Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 213: Special creature, master of charm?

The eternity is long and fleeting, only the sword exists, only the Tao exists.

This is the sword of time of Tongtian!

It contains the Tao rhyme of Tongtian and the meaning of the sword. He looked down at the passing of time and the vicissitudes of life in the eternity, only the sword does not change, the sword is eternal.

The world is changing with the years, and so is Tongtian. Only the Tao is the only constant in the ever-changing world.

Boom! ! !

The two sword lights collided with each other, blooming with infinite majesty and extreme light. Layers of air waves swept the sky and made it extremely unstable. Ten thousand clouds retreated, and the heavens were not invaded!

The huge sword light impacted the infinite sky. Dozens of ancient gods came too close and had no time to retreat. They vomited blood and were injured by the Tao, which could not be healed for a long time.

There were countless figures who tried to spy on this battle and died in the aftermath of this duel.

Even though the power of this sword was so terrifying, there were still some figures who refused to retreat. Those were the figures of dozens of ancient gods. They were just a little further away, watching from a distance. For them, watching the battle between the supreme masters was of great benefit to their own Dao, otherwise they would not have continued to watch despite the threat of falling.

Only two figures were in the center of the decisive battle, but they did not suffer any loss. Only the extremely messy hair and the corners of the clothes that were constantly blown could prove that the two of them were not uninvolved.

"Good sword!"

"So strong!"

The two said in unison, and then they smiled at each other, as if they were not fighting against it for life and death.

Although Dugu Qiubai said it was a good sword, he was not praising the innate spiritual treasure Qingping Sword, but said that Tongtian's sword Dao was powerful and had already reached the level of a god. Although it was a little worse than him, it was the only one he had seen who could enter this realm.

Tongtian praised Dugu Qiubai for his strength. With one sword, he had such a might. He relied on the power of the innate spiritual treasure and could be said to have some advantages, but he still only tied with the opponent.

Although his attack was not the strongest, the opponent was also the same.

In general, although this move was called a tie, he still felt that he was a little short.

That point was a point in the sword path, and a point in the path was a line, and a line was a vertical line, infinitely long, which was really a natural barrier.

Outside, the star field arena.

"Miss Tang Xia, the sword god named Dugu Qiubai in your world is quite powerful." Ye Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

The opponent's kingdom of gods is a mythical kingdom of gods, but the strongest is not the creatures implied by the myths, but the so-called sword god in front of him, and what's more outrageous is that the white-haired old man in front of him is actually a person who crawled out step by step from the mortal world.

His background is shallow and his foundation is not good, but his talent in sword path is unprecedented and shocking.

However, such a person could actually fight against Tongtian. Who is Tongtian? He is one of the strongest innate gods! Except for Di Jun, he is a mountain standing in the prehistoric world!

And in terms of swordsmanship, it is an unreachable peak!

In the past, the creatures in the prehistoric world went to the other side's kingdom of God, and they were all defeated in one move, one move in one move. Although the realm was the same, the combat power was different.

And the foundation of the prehistoric creatures was so profound, so the previous battles in the kingdom of God were directly pushed forward, and almost no one could fight against the gods.

However, the sword god in Tang Xia's kingdom of God, Dugu Qiubai, broke this precedent.

"He! Say he was created by me, but not really. Say he was born in the kingdom of God. This is an accident and an opportunity. Because of him, I can enter the decisive battle." Tang Xia smiled sweetly, with a hundred charms.

It was obviously a pure smile, but it became so tasteful and full of temptation in Ye Xuan's eyes. For a moment, his heart seemed to jump.

Then the avenue was in motion, and the restless heart calmed down instantly.

"I didn't expect you to learn the art of charm." Ye Xuan said calmly.

If it weren't for his profound attainments in the art of charm, it would be impossible to disturb his heart.

"Ah?" Tang Xia frowned when she heard the words, as if she didn't hear clearly.

In fact, she heard it clearly, but she was very confused. What kind of charm? Have you learned it?

Seeing this, Ye Xuan frowned and looked at the other party again and took a closer look.


He took a breath of cold air. Good guy, the other party really didn't learn the art of charm!


Could it be...

The originally calmed heart suddenly became restless again.


Ye Xuan once again used the avenue to suppress it, and his heart instantly became calm again.

The strands of repeated distracting thoughts in his heart were also cut off by him, and they no longer repeated.

If the avenue is not completed, how can you have a family?

This is only a fourth-level Creation God. He may die at the hands of a big boss at any time. Ye Xuan dare not take it lightly until he is invincible. Since ancient times, gentle places have been the tombs of heroes.

Outside world.

"So strong! Is this the strength of the creatures in Ye Xuan's world? Any one of them can fight the strongest sword god in Tang Xia's kingdom!"

"Fuck!!! Ye Shen is awesome!"

"Ye Shen is a fourth-level Creation God! This is a third-level creature! This shows that this kind of creature is mediocre in Ye Shen's world! But it is this mediocre creature that can beat Tang Xia's strongest in the kingdom of God!"

"A fourth-level God of Creation fighting a third-level God of Creation, there's really nothing to watch. I thought it was a boring match, but I didn't expect Ye Shen to bring out a third-level creature! And the fight was so exciting!!!"

"Brothers, the time to comprehend the way of the sword is now!!!"


"Daoyou, please pay attention, this is the second sword..."

Dugu Qiubai stood on the sky with a sword in one hand, his body was extremely proud, he raised the sword, swung it down suddenly, and shouted: "Chaos Heaven!!!"


A ray of blood was contained in the sword light, and the blood continued to erode the sword light, and in an instant it turned into endless blood light, and this sword light also turned into a blood-red sword light.

Everything that the blood-red sword light passed by was corroded by it, and even the sky could not avoid it. From the sword light passing through the sky, there appeared a series of dark and gray caves in the sky, that is, the sky was broken by it!

As the saying goes, if you master one method, you will master all methods. This is the case. With a little sword as the basis, you can apply all the great ways to your body.

I don't practice other great ways, but all the great ways can be used by me.


Tongtian smiled after seeing this move. This move looked like a real battle.

The previous move was just a test between the two.


Tongtian's mind moved, and the infinite Dao rhyme transformed. The figure behind him in the Dao rhyme, with his back to the world, raised his sword and sighed, showing infinite compassion, but no one could see it. No matter what angle any living being looked at it from, the figure in the Dao rhyme always turned his back to the world.

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