Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 205 Independent Regiment, Zhang Dabiao?

"One hundred thousand divine sources, to find a traitor, is that reasonable, isn't it?" Chen Geng stretched out a finger and said.

Ye Xuan shook his head, chuckled, and said: "Although I am in need of divine sources, this is too little. I can find a place to take over their small divine source mines and get more than this amount of divine sources."

"So, this reward is not worth my life for you."

The lesson of the ten groups is right in front of him. Ye Xuan doesn't think that no one can kill him. He would never do such a risky thing for such a small benefit.

Although he has a way to find out in advance, he can get as much divine sources as possible like wool...

"One million divine sources, how about it?!" Chen Geng gritted his teeth.

One million divine sources is the limit of what he can take out. If he wants more, he will have to take it out from his belt. How can this be allowed!

Everyone came out to risk their lives, just to get a divine source. If they were to pay for it, they might as well just throw them away and not take them in. Whoever wants to take them can take them.

This one million divine sources is the collective resource of the brigade, and it is not too wasteful to use it to catch the traitor.

After all, the loss of the ten regiments is far more than a million divine sources. The more than 400,000 soldiers can leave more than 400,000 divine sources in one day.

And the most important thing is that the divine source vein was also lost because of the traitor. You know, after the divine source vein is first captured, if it is guarded for another year, there will be more points. Every year when enough divine sources are handed over, a large amount of points will be distributed.

In other words, they have to guard the divine source vein, which is also one of the major sources of points.

But with the destruction of the ten regiments, the 386th Brigade directly lost more than a dozen divine source veins, which is a real big loss.

Even if they take it back again, they will not get any more points, because each divine source vein will be marked. Only the first time it is taken will points be added. After that, they can only rely on guarding it every year and handing over enough divine sources to get more points.

The Great Xia Kingdom is not just for the younger generation to gain experience. If you have resources and don't plunder them, you are a fool.

"Okay!" Ye Xuan looked at the other party's expression and knew that this should be the limit. Even if it is not, it doesn't matter. It's just catching a traitor. It will be quick.

When Ye Xuan ran to the independent regiment, he would know it naturally.

The reason why the traitor was not caught was mainly because the divine thoughts of the God of Creation could communicate, which was really difficult to catch. As long as the avenue of the soul and the soul was not much deeper than the other party, it would be extremely difficult to perceive or even intercept.

Ye Xuan first cultivated the avenue of the soul and the soul, so as long as the traitor dared to tip him off, he would naturally be able to catch him.

What's more, he also mastered the avenue that can make people tell the truth.

So, just wait for him to run to the independent regiment and use the magic power directly on them.

"Well, then, you go to the independent regiment. They are now stationed in the Black Sun small galaxy in this galaxy." Chen Geng nodded, indicating that the other party could go.

"Let someone lead the way." Ye Xuan said speechlessly.

They only said the names but not the coordinates. He had never been there, so how could he know.

The coordinate map was not shared with him.

"Well, this is my mistake. Here is a list of coordinates of various small galaxies in several nearby galaxies. Please remember it." Chen Geng waved his hand, and a small chip came into Ye Xuan's hand.

After Ye Xuan skillfully extracted the information, he instantly mastered the coordinates of a large number of small galaxies in it.

There are a total of coordinates of countless small galaxies in eight galaxies, including the Zhengyang Galaxy, the Pianyang Galaxy, and the Wenyang Galaxy. In other words, Ye Xuan now has the specific coordinates of this small area.

For the God of Creation, this is a very simple matter, just a simple memory. As for whether they can really find the coordinate point in the vast starry sky, that is their own business.

Black Sun Galaxy.

"The name of the small galaxy here is really not wrong, Black Sun Galaxy..." Ye Xuan looked at the main luminous star in this small galaxy, which is a black sun, so it is called the Black Sun Galaxy.

And most of the small galaxies are dark, because the black sun is not bright enough.

There are countless stars like the black sun in the whole small galaxy.

But no one cares about this, the God of Creation can still see it clearly whether it is black or not.

"Yes, it is quite beautiful." Shui Yan said with some emotion. He has followed Ye Xuan to many small galaxies in this star field, but he has never seen such a galaxy.

In fact, in the vast universe, there are countless small galaxies like this, but most of them use space jumps to travel, and do not choose to fly. Relying on the speed of flying, who knows how long it will take to travel.

In this vast universe, small galaxies can be used to travel between each other by flying, but if it is changed to between galaxies, it is a snail's pace.

Flying from one galaxy to another, it takes hundreds of thousands of years at the speed of light. Although many creators have already exceeded the speed of light by many times, no one wants to count the years to cross a galaxy.

Space folding, jumping and migrating, this most time-saving method is not good.

And basically all the fourth-level Creation Gods can master this magical power, and those Creation Gods who have comprehended the laws of space are even further away.

"Let's go!"

After a brief appreciation, Ye Xuan took the four people and took a step forward, and came to the Black Sun Star.

This is the garrison of more than 20,000 independent regiments. At this time, they are all just enjoying themselves, fearing that bad luck will come again.

"Independent regiment, assemble!" Ye Xuan whispered to the planet below.

Buzz! ! !

A majestic and irresistible momentum instantly covered the entire planet, suppressing all the creatures.

Although it is no problem for the Creation God not to breathe, the sense of oppression is real, not to mention that there are many creatures here that are not extraordinary.

With the pressure of Ye Xuan's momentum, the members of the independent regiment below stood up and flew towards the starry sky.

One after another, people began to gather towards the starry sky.

Soon, more than 20,000 people gathered in front of Ye Xuan.

"What's your name?" Ye Xuan's eyes were like eagle eyes, staring at the only surviving fourth-level creator god.

"Captain! My name is Zhang Dabiao!" The burly man quickly stood up and replied.

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