Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 198 The Fourth Star Region Competition

The remaining 5,000 points were shared by senior officers such as Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan had the greatest contribution and took 4,000 points alone, while the remaining 1,000 points were shared by the corresponding officials and soldiers who made outstanding contributions.

As for the enemies killed, they were independent points. Things like the God Source Mine had basically nothing to do with them, so they were divided less.

It has been like this everywhere from ancient times to the present. Only when the people above are full will the people below be full.

Moreover, the God Source Mine was captured because of the leader Ye Xuan. Otherwise, the mine would not be obtained at all.

One point can be exchanged for a small bottle of God Source Liquid, which is 100 God Sources.

Ye Xuan got more than 4,000 points, which is more than 400,000 God Sources, and he captured three God Source Mine in total these days.

Not every small star system has a God Source Mine. These days, he led the second and third battalions to raid more than a dozen small star systems before finding three small God Source Mine.

The really large ones are connected to the entire galaxy. The entire galaxy is a super large vein of divine source, which is extremely terrifying.

But obviously, it is impossible for Ye Xuan to run to such a place to get it.

There is no need to think about that place. Once a war breaks out, it will be a large-scale war, and it is impossible to be such a small fight.

"You want to talk to me about this matter, it is not my decision. It depends on whether the captain will let them go!" Ye Xuan shook his head. It doesn't matter whether he accepts them or not. Anyway, these people are just messing around in his eyes.

To be honest, if he is a lone ranger, his points will rise sharply, and he will earn more divine source.

As long as he doesn't commit suicide and run to those dangerous places, basically nothing will happen.

There are only a few fourth-level creation gods at the regiment level, but if it is changed to the brigade level, it will be completely different. The brigade headquarters are at least fourth-level creation gods, and the regiments under the brigade headquarters are only two or three big cats and kittens, but the entire brigade headquarters are all fourth-level creation gods.

The brigade commanders are all the best among the fourth-order creation gods, and they are basically late-stage fourth-order creation gods. With so many fourth-order creation gods besieging Ye Xuan together, no matter how strong Ye Xuan is, he may not be able to stop them.

As for the division level above, it is even more incredible. There are really fifth-order creation gods there.

After the fourth order, one step is a world, not to mention the fifth order, which is a big realm. It is completely crushing.

However, as long as Ye Xuan acts as a lone wolf, he will be able to survive and get points without being specifically targeted by the other party.

But the problem is that the other party cannot let a powerful person go around in his own field. Sooner or later, he will be targeted by the other party.

But this kind of team combat is different. The other party thinks that this group is more powerful and the group leader is stronger than the average fourth-order. At that time, at most, a few groups will be dispatched to double-team.

If Ye Xuan encounters that kind of situation, he will just run away and prepare to go to the next galaxy.

In other words, the regiment gave him a chance to remind him that he could leave at a certain point and could not stay any longer. If he stayed any longer, something would happen.

If he went alone, it would be ok if he was not caught by the other party. Once he was really targeted, he would be waiting for death.

Although Ye Xuan was confident that he was invincible in single combat, he had never thought about whether he could escape after encountering a large number of players of the same level.

None of those who could cultivate to the fourth-level Creation God were weaklings.

Even if they were killed by Ye Xuan in a single-on-one fight, they were still a huge force when they gathered together.

"It doesn't matter. If he doesn't let us go, we can just quit and come to you for help. I hope you won't despise us then!" Bai Mao shook his head and then looked at Ye Xuan with expectation.

They were not regular troops of any country, but mercenaries. They could leave if they wanted to, and they wouldn't leave if they didn't want to. They just said that they were just making a living anyway, so they would just stay in one place honestly.

What's more, they are both battalion commanders, so it's not a loss.

"Yes, yes, commander, please accept us!" Wang Ke is obviously more humane, and he directly called the commander.

Wang Ke has been around for a long time, and he is much better at dealing with people.

Not everyone can be like Ye Xuan, who has not graduated yet or graduated to the fourth level. Most of them are second-level and third-level. Of course, there are also first-level ones, but there are very few who have not been promoted to the second level after four years of college.

Ye Xuan saw the two of them like this, so he nodded and said, "Okay, if you come, then come!"

If you really want to follow, then just treat it as more people, anyway, these two are not bad.

There are only the three of them, Liu Yong and Shui Yan in this room, a total of five people, not to mention Liu Yong and Shui Yan, they are iron confidants, so there is no need to hide anything when talking.

"Thank you, commander!"

The two were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they quickly stood up and bowed.

Ye Xuan waved his hand casually, indicating that the other party did not need to be so polite.

The reason why they had to stop here was because the Star Domain Competition was coming again, which was today. When it would come would depend on Ji Xian's notification.

"Then we will take our leave first and not disturb the leader!"

When Wang Ke and Baimao saw Ye Xuan agreeing, the stones hanging in their hearts finally fell, and they decided to leave.

Although the two of them are familiar with Ye Xuan, they can't be considered very good, that is, they only have some communication when Ye Xuan gives them more orders on weekdays.


Ye Xuan nodded and watched the two of them leave.

"How about it, do you two want to come with me then?"

"Does that need to be said? With you, you can accumulate points, have divine sources, and be tempered. You don't have to worry about the fourth-level creation god who is attacking the opponent and coming to kill us. Do you still need to ask?" Liu Yong was honest, and he told all the benefits in one quick glance.

"Haha, that's true, but even if we exclude these things, we are definitely fooling around with you." Shuiyan laughed and added.

They are all at the fourth level, so they must choose people with whom they have a good relationship. It is much better to work under people who are their friends than under people they don't know.

"That's up to you. Anyway, if you two want to follow me, the leader can't say anything." Ye Xuan nodded. He just asked briefly and didn't take it to heart.

"The fourth round of the star field competition begins."

Ji Xian's voice reached Ye Xuan's mind again. This was the power of the sixth-order Creation God. Even if Ye Xuan was far away from him, it could still reach his mind.

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