Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 217 The shock of the deans of the five major colleges

The final of the star field competition was lonely. The purpose was to select 100 people to participate in the national competition. The national competition is also called the National Youth Cup. It is held once a year. The time for the national competition is not far away. It will be almost the same when the midterm of the next semester comes.

After Ye Xuan won the battle, he was waiting for the Tongtian Ranking to issue rewards.

The rewards in each star field are different. They all depend on the nomination of the five deans of the star field and the final review by the five deans of the five major colleges.

Creation Continent, Daxia Country.

Dazhou College, conference room.

In the huge conference room, there are only five figures. These five people are extremely powerful. They are all seventh-level creation gods, which are extremely rare.

After all, the number of seventh-level creation gods in the whole country can be counted.

"The champions of the star field competitions in the three thousand star fields have been decided. There are a total of 328 applicants for the rewards of the national treasure, and the rest are also the rewards of the star field treasure. I have checked the relevant rewards for the star field treasure. They are all very reasonable, and there is nothing unreasonable. You can all take a look."

Ji Chang, the dean of Da Zhou Academy, is the earliest seventh-level creation god among the deans of the five major academies. He is also one of the oldest and most powerful creation gods. He founded Da Zhou Academy and participated in the founding of Da Xia.

The predecessor of Da Zhou Academy, the Da Zhou Dynasty, was created by his ancestors. Together with the Da Qin Dynasty, the Da Han Dynasty, the Da Tang Dynasty, and the Da Ming Dynasty, it is also the five peak forces in Da Xia and the five strongest forces in the division of China.

Afterwards, after a long time of fighting, everyone found that the universe was vast and boundless. Then, under the leadership of a great man who successfully stepped into the eighth-level creation god, they successfully merged. From then on, there was only Da Xia in the world, and there were no five dynasties.

The five dynasties were transformed into five academies, which controlled all aspects of education in the country.

The founders of the five dynasties became the five elders of the country, controlling the administrative system of the entire country.

As for the five academies, they were handed over to their more outstanding descendants, that is, the five deans today.

With the huge supply of resources, the five deans also broke through to the realm of the seventh-level Creation God and successfully carried the banner.

Before the birth of the seventh-level Creation God to take over, the five deans would not resign from the position, but this wait would take many years.

"Well, there is nothing to see about the treasure of the star field. Since you think it is okay, then pass it." The dean of the Great Qin Academy, Yingji, scanned the list with his spiritual sense and finished reading it.

As for the treasure of the star field, in fact, these people don't care much about it at all. Just go through the motions. There is no need to be so serious.

Anyway, they were all given to these young people. Although there are more than 2,000 star field treasures, the universe is so vast that only this much is consumed in the star field competition in a year, which is just a drop in the bucket.

"No problem." Liu Bang, the dean of the Han Academy, also said.

Unlike Yingji, he actually read it through and reviewed it. He found that what was on the list was indeed what was needed.

All the information of the winning champions was placed in the appendix of the list, and what each champion wanted was also in line with the current needs of the kingdom of God.

This seems to be a large piece of information, but in fact they can read it all in an instant. Since there is no problem, it will naturally be very fast.

"I have no problem, pass." Li Yuan, the dean of the Tang Dynasty Academy, nodded and said.

"Passed." Zhu Yuanzhang, the dean of Daming College, said very concisely, and then said casually: "What about the list of 328 people who asked for the national treasure?"

There is basically no problem with the list of star field treasures, because it seems that the champion has not been decided when the game is not over, but in fact, the deans of the five major colleges in that star field basically have a number of who will win, so they have prepared the corresponding treasures to report early.

They have also received the list of those who have asked for treasures a long time ago. For the star field treasure, they generally have no opinion, even if the other party's request is a little too precious, but they will not say anything for the sake of the other colleagues who are also the chief judges.

But the national treasure is different. This thing is very rare, otherwise it would not be tested to see whether it will pass.

So, this thing has to wait until the champion comes out, and the deans of the five major colleges will uniformly review the other party's qualifications to see if the other party is qualified to get the national treasure.

After all, if you are not extremely talented, you don't deserve it.

But there are always some deans in the star fields who see that the national treasury is not theirs, so no matter how strong the winner is, they will directly report a national treasure. Anyway, if they fail, they will not lose, and if they pass, they will make a lot of money.

Therefore, the reputation of some star fields has become extremely bad in front of the deans of the five major colleges.

"This is the list this time, and the previous star fields are also reported in it." Ji Chang shared the list. He has always been responsible for handling the list. After all, Da Zhou College is also responsible for administrative matters.

The deans of the remaining four major colleges first quickly reviewed all the information, and then incarnated tens of millions of spiritual thoughts into the divine kingdoms of those students to see if there was really a need to cultivate the other's divine kingdoms.

after a little while.

"Hiss!!!" Ying Ji took a breath, and at the same time, the remaining three deans also had a look of shock on their faces.

"How could such a person appear in this year?" Li Yuan said in horror.

He had a spiritual thought that entered a world, and the strongest person in that world had reached the fourth level of strength. If that was the case, then he would not be surprised, because although level 4 does not appear every year in freshman year The creator gods, but those who have been able to reach the sixth level of creation over the years have all reached the fourth level in their freshman year.

Even after many arrived, they still failed to reach the sixth level of Creation God.

Therefore, if they are so surprised just because the other party is a fourth-level Creation God, it is not necessary. The reason why they are so surprised is because of one thing, that is, the potential of that world is endless.

A high-ranking Emperor of Heaven sits in all directions, and everything between heaven and earth seems to be in the palm of his hand.

However, the strange thing is that such a powerful being does not force other living beings to surrender to him. This is different from most kingdoms of gods.

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