In the fantasy world, the way of heaven is always dark.

In Tang Xia's kingdom of gods, there is no exception. There is an ancient great god named Dugu. His original name is unknown. He was born in the mortal world. He did not like women and only liked martial arts. He only had a sword by his side.

He started practicing martial arts at the age of ten. At the age of thirteen, he was invincible among the younger generation. The purple gold soft sword in his hand killed the younger generation. When he was fifteen years old, he killed all the heroes in the world. No one dared to compete with him.

At the age of eighteen, he was already invincible in the mortal world. Then he finally comprehended the magical power and entered the supreme realm and started the path of cultivation. At the age of thirty, he had broken the infinite shackles and ascended to the upper realm.

Since then, the legend of Dugu in the mortal world has been cut off, leaving a generation of ascension legends to inspire future generations.

Dugu, who came to the upper realm, did not stop his steps. His cultivation rose rapidly all the way, and his realm was greatly improved. He broke through three realms in a year and soon reached the strength of the second level.

Then, ten years later, he broke through three realms again, and his cultivation reached the third level.

During this period, countless people died at the hands of Dugu. As the saying goes, one general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of people.

However, when the way of heaven is limited, even if one is as talented as Dugu, his cultivation will eventually slow down.

Ten thousand years passed quickly, and Dugu finally broke through one realm, and then it took another million years for Dugu to break through another realm.

But a million years later, even if Dugu defeated countless masters in the upper realm, it still took countless years, but he could not enter a higher realm.

But he could still feel that his cultivation was getting stronger and stronger, but his realm was stagnant.

Billions of years passed again, and Dugu Baitian was able to defeat all the masters in the world who were at the same realm as him with one move, but he still could not break through the realm.

He was invincible throughout the ages, and all he wanted in his life was a defeat. He was obsessed with the sword, but when he looked back, he found that the world had changed drastically, and all his old friends had died, leaving only him.

This feeling of loneliness did not defeat him, but made him more resilient and more obsessed with the sword.

From then on, Dugu changed his name to Dugu Qiubai, just to seek a defeat. However, the gods born since ancient times in the world, or the newly promoted gods, were all vulnerable. They were either dead or disabled under a sword. If he did not want to hurt people's lives, I don't know how many murders he would have committed.

In this way, billions of years passed in a blink of an eye.

Finally, one day he saw a new world, and he broke into it, wanting to seek a defeat and force the strongest existence to defeat him, so he sent out a move, a mediocre sword light.

But with just that ordinary sword light, all the countless creatures in that world were killed by him.

From then on, Dugu Qiubai regretted it inexplicably and vowed never to act rashly before finding out the strength of the other party.

So, for countless years, he always encountered another world every once in a while, and each time he ran into it with joy, but each time he ran out in frustration.

His cultivation became stronger day by day, and his swordsmanship was also improving day by day, but his realm was always stagnant. He didn't know why, and he didn't know how to break it.

Until one day, it was the only failure in his life. It was that failure that made his almost dead heart burn again. It was a world of the kingdom of science and technology. He was defeated, defeated by his own hands.

The other party was able to copy himself, he was no match for himself, fortunately, he didn't die...

Since that day, he practiced swordsmanship more and more, and indulged in swordsmanship. No one knew how terrifying his strength was.

But not long ago, probably hundreds of thousands of years ago, he met the kingdom of God again, and the kingdom of God copied him again. However, this time, he did not lose. He just killed himself with a simple sword.

It is not that the one copied by the kingdom of God is still the same as before, but that he can kill the copied self in seconds.

No one knows how much effort he has put into it, only the sword that accompanies him day and night knows.

That sword is still the sword he wore in the past, and it is also the mortal sword. Although it is a mortal sword, it has the god of the sword.

There is no magic sword in the world. When there is a sword god, there is also a magic sword.

For the sword god, it is the same with or without a sword, and it is the same whether the sword is good or bad. When the sword is strong enough, anything he uses is as powerful as the magic sword, just like his mortal sword.

It's not that Dugu Qiubai can't break away from the shackles of the sword. He has already entered an unknown realm in the way of the sword. He has been able to defeat the sword without a sword for many years. It's just that he is used to the company of this ordinary sword. This is also his only old friend...

In the upper world, in a bamboo house in a deep mountain forest.

There is an old man, like a candle in the wind, and like a fallen leaf in the sky. His body is bleak and he seems to die at any time.

If there are people who know him here, they will definitely stare wide-eyed, because the old man in front of him with an ordinary appearance who looks like he may die at any time is the sword god who left countless legends, Dugu Qiubai!

"Old friends are like fallen leaves in the wind, withering one after another..." The old man looked at the bamboo leaves floating in the wind, and a trace of reminiscence appeared in his turbid eyes. He was thinking about his childhood playmates and the teacher who taught him swordsmanship.

But he was too obsessed with kendo, and had no distractions. There was no external things or emotions in his mind. When he came to his senses and looked back, he found that his old friend had passed away long ago.

He had seen their reincarnations, but after reincarnation, they were not the old friends in the past.

He transformed into various identities and led them on the path of cultivation to comfort them.

Until one day, he found that the reincarnation of his old friend was very different from his previous life. After embarking on the path of cultivation, he did all kinds of evil and dominated the entire mortal world. He couldn't stand it, so he drew his sword and put it away.

Then he personally sent him to reincarnation and never saw him again. He understood that reincarnation was not the previous life, and only the memory of the old friends remained in his heart.

As for such actions, he did not regret it, and he was never afraid of what others said about him. He was obsessed with swordsmanship. Whether he was a good person or a bad person, it was nothing in the end.

Do whatever you want, just like this sword.

Dugu Qiubai cast his eyes on his sword, which was already broken. If he hadn't nurtured it with divine power, it would have collapsed long ago.

This situation has lasted for countless years. It seems to be broken, but it has not broken.

"Huh? It's here again! I hope there is someone in this world who can defeat me!"

Suddenly, Dugu Qiubai put away his nostalgic look and looked up at the horizon. He felt the breath he felt in the past again. Those were the breaths of another world!!!

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