Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 208: Nearly half a year has passed


Pianyang Galaxy, Keyang Small Galaxy.

Ye Xuan led his independent group to leave the Wenyang Galaxy and ran to the Pianyang Galaxy, which he was most familiar with. The brigade had no objection to this. It was the leader's business to take the group to where, and they generally would not interfere.

Ye Xuan came to the Keyang Small Galaxy, which is the junction of the Pianyang Galaxy and the Wenyang Galaxy. When he rushed over, he used the space law magic power, so he didn't waste time.

Otherwise, it would take a long time to cross a galaxy.

The coordinates of the brigade are not immutable, and they will change from time to time, but no matter how they change, they will be notified to each group leader.

At this time, Ye Xuan and his party were robbing some resources in the Keyang Small Galaxy. These resources are actually some divine sources, but they are all scattered divine sources belonging to various forces.

In fact, it was just a simple robbery. Yes, he couldn't find the other party's divine source veins, so he gathered people to search for the divine sources of those big companies on these planets.

As for ordinary creation gods, that kind of thing is a waste of time, and there is little profit. He specifically robs the rich.

As for helping the poor? He is poor. He is still more than 100 million God Sources away from creating the two treasures of the perfect human race. How many people are as poor as him?

Anyway, these people are all from Rongdi Country, and the rule here is not from Daxia Country.

If you want to blame, you can only blame those people for being too weak. They can't even protect their own God Sources, and the bosses of the companies that were robbed dared not speak out because their cultivation was not enough and their bodyguards couldn't beat the other party.

As an armed organization of a hostile country, it is normal to rob in this country, that is, regular interstellar robbers.

Interstellar robbers have been common since ancient times, but most of them are private organizations. Even in the remote star fields of Daxia Country, there are these people, not to mention the war-torn places like Rongdi Country.

And the one guarding here is just a third-level creation god, who was instantly killed by the independent group. For this level of battle, Ye Xuan doesn't need to do it himself.

In this way, Ye Xuan spent the first semester of his freshman year in the interstellar space.

During these days, although Ye Xuan's strength has not yet entered the fourth stage from the early stage to the fourth stage, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he has also been ranked first in the national Tongtian list.

However, the star field competition has not yet ended, and there is still one last round of competition, which is the last battle, that is, the ownership of the champion in the star field competition.

As for Ye Xuan, he established a super reinforced regiment in the Yangyun star field. The number of people in the independent regiment has exceeded 100,000. If you say it is a regiment, the number of people is a little more, and if you say it is a brigade, the number of people is a little less.

It has always chosen independent development. For the personnel of a regiment, the superiors will not interfere. If you are powerful, you can get as many people as you want.

The premise is that there must be so many people willing to follow.

At this time, the independent regiment had 20 battalion commanders, 10 of whom were fourth-order creation gods. Although Liu Yong and Shui Yan had not yet broken through to the fourth order, their strength was already the strongest among the battalion commanders except for those fourth-order creation gods.

As for Zhang Dabiao, he was still the deputy commander, and the battalion commanders of the ten fourth-order creation gods also held the position of staff officers of the regiment headquarters. Then, in the independent regiment, it became such a situation: one commander, one deputy commander, ten staff officers, and no chief of staff, or everyone was the chief of staff.

The reason why those fourth-order creation gods were willing to follow Ye Xuan was because of his strong strength. Instead of being a deputy commander in someone else's place, it was better to come here and eat meat every day.

The independent regiment was relatively scattered. In addition to leading one of their own battalions, each staff officer also led another battalion to guard a divine source vein, while Ye Xuan stayed alone in the regiment headquarters, at the center of the ten divine source veins. As long as there was something, he could rush there immediately.

In other words, the Independent Regiment guarded ten God Origin veins.

The slaves who were captured were responsible for mining. In an instant, the reputation of the Independent Regiment resounded throughout the Pianyang Galaxy.

Even the name of the Independent Regiment spread all over Rongdi Country. It was not that they did not want to take it back, but Ye Xuan was too strong.

The army of Rongdi Country had three or five regiments joining forces to seize a God Origin vein, but Ye Xuan withdrew directly when he could not win. After the retreat, he waited until Ye Xuan was free and took it back again.

And it also achieved what is called "one side is in trouble and all sides support it". As long as it is close, the fourth-level creation god of that place will come over.

Some people played the trick of making a feint to the east and attacking the west, and as soon as one side took over the territory, the other side was immediately defeated, and then Ye Xuan came back to help and defeated them. After several times, not only was the independent group fine, but the number of captives that the independent group took to mine increased...

After that, those people also became honest. Anyway, the independent group was at the end of its rope, and it was impossible to get other divine source veins.

Therefore, after taking over these divine source veins, Ye Xuan did not think about expanding the territory again. Not having enough manpower would be very troublesome. The more divine source veins, the more offensive and defensive lines there would be. His energy was always limited.

However, just these ten divine source veins also brought Ye Xuan huge benefits.

Mining naturally made him rich. Although he did not hide the number of daily mining, he did hide the number of people mining. After all, those prisoners were captured, and the other party did not know how many there were. It was impossible to hold them all one by one. Keep an eye on the numbers.

Therefore, behind the scenes, Ye Xuan also obtained a lot of divine sources. Not only him, but many soldiers also followed suit.

Naturally, no one reported this kind of thing that was good to everyone.

Even if it is reported, as long as it is not too outrageous, the superiors will not care about it. As long as you hand over enough benefits every year for the plundered divine source mineral veins, the superiors will naturally be too lazy to investigate.

But if you don't pay enough, the consequences will be serious, and you will see the power of the state machine in every minute.

"The Star Field Competition, the battle of champions, begins!"

Ji Xian's voice suddenly appeared in Ye Xuan's ears, and Ye Xuan quickly sent out a spiritual thought to enter the Star Realm Challenge.

Star field challenge.

"Is this the last battle..." Ye Xuan looked at the opposite side, which was completely empty, without any sign of people, and waited quietly.

After a while, a woman in green clothes appeared in Ye Xuan's sight, which made Ye Xuan's eyes light up. He did not expect that it was a woman who persisted until the last round.

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