Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 209: Champion Battle, Current Situation of the Primordial World

"Are you Ye Xuan?" Tang Xia's beautiful eyes sparkled with ripples, and she looked at the man in front of her with some curiosity. This was her first time seeing Ye Xuan.

Although she had seen some photos before, she had not seen him in person after all.

Now that they met for the first time, she felt that the other party was not as cold and ruthless as described in the forum, but was quite easy-going...

Ye Xuan nodded and smiled, "Tang Xia, an interesting name."

Shang Tang, Xia Qi, the combination of these two names became Tang Xia, and she was a woman, so he felt it was interesting.

Although Tang was not really called Shang Tang, in history, he was called by the name of the country and his name together, and Xia Qi was also like this, so there was no need to be too entangled.

"Oh? What's interesting?" Tang Xia asked curiously, her beautiful eyes twinkling. She naturally knew Ye Xuan a long time ago. Since her good sister Shui Bang was defeated by Ye Xuan in the first game, she has been paying attention to Ye Xuan.

She knew that it would take several lives for Ye Xuan to fight anyone, and she also knew that she was no match for him, so she didn't rush to start, but chatted for a while first.

Although she had overcome many challenges and gained many opportunities, and her strength had improved a lot, she never felt that she could beat Ye Xuan. The gap between the two was really hard to measure.

Ye Xuan was just bored, and didn't mind chatting with a beautiful woman, not to mention a strong beautiful woman.

"Haha, it's nothing, do you want to admit defeat?" Ye Xuan smiled and asked.

Tang Xia shook her head slowly, and said with a smile: "I promised my good sister that I would help her get revenge!"

Ye Xuan frowned, good sister? I don't remember...

"My good sister is Shui Bang, who was defeated by you in the first game." Seeing this, Tang Xia knew that the other party had forgotten, so he reminded her.

Ye Xuan suddenly realized it, patted his forehead, and instantly remembered who that person was.

At the same time.

Huaxia Star Region, Yunmeng Galaxy, Ruiyun Star.

Shui Bang looked at the scene on the projection screen, her face full of speechlessness. In fact, after she knew Ye Xuan's strength, she had long lost the thought of revenge, after all, it was really impossible to beat him.

But she didn't expect that her good sister would still tell this matter, and she told it in front of the entire Huaxia Star Region and Zuxing...

Yes, everything in the Star Region Arena will be broadcast live tonight. This is also the only live broadcast to determine the champion.

Both the Huaxia Star Region and Zuxing are very concerned about this scene. In previous years, Zuxing didn't pay attention to this scene, because no one could get to this step at all, but this year is different. This year, with Ye Xuan, he successfully walked in, and also led the entire Zuxing people to pay attention.

After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event in who knows how many years, how can we not pay attention to it.

In the Star Region Arena.

The two chatted for a while.

"Haha, you are a very interesting person. It's a pleasure to chat with you, but it's time to take action. We can't let them watch us chatting alive!" Ye Xuan laughed, and his laughter was full of heroic spirit.

"Okay!" Tang Xia smiled and nodded.

A divine kingdom channel connected the two.

In the Tongtian Ranking Forum.

[Discussion on the ownership of the final champion of the Huaxia Star Domain Competition. ]

First floor: Bet, bet, if Ye Xuan wins, 1 to 0.8, if Tang Xia wins, 1 to 100 million, accept everyone's bet, no cap!

Second floor: ? ? ? 1 to 0.8? If you want to mess with my divine source, just say it! ! !

Third floor: How about this, I will also open a market, the same conditions, but no proof will be issued, everyone who wants to bet can directly transfer 20% of the bet to my account.


18,888th floor: My three hobbies in life are vegetarian dishes, vegetarian soup, and vegetarian people.


18,892nd floor: What a coincidence, I have no desires, no demands, and no codes in this life.


18,913th floor: So there are so many people in the same field? I was born late and entered late.


Zu Xing.

The deans of the five major colleges gathered together again.

"There should be no suspense in this battle!" Ji Fa said with high spirits, with a smug look on his face, and said to himself.

"Indeed, Ye Xuan is really talented. He has already topped the national list! It's quite like the style of the five of us back then!" Ying Zheng showed a hint of appreciation on his face and looked at Ye Xuan in white in the projection.

"Ahem, old Ying, don't say that. At least I can't bear it. Although we all topped the national list when we were freshmen, I was not as strong as he is now!" Hearing what Ying Zheng said, Zhu Di coughed and said.

"Add me..." Li Shimin said in silence.

"And me..." Liu Che, who had always been strong, could not help but take over the conversation.

These five deans were all powerful figures in their respective eras. They all stood out among the crowd like Ye Xuan, who swept away all opponents and left a legend.

They all rose very quickly, but the period from the fourth level to the late sixth level stumped countless geniuses, and they were also the same. This period of time has taken countless years.

However, the opportunity to break through the seventh level has not been seen until now.

Ying Zheng saw that everyone said so, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and then he said: "Ahem, Ye Xuan is indeed stronger than we were back then."


Honghuang World.

After many years of twists and turns, Honghuang has changed a lot at this time.

More and more creatures have entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self, but because of the problem of the breeding of Dao Fruit, there has never been a second creature who has entered the realm of Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

Although the Emperor of Heaven still sits in the Heavenly Court and governs everything.

But the power in the Honghuang below has changed a lot. The dragon clan is still the dragon clan, but its strength has been surpassed by the Heavenly Court and the Witch Clan, even if the Heavenly Court does not count Emperor Jun.

Zulong knows that this is the result of the destiny of heaven and earth. After all, the dragon clan is not the race that was deeply loved by heaven and earth in the past, but this is not important, because the dragon clan has survived the catastrophe and is worry-free.

Although the two clans of witches and demons are strong now, there will always be a war. Zulong knows this, the twelve ancestors of witches know it, and the Heavenly Court knows it even more.

Emperor Dijun knew that there would be a war between the witches and the lich, but he still did not take action to wipe out the witches. Instead, he tried his best to avoid the conflict between the two tribes.

Not long after the celestial marriage was completed, Xihe became pregnant. Emperor Jun knew that she was pregnant with ten golden crows, so he sent Xihe to the Demon King's Palace in the sun to rest.

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