Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 197 The opportunity has come to prove the truth immediately

In Pangu Palace.

After Hou Tu got a book from the sea of ​​blood, the throbbing feeling in her heart disappeared. She knew that this was her chance, so she left the sea of ​​blood.

Ancestor Styx did not stop him. He was not a fool. Hou Tu ran over for no reason, so he naturally had a purpose.

And he had been in the sea of ​​blood for who knows how many years, and he had never found the book. Now that Hou Tu came over, the book automatically disappeared into the other person's body, which showed that Hou Tu was destined to him.

That book was just conceived in a sea of ​​blood.

"Houtu's opportunity has arrived. He only needs to wait for the manifestation of the Tao between heaven and earth to realize the Tao." Pangu's obsession was enough to see through the existence of the book in Hou Tu's body with just one glance.

That book is not another book, but the human book among the three books of heaven, earth and man. The human book is the most mysterious. Different from the earth book and the heaven book, the human book refers to the book of all living beings in the world.

And just waiting for reincarnation to manifest, it can be turned into a treasure sitting in the netherworld, which is the root of the land of reincarnation.

Human beings are not the color of blood, but as they were born in the sea of ​​blood and absorbed the energy of the sea of ​​blood for countless years, they became what they are today.

But it did not affect the role of the book in the slightest. Hou Tu was responsible for opening up reincarnation, so that all races and spirits in the prehistoric era could be reincarnated and rebuilt.

Just like those innate saints who killed themselves because of Hongjun, as long as they are willing to give up their own foundation and reincarnate, although they lack the foundation, they still have infinite possibilities.

After reincarnation, as long as you reach the Golden Immortal realm, you can remember the past again.

In today's ancient world, with the continuous emergence and gestation of acquired creatures, the creatures that slowly come out are not born to reach the Golden Immortal, but it will not take long to reach the Golden Immortal immediately.

No matter how high Honghuang's current background is, he can't stop this happening.

And this is not because of the great changes in the world and the scarcity of spiritual energy, but because the opponent's heel and foot foundation has become a little shallower with the reproduction, but in the same way, they also have unlimited possibilities.

At least reaching the Daluo Golden Immortal is not a problem. The main reason for low-level creatures is that they are anxious to reproduce before their own cultivation reaches a certain level. Just like how the children born from the union of creatures in the Golden Immortal realm can be born as Golden Immortals.

Of course, the vast majority of living beings pursue the Tao and put the reproduction of Tao couples at the back.

But after all, there are those creatures who are naturally promiscuous, and some low-level creatures will eventually be born.

"Congratulations, little sister!" After hearing this, Di Jiang looked overjoyed and hurriedly congratulated Hou Tu.

"Congratulations, little sister!"

The other ten ancestral witches also cast their envious eyes on Hou Tu. They thought that the first one to step into the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo would be their eldest brother Di Jiang, but they did not expect that it would be Hou Tu.


Hou Tu looked a little shy when being congratulated by many brothers and sisters, and waved his hands quickly.

"Father God, why can I step into the Dao Fruit Realm?" She looked at Pangu Obsession in confusion and asked.

"It can't be said, it can't be said. You will know when the opportunity comes."

The aura of Pangu's obsession at this time is extremely mysterious. He can see things that will happen after eternity, and he can also flow in the long river of time and space, but he cannot explain it.

There is a true meaning in the dark, blocking his words.

He knew that this was because of his lack of cultivation.

He is not Pangu, but he is Pangu.

He has no realm but no power.

He can see through the mists of the heavens, but he cannot tell them.

"Since God Father said it, it must be true! Just relax, little sister!" Di Jiang said.

Seeing Hou Tu getting a great opportunity, he would be lying if he said he wasn't envious, but he didn't feel any jealousy at all. They were both his brothers and sisters, both prosperous and devastated.

Zhengyang system, Zhengyang galaxy, Tianyang small galaxy, Tianyang star.

"Deputy commander, if you are transferred to be the head of the regiment sometime, can I come over and work with you?" Second Battalion Commander Bai Mao asked Ye Xuan expectantly.

In the past few days, Ye Xuan had brought in several veins of divine source minerals and pushed them all the way through with his own strength. Naturally, they all gained greater benefits.

Every group guarding the divine source of mineral veins will also have a place to store the divine source. Not every group will divide the divine source equally like the Windsor group. Most of them will be accumulated and distributed when they can contribute.

After all, even if there are hundreds of thousands of divine resources, if divided equally, they will only amount to ten or more. It is nothing, and no one will be grateful.

But if the other party has made a great contribution or something like that, the group leader will directly reward them with tens of thousands of divine resources. That is a real grand prize, and it will also motivate those people and make them more willing to do things for the group leader.

This is the method that should be used, otherwise those equally divided divine sources are useless. If they really want to make a living from this, they might as well go to teach in the academy. Being a teacher will give them much better treatment than this shit. .

Moreover, the teacher's time is extremely free. Wherever he works from day to night like here, it would be a hundred divine resources.

In addition to the points they get from mining, they also get corresponding points from guarding for one day. This is the real source of wages, otherwise who would be willing to come here to mine.

"Yes, Captain, take me with you when the time comes!" Third Battalion Commander Wang Ke also said so. Only by following the powerful captain can there be security, at least they will not be suddenly killed by high-level beings when facing the opponent.

Every time they kill an enemy, they will also get corresponding points. This is why they choose to fight desperately on the battlefield. In addition, the points for taking the God Source Mine will also be more or less.

Just like this time, Ye Xuan took down a God Source Mine. Each God Source Mine can get 10,000 points, of which 100 points are divided among the three people, the captain, the deputy captain, and the chief of staff. Generally, it is divided according to 433, but because the Iron Fist Group has two deputy captains.

So the actual points are 3322, because this God Source Mine was divided by Ye Xuan himself, so he and the captain got 30%, that is, each person got 33 points, that is, 66 points, and the remaining 34 points were 17 each by the other deputy captain and the chief of staff.

However, Ye Xuan got more than 33 points, because he led the team personally, so actually 9,000 points were divided among the soldiers of the two battalions. Those ordinary soldiers only got 0.5 points each, which means they lost nearly 5,000 points.

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