Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 196: Establishing a religion and becoming a saint, Hou Tu receives a blood letter

"From today onwards, I, Minghe, will establish the Asura Sect and educate the Asura clan. I vow to teach them to practice good deeds."

Seeing that the merits of establishing a race were not enough, Styx immediately created a great religion again. The establishment of a religion was not without merits, but there were not so many.

And with the establishment of his Asura religion, the golden light of merit bred in the sky suddenly increased by one point, reaching half of what it was when Jie Yin and Zhunti became saints.

In other words, these merits are enough for him to become a saint.

Immediately, Styx showed a smile.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi in his eyebrows flew out automatically, quickly sucking in the golden light of merit in the sky, and then returned to the Styx Ancestor's eyebrows with a purple-gold light.

With the return of Hongmeng Purple Qi, Styx's cultivation level skyrocketed.

Buzz! ! !

Waves of coercion moved in all directions, and the Asura clan members were all oppressed and fell to their knees, unable to move.

After a long time, the saint's power dissipated, and golden lotuses actually rose in the land of blood sea, and flowers fell from the sky.

"From now on, I am the leader of the Asura Sect, and you can just call me the leader." Styx looked at the Asura clansmen kneeling below and said expressionlessly.

Although he was already overjoyed in his heart at this time, he still did not show it.

To him, these Asura tribesmen are just tools for his sanctification, without any emotion at all.

Later, he appointed an Asura King and three Asura Protectors to rule.

On weekdays, the affairs of the Asura Sect are all left to the Asura King Zizai Tianbo Xun. The three Asura protectors are Brahma, Lust, and Shiva.

While they are members of the Asura Sect, they are also the supreme beings of the Asura Clan.

"The Sea of ​​Blood and the River Styx have also become holy, and now only Yuanshi and Hongyun are left!"

"I'm afraid Yuanshi will not follow the path of a saint. His elder brother and third brother have both stepped into the true self of Hunyuan. How can he be willing to do this? As for Hongyun, I don't know when he will become a saint."

"Oh? What if he doesn't follow the path of a saint? He will never be able to recover after being beheaded!"

"I don't know, maybe his two brothers have a way."

"Not to mention these, Styx can actually gain merit by creating a new race. So, for these merits, we should also collect the lonely souls and wild ghosts in the world!"

"But it's not bad! Go quickly, I'm afraid there are already many beings doing this now!"

An unknown number of innate saints began to capture those lonely ghosts wandering between heaven and earth.

Most of these innate saints are self-destructive beings. They have no hope of reaching a higher realm. They can only try to see if they can directly step into the realm of saints with great merit like the three saints.

I don’t know how many years later.

"Damn it! Why can Styx create a new race and gain a lot of merit?! But my race doesn't have any!" An ancestor looked at the new creatures he created with eyes full of shock and anger.

Why are they creating new races, but Styx can gain merit!

There are many people like him who have this doubt. What they don't know is that the Asura clan, one of the six paths, was created by the Styx River's accidental collision. It is also a race with considerable power.

Although they also created a new race, they were of no use to Heaven, so naturally there was no merit.

Not only that, if these races created by them become extinct, their own destiny will also be somewhat damaged.

This also forces them to take care of these new races.

In other words, instead of benefiting from this wave, they shot themselves in the foot.

The Ancestral Witch Tribe of Earth.

Hou Tu seemed to have noticed something in the dark, and she walked aimlessly in the wilderness.

She saw many innate saints taking action to capture those wandering ghosts. She felt a little unbearable, but she did not take action because those saints also wanted to create a new life for them.

Although it is not a new life in the true sense, it still avoids wandering between heaven and earth.

And this scene deeply hurt Hou Tu's heart.

She almost always stayed in Pangu Palace, but she had never seen so many lonely ghosts.

She came to the sea of ​​​​blood, and she felt faintly in her heart that her destiny was about to come.

Hou Tu continued to walk forward, only to see that Styx was constantly creating new Asura tribesmen.

She frowned subconsciously and did not mind her own business, but continued to walk in the sea of ​​blood. Although Patriarch Styx was a little inappropriate in this matter, it still prevented the remaining souls from continuing to wander and finally dissipated in the sea. The ending between heaven and earth.

The Ancestor of Minghe had naturally discovered her a long time ago, but he did not pay attention to her or stop her. Houtu was one of the twelve ancestral witches of the Wu Clan, with huge power and possessing twelve Hunyuan True Self realms. He didn't dare to provoke the other party's existence.

Although he is a saint at this time and Hou Tu is not his opponent, this does not mean that he can defeat the other eleven ancestral witches of the opponent's witch clan.

Moreover, if he waits for other ancestral witches to enter the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo, then he is seeking his own death.

Therefore, neither of them interfered with the other.

"If so, the efficiency is too slow. I should find a way to allow living beings to be reborn after death, or at least not to let them disappear between heaven and earth." Hou Tu looked at the residual souls wandering in the sea of ​​blood and disappearing from time to time, and thought secretly in her heart.

Suddenly, she stopped.

She seemed to have realized something, and turned to look at the heart of the sea of ​​blood.

Boom! ! !

The blood rushed up to the sky, dyeing the entire sky red, and a stream of blood spreading from the sky rushed towards Hou Tu.

Hou Tu was not panicked, but calm and calm, and pointed out lightly.

Crash! ! !

The blood in the sky suddenly collapsed, turned into drops of water, and poured down towards the sea of ​​blood.

But the blood could not touch Hou Tu's body.

"Fellow Daoist Hou Tu, this is not my action." The old ancestor of the Styx sent a divine thought from the outside.

Hou Tu nodded. She was not a fool. The scene just now obviously had nothing to do with the Styx.

At this moment, a golden light burst out. It was in the shape of a book!

The book was blood red all over. It flashed and disappeared into Hou Tu's mind.

This scene obviously did not escape the mind of the Styx Patriarch. He frowned and thought carefully. What on earth was that thing? He had been refining the blood sea for billions of years and still couldn't find this thing!

Hou Tu also touched her brows. She was very confused, but she didn't think much about it, because she felt that the book gave off a warm feeling in her body and did not hurt her.

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