Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 206: The Light of Truth, Rectifying Internal Affairs

"Zhang Dabiao?" Ye Xuan frowned deeply. Looking at the person opposite him, his impression began to overlap with a certain TV series in his previous life.

Then he shook his head. Apart from being a bit tall, the two of them had nothing in common. They probably just had the same name.

But when he thought of this, he suddenly thought that the brigade he was in was called the 386th Brigade, and he was also the leader of the independent regiment...

For a moment, Ye Xuan lamented the impermanence of life.

"Zhang Dabiao, right? How many people are there in the group?" Ye Xuan asked with a frown, looking at the sparse team in front of him.

He always felt that not all the people in front of him were there, but he was in such a hurry that he didn't ask the brigade commander how many people there were in the group.

"Back to the commander, there are now six battalions in the Independent Regiment. The first to fifth battalions each have 5,000 people. The sixth battalion has 2,382 people!" Zhang Dabiao shouted.

Obviously, before Ye Xuan arrived, he had already been familiar with the size of the personnel here.

"In other words, there are a total of 27,383 people in the Independent Regiment including you. Why are there still 32 less people here now?" Ye Xuan frowned, and he just looked at it with a cursory glance. , then we know how many people there are currently.

More than 20,000 people may seem like a lot, but in fact, they are not even a point in the vast universe.

"This..." Zhang Dabiao was also speechless for a moment. He didn't know why the thirty-two people were missing. They must have not come. As for why they didn't come, who knows why.

"Never mind, those people won't come if they don't come. From now on, the independent group plus the five of us will have a total of 27,356 people!"

Ye Xuan waved his hand. If those people don't come, they won't come. Is he still asking them to join? If they don't come, then don't come!

"Now, is there anyone who wants to quit? If you want to quit the independent group, just quit. No need to say anything more, just leave on your own. I won't force you here!"

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he looked at those people and found that no one chose to leave.

Also, those who really don’t want to continue to survive have already run away on their own and will not return to the team. And there may be some who regret it after returning to the team, that is, those thirty-two. Those who appear in front of Ye Xuan now want to continue. A messy person.

"Well, very good. It seems that the cowards are gone, so the rest are not cowards! As for whether you are warriors or not, it depends on your future performance!"

"Now, each company and platoon will report the number of people and who is absent, and finally the battalion commander will come and report to me!"

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he waited quietly.

Those people had experienced his pressure before, and naturally knew that the young-looking leader in front of them was a very powerful fourth-level creation god.

After a while, the battalion commanders reported the names of the absentees in the battalion.

"Are these thirty-two people? Add them to the independent group's blacklist!" After Ye Xuan obtained the information of the thirty-two people, he directly ordered the staff to be responsible for blacklisting them.

He doesn't want to encounter these thirty-two people when recruiting troops in the future. What do they think of him as an independent regiment? Just leave if you want? Come whenever you want?

After the regiment was organized, Ye Xuan spoke again: "I know that you were all members of each regiment before. Most of the ten regiments like you have close contacts, and your actions and offenses correspond to each other, but you don't know it. Someone made a dumpling out of my sleep, don’t you think this is suspicious?”

As soon as Ye Xuan said this, everyone's expressions changed. It was not that they had never thought about this, but they just didn't dare to think about it, and they didn't want to think about it.

No one knows who the traitor is or why the traitor appears.

In addition, everyone had escaped from death and had some friendship in adversity. Therefore, these days, they were either getting drunk in groups or enjoying themselves in a wild and unrestrained manner, trying to forget this matter.

But now, under Ye Xuan's blunt words, this layer of window paper has been pierced, and an atmosphere of mutual suspicion suddenly arises in the whole group.

When Ye Xuan saw this scene, he secretly said that of course, not everything can be announced.

However, he immediately said: "This is the result of many discussions between the entire brigade headquarters. Your original ten regiments were all elite regiments. How could they be betrayed under your noses?" The whole group is a bit unbelievable.”

"So, in order to find out whether the traitor is in our group, I will use my magical power on you next. The person with the problem will naturally be exposed. If there is no problem, everyone can trust each other with peace of mind."

Then, regardless of everyone's opinions, Ye Xuan directly called Dao Dao.

Buzz! ! !

A golden ray of light shot out from Ye Xuan's body, flew into the sky and exploded into an endless golden rain. The golden rain fell on those people, each one emitting little golden light.

"Who is the traitor! Are any of you betraying Daxia?!"

Ye Xuan suddenly shouted and moved towards those people with his soul-stirring technique.

There are also bits of gold rain turned into sincere words. When the two are superimposed, not to mention the third-level creation gods in front of them, even the fourth-level creation gods cannot match this combination.

"I'm not! I didn't!"

"I'm not!! I didn't!!"

A man with endless anger in his heart roared angrily.

Anyone who has experienced this feeling of being doubted knows it. A feeling of grievance and anger is mixed in the heart, and it comes out with the sound of yelling.

Although they felt uncomfortable, they all knew that the suspicion of the brigade was reasonable. Not only the brigade, but even they themselves felt that there was a traitor.

The roars shook the starry sky and spread to the entire Black Sun Galaxy.

Countless creatures looked sideways and cast their eyes on the dark crowd above the Black Sun Star.

But because they were too far away, they only saw a black dot.

"Very good! It seems that the traitor is not among you!" Ye Xuan felt mixed emotions at this time. The exaggerated voice made him feel a little wronged.

But he didn't say much. This was a task from above and it must be done. If the traitor is not found out, these people will inevitably have a thorn in their hearts, and there may be trouble at any time.

Although the traitor has not been found out now, fortunately, the traitor is not in the current regiment.

"The remaining thirty-two people are..."

Ye Xuan whispered to himself. He stretched out a hand and a devouring breath appeared on his body.

Buzz! ! !

Black Sun Star.

“Hey, put on this outfit!”

A man with green hair said with a lewd smile on his face. The woman lying under him had numb and empty eyes, as if she had fainted. She didn’t move at all after hearing his words.

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