on them, and what could they do?

"Great merit? But how can we obtain great merit in the world today?"

Speaking of merit, Zhunti was even more worried.

Heavenly merit is not so easy to obtain, let alone the great merit required for becoming a saint.

Jie Yin was also worried, but then his eyes lit up and he said happily: "The Immortal Ancestor established the Immortal Gate in an attempt to collect the luck of the world, obtain great merit, and be in harmony with the Heavenly Way. This means that the two of us can also establish a gate. Not to mention collecting the luck of the world, at least we have to obtain some merit, which must be enough for the two of us to become saints!"

Zunti was happy at first, then shook his head and said: "But the Immortal Ancestor is still here. Even if we become saints, we can't escape his control. If we abandon the Immortal Gate, it is very likely that the Immortal Ancestor will hunt us down, which is not good!"

This also touched Jie Yin's heart. He frowned, then thought of it again, and his face was happy again.

"We don't need to set up another mountain gate, we just need to create a doctrine in the immortal gate. If we remain in the immortal gate, there will be nothing."

Since we can't leave the immortal gate, we might as well create a religion under the immortal gate. In this way, there will be no conflict and great merit. Not only that, even Hongjun, as the ancestor of the immortals, will naturally receive a ray of luck bonus. In this way, there will be no opposition.

"Senior brother is talented and smart, which makes me admire him!" Zhunti praised immediately.

"Junior brother, let's think about it quickly, what doctrine to establish." Jie Yin smiled and said.

"We are in the West, and we are often looked down upon by the Eastern gods. Why don't we just establish the name of the Western Religion? As for the doctrine, it is to educate all the spirits in the prehistoric world. What do you think, senior brother?" Zhunti thought about it for a while, and then said what he thought in his heart.

Just as the Eastern Saints looked down on them, he also hated the Eastern Saints.

"Educate all the spirits in the wild? Yes!" Jie Yin showed a happy expression and nodded immediately.

As for the name of the religion, it was not important. The doctrine was so lofty that they could go to the East to recruit some talented disciples with reason.

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