Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 219 Zhu Yuanzhang suppresses Liu Bang!

As the saying goes, if the top beam is not straight, the bottom beam will be crooked, and when the top beam is an extremely hawkish person, it will lead to a group of crazy people following the bottom beam.

The reason why Daming College is a well-known crazy college is not because of anything else, but because it is led by Zhu Yuanzhang, a madman, and a large group of people who don't care about their lives, and then the students taught by him have also become crazy.

One by one, they just want to kill the other party by any means, completely ignoring their own injuries.

Of course, if they can kill the other party without damage, of course they will do it without damage. It just means that once they target someone, they will drag the other party down even if they die.


A sound of slamming the table was heard, and the table instantly turned into nothingness. It was Zhu Yuanzhang who stood up and glared at Liu Bang:

"Liu Bang! If you dare to attack Ye Xuan, I will kill you!!!"

"Hehe..." Liu Bang laughed disdainfully, but in fact he was a little terrified in his heart. If someone else threatened him like this, it would be fine, but it was Zhu Yuanzhang, that madman.

Not only was that guy extremely strong, but he was also a man who didn't care about his life.

Which seventh-level creator god didn't cherish his life to death and was afraid of dying? Unless he got angry, it was basically a fake fight.

But this guy seemed to be afraid that he couldn't die. Every time he fought, he chased the opponent and hammered hard, making the opponent angry, but the opponent couldn't kill him. In the end, he could only run away madly, because Zhu Yuanzhang didn't accept surrender. Either don't fight, or fight to death.


Zhu Yuanzhang saw that Liu Bang ignored his threat and laughed at him. How could he hold back his anger? He immediately stretched out his hand and punched him.


A very strong repressive force appeared, and everything in the entire conference room seemed to be suppressed in an instant, everything.

Liu Bang, who was facing this repressive force, had a flash of panic in his eyes. This crazy Zhu, dared to do it in front of so many people!

He was ready to fight back immediately, but just as he was about to fight back, a mysterious aura appeared and reshaped everything. Everything seemed to have never appeared, even Zhu Yuanzhang's repressive force disappeared.

The table that was originally slapped into nothingness by Zhu Yuanzhang reappeared.

"You two, don't fight when discussing things. Fighting is not good. We have been working together for so many years. If there is something, we can discuss it." Ji Chang, who stood up at some point, comforted Zhu Yuanzhang.

As for Liu Bang? Although he mentioned it in his words, he actually didn't care at all. It was he who stopped all this from happening.

"Humph!" Zhu Yuanzhang snorted at Liu Bang when he saw Ji Chang come out, and then sat down.

He couldn't stand Liu Bang the most. Liu Bang was the only one among these people that he looked down upon. The others got to this position by relying on their own strength, but Liu Bang got to this position by playing tricks.

This was already unbearable for him, and as a result, this kid wanted to kill Ye Xuan, who was the future of the country, so he exploded immediately.

If Xiang Yu could be allowed to be the dean of the Han Academy and successfully enter the seventh level, he would definitely be an invincible existence among the seventh level. Xiang Yu was really too terrifying. People who had not faced Xiang Yu directly could not understand the horror of this guy.

Xiang Yu was a young man at the beginning, not famous at all. He only began to emerge in the battle for the dean. Otherwise, the ancestors of the Han Dynasty would have directly appointed Xiang Yu, and Liu Bang would not have taken the position.

In fact, if the ancestors of the Han Dynasty were not a face-saving person, they would have directly cancelled Liu Bang's victory and directly appointed Xiang Yu. This kind of tough guy is what the country needs.

Conspiracies and tricks are almost useless in the battle between countries. Everything depends on strength, that is, Xiang Yu. If it were Xiang Yu, there would be no so-called true love.

Although they all have descendants, this is completely different from true love.

Perhaps this is the sadness of the God of War. No one is perfect. Giving Xiang Yu such a terrible fighting talent means that he is destined to have other defects.

Because Xiang Yu did not succeed in becoming the dean, he obtained countless fewer resources. Although he has obtained a lot of resources as the vice dean in recent years, he is naturally nothing compared to the dean.

"You..." Liu Bang was about to call him a lunatic, but before he could say it, he held it back with a sullen face. Ji Chang had finally persuaded the other party to sit down. If they fought again, he might really run away.

Although Liu Bang was not weak, who was not stronger than him?

Zhu Yuanzhang glared at each other, and the other three were speechless.

There was silence.

After a long while, Liu Bang finally spoke:

"My previous intention was not to kill Ye Xuan, but to say that I am not concerned with the same point as you. What surprised me is that his kingdom of God was created from the waste world."

"You should know that the Chaos World is a well-known waste world. At the beginning, I also had a descendant in the Chaos World. I tried every means to help him succeed, but you also know that the Chaos is full of three thousand avenues. It is the only world with complete avenues."

"And it is also the three thousand avenues that make it successful and the three thousand avenues that make it fail. The three thousand avenues are chaotic and disorderly, and it is impossible to give birth to living beings, and it is impossible to step into the first-level creation god."

"I even personally helped that heir create a world of chaos, but unfortunately, I didn't do it. I also thought about using the avenue to transform living beings, but no matter how I did it, no matter how I guided it, this world just couldn't be born. Ling finally had no choice but to give up and help him create a new world."

Liu Bang sighed. If he had known that a peerless genius could successfully create a world of chaos in the future, he would definitely not have helped that heir wash away the world of chaos and rebuild the world.

He will try every means to let the descendant live for hundreds of millions of years as a mortal, and then go to Ye Xuan to find a way to open up.

"So, how did he manage to communicate with the avenue and create a green lotus!" Liu Bang said quietly, quite curiously.

If he hadn't been afraid of Zhu Yuanzhang, he would have arrested Ye Xuan for questioning.

He also tried to communicate with Dao at first, but Dao didn't tolerate him at all.

Everything about Ye Xuan, all the secrets, except for time travel, everything else is not a secret in front of these people, and everything is discovered by the five of them.

From birth to now, all the things, big and small details, are all seen by the five people.

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