Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 201 When they are strong enough, they become false gods!

Zhen Yuanzi looked at these technological creations coldly, put the fan back, put it on his waist, and then stretched out his right hand and waved it gently.

The originally very small sleeve suddenly turned into a huge dark abyss that overturned the world, and there were huge suction forces coming from the abyss.

The surrounding space began to distort a little, and even those attacks that activated the indiscriminate erasure mode were twisted and folded into the distortion of space.

And those mechanical giants and the endless robots operating laser cannons in the distance were all turned into fragments with the distortion of space.

Even those water droplets that were rushing around were all crushed into powder!

The speed of those water droplets was even faster than that of ordinary water droplets, and they had already exceeded the speed of light by many times! But it was still difficult to escape the suction of space.

Until it disappeared, it could no longer be seen in this space.

"How is it possible!!!" In the kingdom of God, the human leaders who were watching the battle on a distant planet stared at all this with wide eyes.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"How could there be such a powerful creature?!"

Another old man roared hysterically. This scene was undoubtedly impacting their worldview.

Whether it was the human race itself or those powerful races who claimed to be immortals and gods, they all bowed down to their powerful technology in the end.

In the end, the reason why humans could unify the universe was technology, which was constantly developing.

And the mechanical giants they sent out could already kill a group of immortals and gods, but now there are so many giants, so many laser cannons, and countless technological creations such as biochemical warriors, mechanical warriors, and space warriors.

Unexpectedly, under the wave of that existence, they all turned into dust that was invisible to the naked eye and drifted in the cracks of space.

"Is this the power of space? There are still creatures that can control space?!" An old man stared at this scene in amazement, somewhat unbelievable.

The reason why the Kingdom of Science and Technology is so powerful is that as long as the technology is good, even the third or even second level can strike on the space dimension.

But for ordinary kingdoms of God, only the fourth level can comprehend the existence of the power of space, and it is only possible.

Space and time, which are relatively advanced avenues, are not something that ordinary creatures can master.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Technology can even achieve mass production, which is undoubtedly a very terrifying gap. As long as the Kingdom of Technology has attacks on the spatial dimension, it can basically beat all low-level kingdoms of God.

"At this point, we can only use the two-dimensional foil!"

An old man said.

"The other party obviously has mastered the power of space. Is the two-dimensional foil really useful?" Another old man retorted.

"Whether it is useful or not, this is the only way left now!"

As soon as this was said, the old men stopped refuting.

Yes, their water drop weapon is already the most powerful, but in the end they still can't deal with the two people. If they don't use the two-dimensional foil, there must be no other tricks.

We can't just watch this universe being destroyed by the other party. Although we don't know where the two came from, they must be creatures from another world as we encountered before.

They had defeated countless creatures along the way, and had defeated creatures from outside the domain several times, but they did not expect to encounter such a powerful existence now.

"Then use the two-dimensional foil!"

Finally, after unanimous agreement.

A number of superluminal spaceships rushed there. They carried only one thing, that is, the two-dimensional foil, and not just one, but each starship had one.

"Throw it down, and return home!"

When the captain gave the order, a thin piece of paper was thrown into the vast starry sky.

After that, the starships returned to where they came from.

"Space creation? Interesting!"

Zhen Yuanzi grinned and stepped hard into the starry sky.

Buzz! ! !

Waves of sound waves went towards those starships, and the speed of these sound waves far exceeded the speed of light, and even faster than those starships.

Buzz! ! !

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Starships were constantly destroyed. Almost at the same time, dozens of bright and tiny lights burst out in the boundless starry sky, barely visible.

"If the strength of this world is just like this, then it will definitely not have any impact on the prehistoric world." Zhen Yuanzi looked at the two-dimensional foils that were slowly extending. Wherever the two-dimensional foils extended, they would pull that space into a two-dimensional dimension.

But they had already achieved the Golden Immortal of Daluo, and they were not afraid of such attacks at all.

Not to mention that both of them were in the realm of the True Self of the Primordial Being. Zhen Yuanzi snorted coldly, and the two-dimensional foils became nothing and disappeared. The space that had just been two-dimensionalized was restored again.

"If it was Daoist Dijiang, I'm afraid he could just pull this world into the low latitude with a casual move. How could he pull it in so slowly?" Zhen Yuanzi thought of Dijiang, the leader of the twelve ancestors of the witch clan. He was the real leader of the new generation of space magic in the prehistoric world.

The one who carried the tripod in the older generation was the ancestor Yang Mei, but the cultivation levels of the two were not much different now, and they had never fought each other, so no one knew who was stronger.

Anyway, neither of them could beat the Emperor Di Jun, and that was beyond doubt.

"That's right. Although the Dao of this world is a little strange, it is still too weak after all..." Hongyun yawned and said, and he acted more and more freely.

If Zhen Yuanzi hadn't arrived just now, he would have taken action.

Saints are not without desires, nor are they not stained with blood.

"Oh my God! Such existence is the real god! Gathering thousands of great powers in one body!!" An old man shouted in despair.

His heart was filled with incomparable grief and anger at this time, and he felt that everything seemed to be hopeless.

"When our technology was not advanced enough, we also thought the same when facing those false gods, powerless and desperate. But when we were lingering on and technology exploded, we found that the so-called gods in the past were just some creatures that could be killed."

"From then on, they became false gods!"

An old man said domineeringly. He was one of those people back then. He experienced an extremely dark era. He has survived from that era to the present day and has long forgotten how many tens of thousands of years have passed.

But he still remembers everything that happened back then, which is not much better than now.

At least, the two creatures have not attacked them yet, nor have they enslaved them, although perhaps that is only in the near future, or it may be in the near future...

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