Now, after countless epochs, Xihe's belly showed a slight sign of pregnancy, and it was unknown how long it would take for the Golden Crow to be born.

The ten demon generals were basically in charge of the affairs of the Heavenly Court. Among the demons, it was not only the four demon emperors, Taiyi and the ten demon generals who had entered the realm of the Hunyuan True Self. There were also thirty-two demon kings, as well as many star gods such as the thirty-six heavenly generals and the seventy-two earthly demons. They had also entered the realm of the Hunyuan True Self.

Among the witches, there were also 108 great witches who had entered the realm of the Hunyuan True Self.

In general, the number of creatures in the realm of the Hunyuan True Self on both sides was almost the same. Although there were more in the demon heavenly court, these creatures were also the best of the new generation. Among the older generation, there were also many innate saints who had not been beheaded by themselves and had entered the realm of the Hunyuan True Self.

It can be said that when the Dao fruit came to the world, the prehistoric world would instantly have no idea how many more creatures would truly enter the realm of the Hunyuan.

Taiyi was no longer as lonely and cold as before. Now he had a goddess by his side. She was the goddess of Guixu, Madam Yuanmu.

After Madam Yuanmu left Guixu, she met Taiyi who was doing business outside. After just one glance, she was obsessed with him and then pursued Taiyi hard. Now she can finally accompany Taiyi.

Although the two have not yet made their relationship clear, everyone in the Heavenly Court knows it.

Taiyi also went from being troubled at the beginning to being recognized after a battle, and then slowly getting used to it.

Madam Yuanmu's strength is extremely strong, even stronger than Xihe. Among the four emperors of the demon clan, only Fuxi can fight with her. Her Guixu power is too strange and inexplicably powerful.

In the Heavenly Court, apart from the Emperor of Heaven, there is only Taiyi who can beat her.

Di Jun was naturally delighted with the joining of Madam Yuanmu, and he also knew the matter between her and Taiyi tacitly.

As for the other Guixu goddess, Madam Yuanqi, she is nowhere to be found.

In general, there are great changes in the prehistoric world, but not much.

At this time, a space channel appeared in Buzhou Mountain.


Buzhou Mountain.

This is the Taoist temple of the Three Pure Ones. Yuanshi is still in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but it seems that he is not far from completing his Taoist body.

"There is a strange space channel coming out. We should go and investigate it!" Taishang opened his eyes instantly and noticed the arrival of the space channel.

That is not like an ordinary cave heaven. Ordinary cave heavens have appeared in various places in the prehistoric world since the beginning of the prehistoric world. How could it suddenly appear on Buzhou Mountain like now?

Moreover, Buzhou Mountain is not like an ordinary place. This place is not a place that ordinary creatures can enter. It is strange to say that since the creation of the prehistoric world, Pangu's pressure has not decreased, but has increased day by day. To this day, if you want to step into Buzhou Mountain, you must have at least the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian!

The entrance to the Heavenly Palace is located on the top of Mount Buzhou, which is called the South Heavenly Gate. However, since only Daluo people can climb the mountain, the Emperor of Heaven has built entrances in the other three places, opening the entrance to the Heavenly Palace, which echoes the South Heavenly Gate from afar, and is collectively called the Four Heavenly Gates.

"Brother, what you said is very true. Maybe there is something in there that can help the second brother repair his Dao body as soon as possible!" Tongtian heard this and opened his eyes. The two were separated by space, but they could talk to each other.

Yuanshi didn't know about this. He was shielded from everything by the magic circle set up by Taishang and Tongtian, and he is still in meditation.

In order to allow Yuanshi to repair his Dao body as soon as possible, and to prevent anyone from harming Yuanshi when they are not around.

"Brother! Let's go now!" Tongtian is impatient. After seeing this space channel, he said it directly.


Taishang nodded, his figure flashed, and he took a step ahead. A white light flashed and sank into that layer of space.

“Alas! I can’t see Ye Xuan’s kingdom! I don’t know how strong his kingdom is right now!”

One person sighed as he looked at Ye Xuan in the projection of the Star Domain Arena.

They all knew that Ye Xuan was very strong, and they also wanted to see the other party’s kingdom, but they couldn’t see the other party’s kingdom at this moment.

Although Tang Xia’s kingdom was a mythical kingdom, under this special competition, the restrictions were lifted and it could be watched.

Otherwise, since ancient times, those who reached the last step were those mythical kingdoms, so how could everyone watch the battle between the two kingdoms.

So, the shielding of the mythical kingdom also disappeared at this moment.

It’s just that it’s still impossible for people to explore it with their divine thoughts. Of course, except for those with strong strength, if they get close, they can still force their way into it.

Ye Xuan’s chaotic world is classified as the most top-level secret, so no one can penetrate into his kingdom to explore, unless they are too close to it, just like the deans of the five major colleges who suddenly appeared that day and broke into it directly.

However, Ye Xuan's kingdom of God had long been heavily restricted by the five deans, which could block all creation gods below the sixth level from exploring, even if the opponent was in the late fifth level. As for the sixth level, it would take some time to break through.

But that kind of tough attack would most likely cause Ye Xuan's kingdom of God to collapse directly, which means that those sixth-level creation gods who wanted to explore would also have to weigh the consequences.

In addition, the five of them were not here to watch the show. If they really wanted to do something to Ye Xuan's kingdom, the moment they touched the ban, they would be able to cross infinite time and space to Ye Xuan's side according to the magical skills they left behind. At that time, if someone was confident that they could open Ye Xuan's kingdom with the joint efforts of the five of them, it would basically be a forced attempt to kill Ye Xuan.

They couldn't stop it at all, but basically no one would choose to do so.

Because you can do this to their disciples today, he can catch your offspring and kill them crazily tomorrow.

We are all sixth-level creator gods, who is afraid of whom, whoever can't beat him deserves it.

"His kingdom has been classified as top secret, and it is not something that ordinary people can see..." Someone knew the hidden truth and added a sentence in an instant.

"Don't think about it. Just watch how Ye Shen beats Tang Xia. Why do we have to watch the other party's kingdom of God?"

"Let's guess how many creatures have entered Tang Xia's kingdom of God this time?"

"I guess two!!!"

"I guess one!!"

"That won't work. It's the last battle. There must be at least a dozen, right?!"

The divine thoughts intertwined with each other and collided from various places. Everyone was talking about this highly anticipated battle, which was the last battle of the star field competition.


At this time, in Tang Xia's kingdom of God.

Tang Xia's kingdom of God is a mysterious world, where no one in the world follows the way of heaven.

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