Chapter 200 Scan failed! Destroy it...

After seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi did not dare to neglect it and immediately set out from Wuzhuang Temple and headed towards that world.

At the same time, countless saints in the prehistoric world also felt the emergence of an aura that was obviously different from the prehistoric world. They hurriedly looked over and saw Hongyun entering. After seeing Hongyun enter, they all temporarily put their minds at ease.

Many saints have experienced how strong Hongyun is. After all, preaching cannot really be just talking. It is difficult to convince people.

And the prehistoric world is a world where strength is supreme, so Hongyun will inevitably fight. But what is quite strange is that Hongyun seems to have a cultivation level far superior to that of a quasi-saint, but he is not a mixed origin, and many creatures have been defeated by him.

Among them, there are many old antiques that have been born since ancient times, and they are also convinced by Hongyun.


After Hongyun stepped into the kingdom of science and technology, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In front of him were not living creatures, but huge mechanical giants, which seemed to be extremely powerful.

Countless laser weapons made his originally red robe even redder.

"Super life form detected, request to kill!"

An electronic sound appeared in the giant's mouth, causing Hong Yun to frown. For some reason, he felt a little disgusted when he looked at these non-living things.

"Allow to kill!"

An order appeared in the center of those mechanical giants, and suddenly, the eyes of these mechanical giants turned into red eyes.

Boom boom boom! ! !

As the order was conveyed, red lights shot towards Hong Yun with supreme runes at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

Those giants turned their hands into huge laser cannons one by one and fired fiercely at Hong Yun.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Those artillery fires carried a trace of destructive breath and hit Hong Yun's body.

The endless red lasers penetrated Hong Yun's body, and those extremely powerful electromagnetic cannons and laser cannons also bombarded Hong Yun's body, turning it into nothingness.

Hong Yun's figure disappeared, and no trace could be seen anymore.

"The target has been killed! Request to withdraw!"

The electronic voice appeared again. Under these powerful artillery fire, it seemed that even the saints were vulnerable.

"How could it be so weak?" Bai Xue frowned and looked at the creatures in her kingdom of God that were bombarded into slag, a little unbelievable.

She had personally felt Ye Xuan's strength, so the strength of the creatures in Ye Xuan's kingdom of God could not be so weak, and Ye Xuan could not have sent only such a weak creature.

"The target has been killed! Request to withdraw!"

The electronic voice continued to sound, and they would not leave before receiving instructions.

"Don't withdraw the troops, continue to garrison!"

Su Xue instinctively felt that it was not so easy, but the problem was that even she could not see that the Taoist in red could still survive. She just subconsciously felt that the creatures sent by the other party could not be so weak.

"Received! Received!"

After hearing the command, the electronic voice replied and looked at the world channel.

"What is this avenue? Why can't I comprehend it? Can't understand it?"

"What kind of cave is this? This can't be the cave in the prehistoric world! There is no such way in the prehistoric world!"

"Is this the way of your world? Very interesting, but very weak!"

Hong Yun's voice sounded again, and his body reorganized. In fact, those laser cannons could not hurt him at all, and even his body could not be broken.

Previously, he just wanted to feel this extremely strange way, so he experienced it personally.

But he found that this avenue was not in the prehistoric world, and he couldn't say whether it was among the three thousand avenues. He couldn't even tell whether it was the innate avenue or the acquired avenue.

So, he took out the red gourd from his waist and poured a mouthful of it into his mouth.

"Sure enough! He's not dead yet!" Bai Xue's eyes narrowed. Although she confirmed her thoughts after seeing this scene, she was not happy at all at this moment. Instead, she felt that her world would soon be in trouble.

However, just as she was about to order another kill, she saw another unclear great god appear in her world. The aura of that existence was extremely mysterious and indescribable.

"Daoyou Hongyun, you came quickly!" Zhen Yuanzi said jokingly after seeing Hongyun drinking.

But then he saw these non-living things around him pointing weapons at him one by one. Although he didn't understand, he got angry at this time.

Thinking back to his countless years in the prehistoric world, who had ever been so rude to him.

"The super life form is not dead, start scanning."

The electronic sound sounded again, but after seeing Hongyun come back to life, it began to choose to scan and explore, wanting to find out why the other party could come back to life.

"Scan failed! This is not a super life form! Its life level cannot be measured!"

"Scan failed! This life form has no weaknesses! It cannot be destroyed!"

"Scan failed!..."

"Scan failed!..."

Red exclamation marks instantly appeared on the screens of these machine giants. They were simply unable to scan the information of Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi. This was the only time this happened since their birth.

So, they were a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Fire, unlimited fire!!!"

Bai Xue immediately issued an order through an unknown number of levels higher.

"Lock on the target! Ding! Lock failed! Unable to lock on the target!"

After hearing the order, the huge mechanical giants began to lock on each other, but they didn't expect that they couldn't lock on the target as they did at the beginning!

"Switch target!"

Two targets, since this target can't be locked, then change one.

"Lock on the target! Ding! Lock failed! Unable to lock on the target!"

In the end, it was the same result...

Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi's level has long been high enough that the technology of this world cannot scan and lock on them. It's not that the technology can't capture their existence, but that the technology in Bai Xue's kingdom can't do this.

"Start the indiscriminate erasure mode!!!" Bai Xue chose this mode without hesitation. In this mode, these technological creations will not care about their own casualties or the casualties of their teammates, so once this mode is turned on, there will inevitably be bloodshed.

But the only advantage is that under the firepower coverage, there may be attacks that can hit Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi.

Buzz! ! !

A roar erupted from the bodies of the mechanical giants, and their originally white bodies suddenly turned into blood-red figures, standing in the sky like giants in the sea of ​​blood.

Zhen Yuanzi hated the behavior of being probed by low-level beings, and immediately felt extremely disgusted.

"Since you hate it, then destroy it..."

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