Star Domain Arena.

"I surrender..."

Bai Xue saw that the old men in charge of the highest command of mankind in her kingdom of God were inspired with confidence, and she quickly said she surrendered.

After the humans in her kingdom of God became invincible in the universe, they became more and more complacent and arrogant, and the speed of technological development inevitably slowed down, and humans gradually tended to fight among themselves.

She knew deeply that it was never ignorance and weakness that destroyed a civilization, but arrogance.

Therefore, Bai Xue needed an extremely powerful opponent to wake them up and inspire them.

At this time, she happened to meet Ye Xuan, and she took him to train.

"Your technological kingdom of God is interesting, I hope you can go further." Ye Xuan naturally observed the scene inside the other party's kingdom of God through Hong Yun and Yang Mei. Bai Xue did not seem to be following the technological development model of improving technology and strengthening itself, but seemed to be more inclined to a complete technological creation.

In that battle, there were no powerful creatures to stop Hongyun and Yangmei. Instead, there were countless technological creations, and no creatures that were strengthened by technology to become very powerful were seen.

This is somewhat different from the ordinary technological kingdoms. Many technological kingdoms will feed back to the creatures after the technology reaches a certain level.

However, in Bai Xue's technological kingdom, those people seem to be mortals, but their lifespans have become extremely long, as if they will no longer age, and they have almost infinite life, but life itself is still very fragile.

Therefore, in Ye Xuan's view, the technology tree of the other kingdom is a little crooked, but it is still interesting.

"Thank you." Bai Xue's cold voice sounded again, and she thanked him politely.

Ye Xuan shook his head, his figure turned into nothingness, and he took back his divine thoughts.

Tianyang Star.

"Bai Xue? Interesting." Ye Xuan smacked his lips and secretly remembered this name. The colder he was, the more he wanted to see what the other party would look like when he became hot.

That extreme contrast is extremely exciting.

After the fourth round, there are still more than 10,000 people left in the competition, which is much less than the initial 200,000 people. However, because it is halved, these more than 10,000 people will have to compete for more than ten times.

Just after Ye Xuan finished his work, he heard Baimao's voice coming from outside.

"Captain, commander, the brigade commander has ordered you to report to the brigade headquarters!"

Baimao walked in with a communication device in his hand.

The people in the brigade headquarters are only the fourth-level creator gods at most, so they can't directly convey their divine thoughts across countless spaces like those sixth-level creator gods, so they need the communication equipment created by the Kingdom of Science and Technology.

A figure appeared in the air, which was projected by the communication equipment.

"You are Ye Xuan, right? I have heard of your name. It is true that heroes come from young people!"

The middle-aged man in the projection smiled and praised.

"My name is Chen Geng, and I am the commander of our 386th Brigade. After a long discussion, the brigade has unanimously decided to appoint you as the commander of the independent regiment."

"Okay." Ye Xuan nodded and replied.

"Come to the brigade headquarters now. The brigade headquarters is in the Wenyang galaxy. You will know the specific location when you come."

Seeing that Ye Xuan agreed, Chen Geng did not say as much as he imagined, but after all, geniuses have their own little tempers, so he did not say anything.

After speaking, the image disappeared.

"Where is the Wenyang galaxy?"

Although he knew the specific name, Ye Xuan did not know the coordinates, so he asked Bai Mao.

Bai Mao shook his head and replied: "How can I know this? I have only heard that the galaxies in the system are as vast as the sea of ​​​​smoke, and the coordinates of the brigade headquarters cannot be directly known to us."

"But Captain Yu Li must know it. You can go back to the regiment headquarters first, ask clearly, and then go to the brigade headquarters."

"That's right!"

Ye Xuan nodded and decided to leave immediately.

A real man is born between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and live under others for a long time!

Since he got the opportunity to serve as the head of the regiment, he would definitely not let it go. He would report to the independent regiment to take up his post first.

"Then notify them and prepare to return!"

After Ye Xuan gave the order, he waited for them to gather. It was impossible for these people to stay in one place for rest. They would go to play among the surrounding planets.

There are living beings on almost every planet, because the first-level creator gods have long been able to adapt to various living environments, and many planets will be transformed to be suitable for mortals to live, so except for those resource planets, the rest of the planets are basically inhabited.

And the citizens of Rongdi who are in the war did not have any major stress behavior. They didn't know how many times they had experienced such things. Anyway, the other party would not hurt them. At most, they would occupy the divine source veins or other resources.

The main reason is that those who have stress behavior either joined the army or were killed in the previous resistance. Naturally, it doesn't matter if they stay.

After gathering all the soldiers, Ye Xuan led them to the Pianyang Galaxy using the space avenue.

They left the regiment headquarters by a whole galaxy, which was rarely done by the battalion level, even the regiment.

Zhengyang System, Pianyang Galaxy, Pianyang Star.

Pianyang Star is the main planet of the Pianyang Galaxy. This planet is extremely large. Although it is not as large as the Zuxing Star, it is also an existence that ordinary planets cannot match.

The Iron Fist Group's headquarters is located on it. Not all planets are like Zuxing, where there are high-level Creation Gods sitting on them. Places like this are guarded by fourth-level Creation Gods at most.

Only places like the higher-level Zhengyang System will be guarded by fifth-level Creation Gods, and the places guarded by fourth-level Creation Gods are naturally wiped out by them, otherwise it would be impossible to grab such a place.

Regiment headquarters.

"Deputy Regiment Commander Ye, haha, it should be Regiment Commander Ye! I didn't expect you to become the regiment commander so soon!" Yu Li was very happy to see Ye Xuan coming back.

His deputy regiment commander was appointed as the new regiment commander, and the brigade naturally informed him a long time ago.

These days, Ye Xuan has robbed three God Source Mineral Veins. It has only been a few days, and he has earned hundreds of points lying in the headquarters.

This is tens of thousands of God Sources. Even though Ye Xuan doesn't take the God Sources seriously, it is a huge sum of money if it is put out there. The most important thing is that he got it by lying dead, which is equivalent to getting it for free.

Meat falling from the sky, without any danger or cost, how can it not be delicious.

"Captain Yu, I won't say much. I came here this time to ask you about the coordinates of the brigade headquarters." Ye Xuan smiled. He just wanted to report as soon as possible.

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