Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 216: Victory! A date with a beautiful lady

"Hahaha! I, Dugu Qiubai, have never been defeated since the beginning of my cultivation, except for the previous defeat by myself. After that, I practiced Dugu Nine Swords and never lost again. Today, I have achieved my wish. Thank you for your help!" Dugu Qiubai laughed heartily when he saw that the other party did not kill him.

In his state of mind, there seemed to be some breakthroughs.

The charm contained in one after another, and the charm of Taoism appeared from his body.

It seemed that he was about to break into the supreme realm. Tongtian's eyes condensed when he saw this. That was the breath of breaking through the realm to reach the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo! He had felt this breath from the Emperor of Heaven, but now thinking about it, he looked at the other party with some envy.

"Congratulations, you are about to break through the realm!"

"Hahaha! It's all thanks to today's battle! Thank you, fellow Taoist!" Dugu Qiubai was overjoyed when he heard the voice, and hurriedly bowed to Tongtian.

Tongtian quickly returned the greeting and said, "I have learned a lot from you in today's battle, and you have almost broken through to a higher realm, all thanks to you, not to you."

"Today is a great day, let's celebrate with wine. I, Dugu Qiubai, have been defeated once in my life, which is a great blessing in life. I should make it clear to you!" Dugu Qiubai did not say much about this, but invited him instead.

Tongtian also knew that although the other party's aura had a chance of breakthrough, it was not something that could be achieved in a short time. It would take many years to break through.

It's just that Dugu Qiubai has finally touched that threshold.


Tongtian laughed, anyway, the elder brother is still searching, why not go with him.

Just like that, a battle ended.

Tongtian won the duel, but lost the sword; and although Dugu Qiubai won the sword, he lost to Tongtian after all.

In this world, only strength matters. Who would talk to you about the level of enlightenment?

The two are just both swordsmen, so they are excited to see the prey and can't help but compete in swordsmanship.


"Who is the winner in this?"

"Let's say Ye Shen won. Except for those low-level creatures in Tang Xia's kingdom of God who died due to unforeseen disasters, the main fighters didn't die..."

"Let's say Tang Xia won. He didn't even enter Ye Shen's kingdom of God..."

"If you say they are tied, then the dueling creatures obviously lost to the creatures of Ye Shen's kingdom of God!"

At this moment, the outside world had different opinions and began to discuss.

They had never seen such a scene. That battle in the kingdom of God was a fight to the death. Either your creatures ran to the opposite world to plunder and destroy, or the creatures on the opposite side ran to your world to plunder and destroy...

Where has there been such a scene? Everyone is almost sworn brothers!

Look, they ran to the bamboo house to drink and discuss the way.

Both of them are the leaders of the sword art, and their fields are different. With the help of analogy, their sword art perceptions naturally rise rapidly.

Whether it is Tongtian's sword art or Dugu Qiubai's sword art, they are also sword arts in their own worlds. This time it is a collision of two worlds.


"The other creature seems to have something different..." Ji Fa narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes seemed to reach Tang Xia's kingdom of God through infinite time and space.

His eyes fell on Dugu Qiubai. It was a look that spanned infinite time and space. Although Dugu Qiubai was powerful, he still couldn't sense the arrival of that look.

Not to mention Dugu Qiubai, even Tang Xia himself couldn't feel it.

As long as they are willing, the other party can't sense it.

"Indeed, this is not a real native creature of the kingdom of God. It's strange to say that he is a god card, but he is not a god card..." Ying Zheng also said.

The five people had already been interested in the battle when they saw Dugu Qiubai.

As for Ye Xuan's creature, they knew instantly that it was Tongtian, one of the three pure ones in the legend. Although they didn't know whether it was really Tongtian of the three pure ones, they would definitely become Tongtian after practicing to the end.


In the Star Domain Arena.

"Ye Xuan, thank you." Tang Xia looked at Ye Xuan with her beautiful eyes flashing, and thanked him sincerely.

She didn't know how to enter the fourth level, but now Dugu Qiubai is about to reach the fourth level. It only takes a period of time to reach the fourth level naturally.

And the cause of all this is naturally because of his battle with Tongtian.

And in that battle, if Tongtian hadn't competed with him with swordsmanship, or asked others to come, Dugu Qiubai would not have had this kind of perception. The breakthrough of his state of mind and the increase of his swordsmanship perception, the superposition of the two, made Dugu Qiubai vaguely touch the existence of the fourth level.

"Why are you thanking me?" Ye Xuan was a little confused. His creature defeated the other creature, but she thanked him instead?

Could it be that the other party has some special hobbies?

For a moment, Ye Xuan looked at Tang Xia with a strange look.

When he saw that Tang Xia, who was so pure, might have some unique hobbies, Ye Xuan couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.


Ye Xuan immediately calmed himself down again, fearing that he would get more and more crooked.

"Because of you, I'm about to break through the fourth level of condensed godhood!" Tang Xia looked at the other party's strange eyes, frowned a little, and instinctively felt a little disgusted, but still explained.

"Oh! So that's how it is! This is all Dugu Qiubai's own luck, and it has nothing to do with me." Ye Xuan suddenly realized, and then he looked a little embarrassed.

Time passed quickly, and the time in the world passed very quickly, and soon a few years passed.

"I surrender!"

However, in reality, it was only a moment, and Tang Xia said surrender.

Then, the channel broke, and Tongtian and Taishang were both teleported to the prehistoric world.

Dugu Qiubai was stunned, and then he began to retreat and comprehend.

He had seen too many such situations, because he had experienced them many times in person.

"If you have time, you can come to Huaxia Star Region, Yunmeng System, Yunmeng Star System, Ruiyun Star to find me." Tang Xia said with a smile, leaving a contact number.

"Okay." Ye Xuan nodded, whether he went or not, he agreed to it, anyway, he didn't say he had to go, if he had time, he had time, I hadn't been free, what's the problem?

However, this scene was broadcast directly to all places in the entire Huaxia Star Region and Zuxing with the live broadcast, as long as someone saw it, they would hear it.

"Fuck, I'm so jealous! A date with a beautiful lady!!!"

"I'm jealous? I'm jealous that you're going to find her. Isn't she on Ruiyun Star?"

"What are you talking about? If I go, will she come to see me..."

"If you think you can beat the other person, just go..."

"That's right, she's the runner-up this year. If you're capable, go and meet her. Oh, by the way, Ye Shen's location is on Zuxing. There must be someone who doesn't know where Zuxing is, right? Girls with ideas can act now!"

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