Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 214: All eight swords are out, equally matched

In reality, the Qingping Sword seemed to be controlled by someone, and it was automatically swung up. A sword light that soared into the sky carried infinite green light and went towards the blood-red sword light.

This sword contained infinite good fortune. If it hit a person, it could turn flesh into bones, revive the dead, and make the soul of a person who had retreated to solid and resurrect.

However, good fortune can save people or kill people. When Tongtian used it to fight the enemy, this good fortune would be like a fierce ghost that wanted to take people's lives. It could explode flesh and blood, turn bones into powder, and make the soul dissipate.

Although it was a sword, it contained infinite good fortune. It could save people and the world, but it could also kill people and destroy the world.

This is the sword of good fortune!

Boom! ! !

When the swords collided, there was no endless sword light scattering in all directions. Instead, there was a huge sound that spread in all directions when they collided. However, the power was constantly dissipating. The endless green light diluted the blood-red light. One side was good at erosion, and the other side was good at creation.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and then a ray of green light passed by and fell on Dugu Qiubai.

In the end, the erosion blood light was defeated by the creation green light, and Tongtian won slightly.

Although he hit Dugu Qiubai, his power was exhausted after all, and there was no damage at all.

Even so, if it was someone else, he would still fall under the residual power of the sword.

Obviously, Tongtian won this sword.

"This sword made me sigh a lot. I learned a lot from fighting with my Taoist friend. If this battle ends and I survive by chance, I will definitely be able to step into a higher level of swordsmanship." Dugu Qiubai said with emotion. When he looked at Tongtian, he couldn't help but admire him.

Even though Dugu Qiubai had never seen such a sword move, the sword is used to kill the enemy, and the sword is the infinite and brilliant way to defeat the enemy, but in Tongtian's hands, although he did not show the side of saving the world and saving people, who is he, he can naturally see the way behind it.

"My Taoist friend is a god in swordsmanship, I am ashamed of myself. Although I haven't learned much from this move, I can also feel the depth of my Taoist swordsmanship. This move wins in the intention, not the swordsmanship." Tongtian shook his head and told him what he was thinking.

"Winning is winning, losing is losing. In the first sword, you and I were evenly matched, and in the second sword, you were better than me. Next is the third sword..." Dugu Qiubai stood with his left hand behind his back, speaking slowly.

Tongtian nodded and began to prepare for the third sword.

At this moment, the two of them seemed not to be fighting a life-and-death battle, but rather to be sparring in the way of swordsmanship.

"What are these two creatures doing? Don't they know that this is an invasion between the kingdoms of God? Why are they fighting one move at a time?"

"Yeah, I don't understand either. Maybe this is a duel between peerless swordsmen..."

"I have to say, this battle is really interesting."

"I have a sword. This sword is the best weapon in the world. The blade is three feet and seven inches, and the net weight is seven pounds and thirteen ounces."

"I also have a sword. This sword is the elite cold sword overseas. It can cut hair with a gust of wind. The blade is three feet and three inches, and the net weight is six pounds and four ounces."

"Brothers, I am not talented, but I also have a sword. This sword is a sword made of meat and stone, and it is also in the shape of a stick. It can be long or short, big or small. It can make a drought-stricken place rain. It is magical and infinite. Although it can't kill people, it can create people."

"Fuck, the above, this is a comment area, not a no-man's land !"

"Wang Abin, right? You drove openly? Why don't you call yourself Huang Abin?"

"Don't pay attention to him. Why did the other creature who didn't participate in the battle just look around and didn't take action after entering the other world?"

"Yes, is this still a battle between the kingdoms of God?"

"That's right. Didn't the forum say that the creatures in Ye Shen's kingdom are murderous and don't care about anything. They will destroy the kingdom of God at any time? Why did it change when it came to Tang Xia? "

"Could it be that there is something between the two of them..."

"Li Ke, right? You are dead. You dare to make up stories about Ye Shen. When Ye Shen finds out, you will die!"

At this time, countless people were watching this scene. Seeing that what should have been a crushing game turned into one person and one move, as if they were competing in kendo, they were a little dumbfounded.

Is this still a battle between the kingdoms of God?

Is this really not a ring battle?

No, a ring battle is not fought like this, right? Who fights the enemy one move at a time? After the fight, say something to praise the other party, and then make another move...


Star Domain Arena.

"What a pity, it would be great if Dugu Qiubai was in my kingdom of God..." Ye Xuan muttered. Isn't this kind of talented person the perfect human race he wants?

But there are still some problems with his ideas. This person seems to only have swordsmanship and no righteousness in his heart.

"Haha, if these creatures can't get rid of the shackles of the kingdom of God, I would be willing to exchange with you." Tang Xia smiled after hearing this.

Although Dugu Qiubai is strong, he is undoubtedly too low in foundation compared to those creatures in Ye Xuan's kingdom of God.

At the same time, Taishang is searching everywhere in the kingdom of God. His thoughts and supernatural powers are all over the universe. He transforms into thousands of incarnations to explore the infinite caves, just to see if he can find something that can help his second brother.

But he found nothing. He found that there seemed to be no treasures in this world. Not to mention the innate spiritual treasures, there is not even an object that can compare with the acquired spiritual treasures.

Although those magic weapons are powerful one by one, and some can be as good as innate spiritual treasures, they are not fundamentally spiritual treasures, because the upper limit of those treasures is there. If the strength increases and the world's foundation is enhanced, those treasures are so-called artifacts. They are also the butt of jokes.

However, although it cannot be upgraded, after the world is upgraded, it is actually possible to re-create a new magic weapon, but it is a little troublesome.

And the other side.

"The third sword - falling to the sky!!!"

With this sword, Tongtian was slightly defeated, but Dugu Qiufei was even better.

"The fourth sword - Aotian!"

After using this sword, there was no difference between the two, and it was a draw.

"The fifth sword - Xiaotian!"

This sword was used, but the two were still indistinguishable.

"The sixth sword - Zhan Tian!"

"The seventh sword - defeating the sky!"

"The eighth sword - destroy the sky!"

In the subsequent sword battles, the two were equally matched, with one move after another, making the ancient gods who were watching and comprehending from a distance all thousands of miles away from the original place.

They were all frightened by those shocking sword energies, and were forced to keep away, for fear of being involved again and suffering heavy losses.

"The first eight swords are considered a tie. No one has been able to make me use my full strength for a long time. It is my blessing to meet fellow Taoist today." Dugu Qiubai's eyes were filled with admiration. Said with sigh.

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