Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 194: Forty-eight Aspirations Finally Become Saints

In the wild west, Mount Sumeru.

On Mount Sumeru, which was originally extremely silent, suddenly a huge sound resounded throughout the sky above Mount Sumeru.

"Today, I accept and establish the Western religion, vowing to educate all races and spirits, in order to uplift all races in the ancient world and learn from the way of heaven."

Jieyin and Zhunti stood on the top of Mount Sumeru, with Taoist charms manifesting from their bodies, and they began to teach towards the way of heaven.

In an instant, there was a tremor in the sky above Mount Sumeru, and a lush purple mist fell from the sky, but it fell into the air without moving any further.

Such a vision of heaven and earth quickly attracted the attention of many innate saints.

They all looked this way. Looking at this scene, they secretly thought, could it be that Jie Yin and Zhunti were about to become saints?

At this time, Zhunti and Jieyin were filled with smiles, and their hearts were extremely excited, waiting for the blessings of heaven to come.

After a long time...

Jie Yin and Zhunti, who were waiting for the golden light of merit to arrive, had no longer the joyful look on their faces, and their hearts had changed from the initial excitement to panic, but it was because of the purple light lingering in the air above their heads. The dense aura is still hovering there, and it has never fallen, and the golden light of merit has not been seen.

The purple mist is the harbinger of the golden light of merit. Generally, before the golden light of merit comes, the purple mist will appear first. But now that they have waited for a long time, the purple mist is still hovering there. See the golden light of merit coming.

Jieyin and Zhunti were extremely panicked, seeing that they were only one step away from becoming a saint, but the golden light of merit never appeared. How could they be willing to do this, and only saw the face of Jieyin who was originally in great pain? It became a bit more painful.

"Junior brother? What should be done?"

"Brother, the only way left now is to make great aspirations!" Zhunti said through gritted teeth. Although the purple aura appeared in the establishment of the teaching, no golden light of merit fell, so there is only one way to go now. Yes, that means making big aspirations.

The so-called great ambition is to make a promise to heaven in exchange for merit. Only when you fulfill your promise in the future can you truly become a free person.

"Alas! This is the only way left now..." Jieyin shook his head slightly and sighed.

"The first wish is that when I become a saint, there will be no hungry ghosts, animals, or even insects in my land. Otherwise, I will never become a saint."

Jieyin was wearing a Taoist robe, with a pained look on his face, and made a great wish. Zhunti beside him also recited it next to him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky above Mount Sumeru began to tremble again. The purple mist in the air became a little stronger, but not long after, Mount Sumeru calmed down again, but the golden light of merit was still not there. Appear.

"The eighth wish. When I make a holy wish, everyone in my land will have the same kind heart. They will not confuse other people's thoughts. Whatever they want to say, they all know their intentions. If I don't make this wish, I will never make a holy wish."

"Senior brother, why has the purple mist in the sky not turned into the golden light of merit!"

"Is it because God doesn't allow us two to become saints?!"

Zhunti looked up at the sky with some dull eyes, even if he died, he could not see the golden light of merit.

"Junior brother! At this point, we have set eight great ambitions. If we look back, we will have eight more shackles for no reason. We have no way back, let's keep going!"

Jie Yin shook his head slightly, his expression extremely painful, even more painful than before.

Why was Heaven so unfair to the two of them? Even though they had made eight great aspirations, they still didn't see the slightest glimmer of merit.

"The fifteenth vow. When I am a holy person, the people in my land will experience happiness. It is just like the bhikkhu who has exhausted all his blessings. If I don't make this wish, I will never become a holy person."

Finally, a golden light of merit appeared in the sky. The golden light of merit turned into infinity, turning the previously dense purple aura into golden light of merit. A little golden light appeared, and the sky was filled with purple light.

"Finally! It finally turned into a golden light of merit!"

Zhunti looked at this scene with tears in his eyes.

In the heaven and earth, there are already countless innate saints watching this scene. They are all looking at each other and smiling, and they are all smiling to welcome the two of them.

Fifteen great aspirations were made for the attainment of heaven and earth, and from the looks of it, the scale was far from enough for the two of them to become saints.

"Go ahead!" Jie Yin said with a wry smile.

Things have come to this point, how can we give up?

So, as Jie Yin and Zhunti continued to make great aspirations towards the way of heaven, the golden light of merit in the air became stronger every time they made great aspirations. , and made the promise a total of forty-seven times, but never collected enough golden light of merit.

"Hahahaha, look at those two fools, they have to fight for who knows how long to get a chance!"

"That is, even if the world changes greatly in the future, and saints appear and become enlightened, I am afraid that these two people will be restricted by the way of heaven and will never be able to escape!"

After seeing this, countless saints began to mock Jieyin and Zhunti crazily. During their spiritual exchanges, they were full of disdain for these two people.

At this moment, Jie Yin and Zhunti felt as if they had been teased by heaven. They had made forty-seven great aspirations, but they still couldn't become saints.

Has it become so difficult to achieve the status of a simple saint? !

Fortunately, the two of them had forgotten about Kunpeng, otherwise they would have been furious at this moment. Kunpeng could create a demonic language and become a saint immediately, but these two people made forty-seven great wishes, but none of them worked.

Instead, they became the biggest laughing stock in the prehistoric world. The way of saints that others looked down upon was regarded as the truth by them. They had to make forty-seven great vows but still could not become saints.

Jieyin and Zhunti were completely mad. Jieyin then made another great vow. They had no way out.

Jieyin looked up to the sky and roared with great grief and anger: "We two make the forty-eighth vow today. When I become a saint, the gods of other worlds will hear my name, take refuge and make efforts, and then they will become the first, second, third, etc. If they do not achieve this wish, they will never become saints."

Hearing Jieyin's voice, the prehistoric saints actually admired these two people at this time. It must be said that it is rare to make such a great vow...


Finally, a large amount of merit golden light suddenly appeared again above Mount Xumi and merged into those that were brewed before.

Suddenly, there were strange phenomena in the sky. The huge golden light of merit fell towards Jie Yin and Zhunti, and the primordial purple air between their eyebrows floated out automatically.

The golden light of merit was absorbed by the primordial purple air, and a trace of golden light was revealed in the purple air.

At this time, the cultivation of the two people suddenly increased rapidly.


One after another, the pressure of becoming a saint spread in all directions. Although it was not as powerful as when Kunpeng became a saint in the past, it also contained most of the west at this time.

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