Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 203 Going to the Brigade Headquarters

"How about this, let Deputy Captain Hai take you there, what do you think?" Yu Li replied immediately after hearing this.

He had expected Ye Xuan's trip and didn't think it was strange, so he had already discussed to let Hai Ke take him there once.

"Okay." Ye Xuan nodded. It didn't matter to him who sent him there, as long as he was sent to the destination.

"By the way, I want to take Liu Yong and Shui Yan with me."

"Of course, you brought them here!" Yu Li replied without hesitation. He didn't have the authority to stop anyone. If he really dared to stop them, the other party would immediately quit and run to Ye Xuan's side.

In addition, these two people came with Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan was so strong, there was no need to disgust them.

"Thank you."

Seeing that the other party agreed so easily, Ye Xuan thanked him.

If the other party gave face, he would return it.

"It's okay, we're all family. By the way, when does Captain Ye plan to leave?" Yu Li waved his hand upon hearing this, and then asked.


Ye Xuan didn't say much, and he didn't mention the matter between Bai Mao and Wang Ke. He didn't refuse the other party's desire to follow him, but he didn't need to ask for it himself.

If the other party comes, then take him, if not, then forget it.

"Well, Deputy Captain Hai, please send Captain Ye off." Yu Li nodded and winked at Hai Ke.

Hai Ke hurried out, full of smiles and said, "Captain Ye, please."

After the two walked out of the regiment command post, Wang Ke and Bai Mao, who were waiting outside, also hurried in, and Liu Yong and Shui Yan followed behind Ye Xuan.

"Deputy Captain Hai, wait a moment." Ye Xuan stopped and turned around and said.

"Okay." Although Hai Ke didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't say much.

He knew Ye Xuan's strength, and the other party said to wait, so he waited.

After a while, Bai Mao and Wang Ke came out.

"Captain, Captain Yu has agreed that we can go to your place!" Bai Mao said with a happy face.

It is not easy to meet such a strong captain in the vast star field. This is the guarantee of combat power and life.

As a fourth-level warrior, this guy's combat power is much higher than that of ordinary fourth-level warriors. In each plunder, Ye Xuan fights one against three and one against four.

"Okay, let's go to the brigade headquarters together!" Ye Xuan didn't have anything to hide. Isn't it just the location of the brigade headquarters? If you know it, you know it. Even if you are betrayed, what can the other party do?

Send a large number of fourth-level warriors to encircle and suppress? The people in the brigade are not fools. When the enemy arrives, they will run away.

Or just call for support directly, compare firepower, right? Who has the Great Xia Kingdom ever been afraid of?

Afraid of a small Rongdi Kingdom?

Just the piles of fourth-level creators in the brigade headquarters, I really don't know what they are afraid of.

Although Hai Ke didn't want to take these two people with him, he thought that since Shui Yan and Liu Yong already knew the location of the brigade headquarters, it wouldn't hurt to have two more.

So, the group headed for the brigade headquarters.


Wenyang Star System.

"Wenyang Star is ahead, and the brigade headquarters is on it. I'll go back first." Although Hai Ke came to the brigade headquarters, he didn't plan to go with him. Anyway, he had everything with his strength, so he didn't need to be hypocritical.

"Okay, thank you."

After all, it was the other party who led the way, so it was right to say thank you.

Hai Ke nodded and returned in the direction they came from.

Ye Xuan took the four people to fly towards Wenyang Star. There was no one who stopped them along the way. The person on duty obviously knew that Ye Xuan would come.

So, the group had no obstacles.

"Even the people on duty are fourth-level..." Ye Xuan thought silently in his heart. It seems that the fourth-level is really worse than a dog, there are so many of them.

That is to say, only at the regimental level of combat, it would be felt that there were very few fourth-level gods, but in this brigade, it seemed that everyone was fourth-level.

The entire brigade had more than 2,000 people, and all of them were fourth-level creators, which was simply unimaginable.

If Ye Xuan really encountered so many fourth-level gods somewhere, he could only choose to escape. If he chose to fight hard, he would be really crazy.

Unless a fifth-level creator god came, the human wave tactics would kill you.

In the same realm, of course, the human wave tactics are effective, but when there is a big difference in realm, it is not something that the human wave tactics can fill.

Just like no matter how many third-level creator gods can't beat a fourth-level creator god, no matter how many fourth-level creator gods can't beat a fifth-level creator god.

Although the gap in the same realm has a huge difference in strength, this human wave tactic is still useful, and ants bite elephants to death. However, the gap of a whole realm does not allow the human wave tactics to work. The fundamental reason is that the low-level Creator God cannot cause the slightest damage to the high-level Creator God.

Therefore, it is useless to send more people.

Although the fourth-level Creator God can be a regiment leader, he is just an ordinary soldier in the brigade.

Of course, the military targets attacked by the brigade are naturally not comparable to the small-scale attacks at the regiment level. The points they get are undoubtedly terrifying, that is, if they don’t open for a few years, they can eat for a few years after opening.

"You are Ye Xuan, right?"

Just when the group was about to enter the regiment headquarters, a guard stopped them.

"That's right." Ye Xuan frowned and nodded.

"Well, please go in." The guard nodded and let Ye Xuan and his group pass.

But just as Ye Xuan walked over, the guard immediately stretched out his hand and said:

"No entry for idle people."

The meaning was very clear. No one except Ye Xuan could enter.

Shui Yan, Liu Yong, Wang Ke, and Bai Mao looked at Ye Xuan, and then Liu Yong smiled and said, "Then we will wait for you outside."

They were not fools. If they were not allowed to enter, they would not enter. There was no need to break in.

That would only make people hate it, and it might even cause trouble for Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan nodded, and then strode in.

The headquarters was easy to recognize. Such a large building, without any cover, he was not a fool. Besides, there were a group of the most powerful people gathered inside, and he could also feel their aura.


"You are Ye Xuan, right?"

As soon as Ye Xuan stepped into the room, he saw a young man looking at him with a smile.

Although he looked young, Ye Xuan knew that one could not judge age by appearance, otherwise you would not know how old the other person was.

"Yes, you are?"

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