Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 212: Battle of Swords, Dugu Nine Swords

"What should I do?! The alien world has invaded again!!"

"What are you afraid of? You probably don't know Senior Dugu, right?" An immortal soul explained.

"Senior Dugu? Is there such a person in the God Realm?"

"Speaking of Senior Dugu, he is really a legend..."


"Is this the other world?" Tongtian looked at this world and frowned slightly.

"Such a weak breath..."

Taishang frowned and said.

As soon as he entered it, he could feel that this world was different from the prehistoric world. The strong and profound people in this world were far inferior to those in the prehistoric world.

Suddenly, the breath of an old man in a white robe came, and Taishang sensed it instantly, and then his face became a little solemn.

"A strong swordsman has come..." Tongtian could naturally feel it. He also practiced swordsmanship, and he could feel the special breath of swordsmanship from a distance.

It was a shocking sword intent, and the sword intent was sharp and invincible in the world.

When Taishang and Tongtian sensed Dugu Qiubai, Dugu Qiubai also sensed their auras.

In front of the space channel.

Dugu Qiubai finally came here. He looked at the other party. One of them was a white-haired old man like himself. The only difference was that the other party had white hair and a childlike face, not like his white hair and crane face.

Moreover, the other party was holding a cane, as if he could not stand steadily, while he looked older and hunched over, but he soared into the sky like a shocking sword.

There was another person, and he was happy just by feeling him a little, because the other party was like him, practicing swordsmanship, and the other party's cultivation was powerful. It was not easy to meet an opponent with the same level as himself, not to mention a swordsmanship master.

"I am Dugu Qiubai, I meet you two, may I ask your names!" Dugu Qiubai clasped his fists and bowed, and his hunched body seemed to be blown down by the wind at any time.

Although the other party was an invader, Dugu Qiubai seemed not to notice it and treated him politely.

"I am the poor Taoist Taishang, I have met fellow Taoist Dugu." Taishang returned the greeting slightly and smiled.

The strong will always be respected.

"I am the poor Taoist Tongtian, I have met fellow Taoist Dugu." Tongtian also returned the greeting and smiled slightly.

It is rare to see people who are proficient in swordsmanship in the prehistoric world. There may be people who use swords, but they just regard them as ordinary magic weapons.

Now seeing a creature whose swordsmanship is slightly better than his own, it is inevitable that he is a little excited.

Upper realm.

"Senior Dugu has gone. There are only two people on the other side. We don't need to go. We can just watch here!"

"Yes, yes, fortunately there is Senior Dugu, otherwise I don't know how many people will die!"

In the upper realm, after a great supernatural being noticed that the space channel was going forward, he felt a little relieved. After all, if Dugu Qiubai couldn't defeat him, then they could only wait to die.

Space channel

"Brother, let me take care of Fellow Daoist Dugu. You just wait and see." Tongtian smiled carefreely, happy to see the prey.

"Of course, then I will go to this world to find out if there is any treasure that can help my second brother." Taishang nodded, and then his figure flashed and disappeared.

Dugu Qiubai looked calm and didn't bother Taishang. The strong can naturally sense each other's strength. It was already very difficult for him to deal with just one of the two. The outcome was still unknown. If he dealt with both at the same time, he would definitely lose.

As for whether Taishang would destroy this world, he didn't care. The old friend had already died, and what was left was just one world. It was ordinary and nothing special.

For him, any world was the same. If he couldn't stay in the other world, he would have stayed in other worlds to seek a stronger realm.

"Fellow Daoist Dugu, please!" Tongtian said with a normal look and stretched out his hand.

A green sword came out from behind him. It was the Qingping Sword, an innate spiritual treasure, which contained a ray of innate immortal spiritual light and infinite laws.

The reason why innate spiritual treasures and innate supreme treasures never fall is here. The wider the world, the stronger the avenue, the deeper the laws, and naturally the greater the power of innate spiritual treasures.

The same is true for acquired spiritual treasures and acquired supreme treasures, but they need acquired sacrifices to become stronger and stronger and never fall. After all, acquired things cannot be absorbed by themselves like innate things.

Only when this situation is achieved can it be called a spiritual treasure. There are innate and acquired spiritual treasures. If there is no such ability, it cannot be called a spiritual treasure, no matter whether it is innate or acquired.


After Dugu Qiubai finished speaking, his hunched and bent body instantly straightened up, as if a peerless sword was unsheathed, and a shocking sword intent rushed into the sky, and it was no longer possible to stop its edge.

Buzz! ! !

Instantly, the whole sky was frozen, as if the space was shocked by the sword.

Using the acquired avenue to reverse the innate avenue, this is infinite power.

"What a strong sword intention! Your sword is better than mine!" Tongtian couldn't help but show a trace of surprise in his eyes. The man in front of him was completely obsessed with the sword. He practiced nothing else but the sword.

He was so immersed in it that he felt inferior.

Although Tongtian also practiced the sword, he was involved in countless avenues, but the sword was the leader. However, Dugu Qiubai in front of him was obsessed with the sword. His attainments in the sword were already amazing, which made him feel inferior.

"I love swordsmanship all my life. I don't know how many years have passed since I started practicing. After my previous defeat, I realized the truth for thousands of years and summarized nine swords. I named them Dugu Nine Swords." Dugu Qiubai chanted loudly. This was the first time he said that the so-called copy before could not escape the power of his Dugu Nine Swords.

"Fellow Daoist, look carefully. This is the first sword of Dugu Nine Swords - Shocking the Sky!"

Dugu Qiubai said as he drew his sword. Until the last word fell, the tattered sword was also drawn out of the scabbard. A shocking light appeared, carrying supreme power!

Boom! ! !

Instantly, both space and time seemed to be frozen in front of this move. The whole world seemed to fall into silence. The stars in the sky that were faintly emitting light around were also eclipsed by this sword!

A touch of extremely bright light came out from the sword and went towards Tongtian!

Tongtian's eyes showed a hint of surprise. This was only the first move, but the power was already so huge. He was indeed a master of swordsmanship!

He didn't have time to think about it. He stretched out his hand and drew his sword. After the Dao Yun appeared, a green sword light like a natural moat appeared from the Dao Yun and went towards the sword.

A ray of green light seemed to come from the infinite years and was going to go to the infinite years.

This is the sword of time!!!

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