Ye Xuan looked at the man with some confusion. He didn't know this man, nor did the brigade commander Chen Geng who had spoken to him before looked like this.

"My name is Jiang Zhi, and I am the staff officer of the 386th Brigade." Jiang Zhi said with a smile on his face.

Ye Xuan nodded and smiled. He was not a good counselor and did not fart loudly. He also instantly guessed the other party's intention to find him. He probably wanted to make friends with him.

"Ye Xuan, you're here." Chen Geng, who was sitting at the top, said with a smile when he saw Ye Xuan enter.

Chen Geng is extremely powerful. He is the strongest among the entire 386 brigade. Although he is in the late stage of the fourth level of Creation God like many others, he is the youngest among the later stages. He is only 10,000 as of now. Looks many years old.

He is a strong man of the new generation. No one will think that he cannot break through to the strength of the fifth-level creation god. Everyone knows that he is not far away from becoming the fifth-level creation god. The opportunity may come at any time. Then you can break through.

"Hello, Brigadier!" Ye Xuan nodded and gave a military salute.

"Okay, okay, okay, sit down." Chen Geng pointed to a seat and gestured.

Ye Xuan walked over and sat down.

Just let him sit there, there's no need to act coy.

"As you know, I asked you to come this time. The main reason is to appoint you as the leader of the newly established independent group. Secondly, everyone wants to see Ye Xuan who has pulled out three divine source veins in ten days. What is the real person like! Hahahaha!”

Chen Geng laughed loudly when he said the last part.

"Now it seems that it is better to meet than to be famous!"

Chen Geng could naturally feel the powerful aura in Ye Xuan's body, and he knew why he was able to fight one against several many times. He had a hunch that if he really wanted to fight Ye Xuan, he might not be able to do it himself. will be his opponent.

"The brigade commander is so complimentary." Ye Xuan replied very politely.

Although the words were modest, his expression and tone clearly felt that this was normal and there was nothing modest about it.

"Let me make it clear to you first. Although the Independent Regiment was just formed, it was actually formed from the previous ten regiments. Those ten regiments were ambushed, and only a few people survived. All the regiment leaders were killed. , only one of the fourth-level creation gods came out, and now he is your deputy leader, and the rest are also third-level. "

After Chen Geng finished teasing, he said seriously with a serious face.

This is what happened not long ago. The other party mobilized more than fifty regiments, forming a huge encirclement, completely surrounding ten regiments, with a strength of five to one.

Those fourth-order creation gods were naturally guarded by the opponent's fourth-order creation gods, especially the most powerful group leader, so all those group leaders were killed, and only one of the fourth-order creation gods was lucky. He accidentally ran out.

As for the third-level creation gods among the ten regiments, there were more than 400,000 people in total. Nearly 400,000 of them died in battle, leaving less than 30,000 people to return.

This is the biggest blow that the 386th Brigade has encountered since entering the Zhengyang System. His brigade has more than 120 regiments, and now ten regiments have been wiped out alive.

The establishment of ten regiments was compressed into one regiment. It was not easy to use any of the original numbers, so the regiment number of an independent regiment was used.

"So, the brigade commander wants me to take revenge?" Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows. How the hell is this possible? How can he take revenge against an opponent who can defeat ten regiments to destruction?

He is not a god. Defeat and destruction are completely different things. If you defeat ten regiments, you can probably do it with the same force, or even less. But if you want to destroy it, you have to be at least three to five times more powerful. The troops are strong.

With so many people, how many fourth-level people must be there?

He, Ye Xuan, claims to be invincible at level 4, but only for single duels.

"That's not true. The main reason is that the morale of this regiment is a bit low. You need to rectify it. The ten regiments have always been united. They can be said to be both prosperous and devastated. This time they were suddenly attacked by the opponent, and they did it. Surrounded them silently."

"So, based on our analysis, it is very likely that there is a problem within the regiment. Otherwise, how could the other party avoid being noticed by the secret sentry and penetrate directly into the regiment headquarters." Chen Geng said with a solemn face. This was not nonsense. Yes, this is what they deduced based on the intelligence sent back.

Just like their brigade headquarters, although it is placed directly here, it does not mean that there are no their sentries outside. There are a lot of open sentries and hidden sentries. Their role is to detect whether there are enemies passing nearby.

Those regiments were naturally like this, but the other party actually bypassed those hidden sentries and penetrated directly into the regiment's position. This was a very strange thing.

If the other party didn't get the information, he didn't believe it.

"Inside? Are you saying there is a traitor?" After hearing this, Ye Xuan frowned.

If this is a traitor, it means that the other party is definitely not dead, and is most likely hiding in his independent group now.

It is indeed rare for someone to be a traitor. If you say you are invaded by someone else, you can act like a traitor to save your life and still understand the other party's behavior. Of course, understanding is understanding, and you have to kill if you deserve to be killed.

But in this situation where you are beating others up, why would there be a traitor?

Is it possible that the other party is from the Rongdi Kingdom?

It seems unlikely...

"Yes, that's why I didn't put them directly into each group, but reintegrated them to form a new group." Chen Geng looked at the puzzled Ye Xuan, nodded, and confirmed again. .

"You want me to find out who is the traitor?" Ye Xuan asked with a frown.

Are you kidding me? You already know there is a traitor. No matter how special you are as the leader of the group, if the other party clicks, then he might be under siege at some point.

Although the Space Avenue is used to escape unparalleled in the world, the problem is that if the opponent has too many people and their strength is concentrated together, the Space Avenue cannot be used, and they will still be immobilized.

"That's right, if you find it out, there will be an extra reward!" Chen Geng offered the temptation. He knew that he couldn't let the other party take the risk in vain.

There has to be some benefit, so that someone will really work hard.

"What kind of reward?" Ye Xuan is not someone to be fooled. If he doesn't explain it clearly, it's impossible for him to follow.

The leader of a group is not a group leader, and it is not up to him whether he wants to or not.

These people are not real soldiers, they are just people who are united for profit. The establishment belongs to the establishment. Of course, they are also legal organizations recognized by the state.

Otherwise, the military department would not be able to decentralize points to them, and even provide some exchange rewards.

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